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Posts posted by kypride

  1. To the OP. Yes Freshman football is very hard to pull off in the middle of 5a and down. There are random teams here and there. Out of lets say 192 football schools about 45 can field a freshman team every year. The answer below that is froshmore games where no juniors are allowed to play. Bowling Green had 109 kids on the roster last season but had to play 2 froshmore games because thats what the opponent had to do. It doesn't matter if you adamantly insist in playing a full freshman schedule. You have to have opponents too. Opponents close enough for a freshman weeknight travel. The 45 schools I spoke of are concentrated in a couple of areas not spread evenly in the state.

  2. The sky is falling!

    A. Coaches are getting out and not being replaced at the same speed.

    B. The game is evolving at a greater pace than ever and in KY Julian should get some credit for that.

    At many schools, anecdotally yes numbers are down.


    C. Last season more kids played football in the state of Kentucky than ever in the history of the game.

  3. I think Rodney Armes did that at LaRue. Was the MS coach and went directly in the HS HFC position. He had well over 100 wins in his tenure. If memory serves me correct...but I can't think of another off the top of my head.

    I consider Armes a success so there you go, if that's true.

  4. Don't know if the Foley rumors are true but I do know three things:


    1) If you can coach middle school kids effectively, you can coach ANY level effectively. False


    2) Question about middle school coaches miss a major point... Unlike OCs/DCs, middle school HCs have actually run a program. They have made a practice schedule, taken care of transportation, developed a budget, supervised coaches, & dealt with administrators. The best middle school HCs run their programs much like HS programs, anyway, which leads me to my next point... True


    3) Foley is one of the best middle school coaches around. His teams are ALWAYS among the best in the state. Talent


    There are also questions about where the talent came from.

  5. Don't know if the Foley rumors are true but I do know three things:


    1) If you can coach middle school kids effectively, you can coach ANY level effectively.


    2) Question about middle school coaches miss a major point... Unlike OCs/DCs, middle school HCs have actually run a program. They have made a practice schedule, taken care of transportation, developed a budget, supervised coaches, & dealt with administrators. The best middle school HCs run their programs much like HS programs, anyway, which leads me to my next point...


    3) Foley is one of the best middle school coaches around. His teams are ALWAYS among the best in the state. The experience arguments are bunk... He has plenty of experience. I don't know if he will succeed at Taylor, but it won't be because he is not a good-enough coach, because he "ONLY" coached middle school.


    I'm not going to poo poo this hire because quite frankly people dont want to work for Roger.

    I do have a question. Give me an example of a middle school HC who has moved straight to hs HC and strung together 3-4 winning seasons at any point. Foley may become the first and that's cool but that's not happened yet.

  6. I have Spectrum too - sucked they did not do the free movie weekend as TWC has done in the past. I also wanted to pass something along that those of you who now have Spectrum may not have realized. I called them when my bill went up last month to see what options there were to keep the price the same. they told me that Time Warner pricing went up and that is why I was seeing an increase, but they would check Spectrum pricing. They came back and said I could keep the same service, switch out my modem, get a five time increase in internet speed, and the bill would only increase like 5 bucks a month. So, I said wait I thought I had Spectrum and not TWC any more. They said correct, but the company is maintaining separate pricing strategies for those old TWC customers, and not forcing them over to the Spectrum pricing. So, lesson is, ask for BOTH price plans if you are an old TWC customer now with Spectrum. My dad did the same, and since he does not use internet, he reduced his bill by $30 a month.


    I had the exact opposite experience. Service agent told me I was grandfathered in on my TWC package but if i wanted to change anything I had to go to spectrum pricing and it was higher.

  7. Go ahead and ask their fans. They have not been under center, in a 3 point stance, or employed a TE in 2 years. FACT.


    They have a 240 pound running back and a 260 pound fullback on the field 90% of the time. FACT. I don't know who your team is or what they did to you but they are probably going to keep doing it, because they are physically imposing their will on all but 2 teams in the state. The entire offense is power and counter and plays to protect power and counter. FACT. We have been over this. You should probably argue with someone else.

  8. St. X has not had a lineman in a 3 point stance in more than 2 years. Their goal line and short yardage run game sucks.


    Yeah, I know about your hatred of X. One of the most physical programs in the state of Kentucky. Lets ask their fans if they only get in spread formations.

  9. Yes, the Patriots do get in Empty from time to time in short yardage. And they are often successful with it. My point in all of this discussion is that teams that ONLY align in spread formations and ONLY have their linemen in 2 point stances are not sound. I just think well-rounded offenses need to have the capability to get under center at times, employ a FB and multiple TE's, get in 3 point stances, and run downhill on occasion. I also think well-rounded offenses need to have the capability to spread it out, get in shotgun and 2 point stances, and be productive in the passing game and spread runs. I think the ALL or NONE issue is what plagues many high school offenses. I mean, the best high school offense in Kentucky for the past 15 years is Trinity. They do all of this stuff when they need it. Their offense is much more situationally productive now than it was 15 years ago when they were all spread. Just like they are more productive offensively than they were 25 years ago when they were never spread.


    Like I said earlier this team you hate is imaginary. Name 1 team and we will ask their fans if they do what you say.

  10. By you logic, I guess NFL coaches are idiots. I don't see many of them in 2 point stances in short yardage and goalline. In fact, I don't see many of them in shotgun in those situations. In my mind, there will always be a place in football for the QB to be under center, a FB, and multiple TE's. Not necessarily every snap, but there is a time and place for it. In fact, I just read an article on ESPN.com where Louisville is focusing on under center offense during the spring with Lamar Jackson.


    Yeah, I know, and you think Belichick is an idiot when Brady is in empty on 3rd and 1 and throws a slant for a first down.

  11. You just made my argument for me. 27-7 as a Conference USA team and only flirted with the top 25. Any player that is good enough to play for UCONN or Notre Dame is too talented for WKU. I think it would be a huge step down for her if she came to WKU.

    That division 1 tuition spends the same in Bowling Green as South Bend and she has decided she didn't like the South Bend version. Her ego may not be as big as yours.

  12. The difference is what the two different positions are asked to do. The role of the 6 technique defensive end is to hit the TE, shed his block, and pursue to that ball to make a tackle. His job is not necessarily to knock the TE back. The job of an offensive lineman in short yardage situations is to knock the defender back. Which I believe can best be accomplished while coming out of a 3 point stance. I am not saying that an offensive lineman should never be in a 2 point stance. I just think coaches that have their offensive linemen in 2 point stances regardless of the situation are not wise. In obvious run situations, get your hand in the dirt, come off of the ball, and knock the defense back!

    False. On 3rd and 1 they are both trying to win the pad level battle, win the gap, and move the LOS.

  13. The difference is what the two different positions are asked to do. The role of the 6 technique defensive end is to hit the TE, shed his block, and pursue to that ball to make a tackle. His job is not necessarily to knock the TE back. The job of an offensive lineman in short yardage situations is to knock the defender back. Which I believe can best be accomplished while coming out of a 3 point stance. I am not saying that an offensive lineman should never be in a 2 point stance. I just think coaches that have their offensive linemen in 2 point stances regardless of the situation are not wise. In obvious run situations, get your hand in the dirt, come off of the ball, and knock the defense back!


    I think its laziness in doing what has been done. I think its easier for the average coach to get a kids hips down and pad level low. Just because something is easier doesn't make it better. In the grand scheme of things 3rd and 1 and goaline is a fake way to argue style because the evil "spread teams" that win usually have the line in a 3 point stance in those situations if they are running the football inside.

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