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  1. Yes and no. I believe the Wing T is a very good offense to help get some teams some wins and for teams that may not have much overall talent, which can help that team wins some games. However, I think the Wing T also limits teams when they do have more talent and doesn’t allow them to reach their true ceiling. Which is why you may see some wing T teams win a good amount of games against average and below average teams. But then struggle to get those wins when they play more top 10 level type teams. So I think it depends where you are at as a program. If you are a program that is down and looking to try to find a way to win more games with limited talent. Then it is a good offense to run. If you are a talented team, then I think it limits you some and prevents you from truly taking next step as a program.
  2. Cal and the Oakland coach are very close friends. So just scheduling a game against a friend, no more, no less.
  3. Looking at that pic it would be the bottom left corner of the field. Steps come in from that corner, which is an elevated lot where coaches usually parked.
  4. If James truly wants another title, I think he should consider going to the Warriors. Allow the Warriors to move on from Green and his antics, and James basically fills Green's role of that point forward that Green has, but also would bring more scoring. I think the Warriors and Curry can make one more run at it, and adding James would be the missing piece for both James and the Warriors.
  5. I agree. If Walton looks to bring in someone from outside the program to get a new perspective that he would be a good hire if he applies for it. A good young coach with a lot of experience that has worked with some very good coaches in NKY, as I believe he was also at Conner before coming to Cooper.
  6. Correct. Woody McMillen was the first head coach for the program, but only for the first year. Then I believe he had to step down for either health or family reasons after that first year. Then Barth took over for him starting in year two. Which now Barth is back with Woody at Ludlow.
  7. Does anyone know if he is close to retirement? If so it could be to up his top pay for retirement since I believe Ludlow pays more than Walton in regards to teaching salaries.
  8. Honestly to hard to really predict since not really knowing what Pope likes in his starters. His first few guys he brought in were known more for their defense, and then now also brought in a lot of good shooters. We know his offense is fast paced with a lot of three point shots. So does he start the game with more of his shooters, or like a mix n match with a few defensive guys with shooters. Just to hard to really predict, since no real true like stud where you know they would start. The only one I feel pretty confident in saying he will start is Williams at center. Other than that it’s a pure guess. However, if I had to guess I would go with. Pg Butler Sg Kriisa SF Oweh PF Almonoh C Williams
  9. Ha same. Only time I have heard of most of these players were when their names were first introduced as guys UK we’re interested in and then I read up about them. Other than that I didn’t know much about any of them except for like 3 players.
  10. I know. I’m actually trying to help get players to still have a chance to benefit from NIL. If they were a rather unknown recruit and ended up at a small school and didn’t get an NIL deal. This would allow them an opportunity to benefit if they blow up and transfer right away so they can make money and not be stuck at that small school for a second year not making anything.
  11. Good graphic of the roster from @wildcatsongue on Twitter (x)
  12. It is not much different than what you originally posted of a free transfer after they been at a school for two years. I'm just saying getting an NIL deal going into your freshman year is what initiates that having to stay for two years before getting that free transfer. The only change basically I included was IF they don't have an NIL deal going into their freshman year, they don't have to do the stay for two years before having a free transfer. Basically allows those small school players that maybe didn't get an NIL deal to be able to transfer after one year without having to sit out, this way they can capitalize now on probably being able to get an NIL deal if they have a good freshman year.
  13. When did they start having teams do two Thursday night games? I thought everyone only got one Thursday night game, and that every team had to have one. Yet this year there are many teams with two Thursday games, and about 6 teams that don't even have a Thursday night game. I don't remember it being like this before.
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