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Posts posted by kypride

  1. Won't they be in jail after the Feds come in? One of the main reasons the cycle stays the same is because nothing changes. You can remove the drug dealers off the corner Friday morning in a raid. They'll be new drug dealers on the corner Friday afternoon. How about giving the kids something to live for by giving them a proper education? The schools in the inner city are some of the worst schools in the country with some of the worst teachers in the country? Why is that? Because no one in their right mind can stay positive in an environment like that. The main reason the inner cities stay the way they are is because of the constants in the inner city. Drugs, crime, horrible schools, horrible homes and no jobs anywhere because no smart person opens a business in a war zone other than liquor stores and pawn shops. Until these neighborhoods are fixed from top to bottom then nothing is going to change other than the gangsters running the neighborhood. I don't care how many Feds Trump sends in.

    You don't want the feds in you can't start your defense with "after the feds come in" In your utopia the feds didn't come in.

  2. Looks like an improving economy and misdemeanor arrests helped there. As for Chicago the economy in the inner city is drugs and guns. Find other ways for those criminals to have a job and I'm sure it would have the same effect as New York.


    If you think a CURRENT gangster whos income is drug related and lucrative is going to reform and take a lower paying legitimate job that is more work then you can keep dreaming.

  3. I can see quite a few gun battles going on before folks get rounded up. It's already a war zone chock full of criminals who don't care. I don't see them quietly giving up their enterprises and surrending. They already don't respect the law. Why would they now?


    And again, say the Feds roll in and everyone does go quietly. No gunfire. 10,000 criminals surrender. You do know that by the next month there will be 10,000 new criminals in place still making money off of illegal drugs?


    In this utopia after the drugs are harder to get and the schools are better and there is more legitimate bussiness where are the gangsters going to go? What are they going to do? Say I'm sorry, hold hands and sing songs together?

  4. What hasn't been noted, and I just thought I'd put my two bits in, has to do with more than just pumping the iron. Weight room and off season conditioning/training teaches discipline and is where a lot of team chemistry is built. Teams with a Personal Best bell, whistle command, accountability teams, matt drills, things of this nature tend to get the most out of their student athletes in the fall as well as in the weight room during the off season.


    For those of us who aren't weight room gurus, a great start up point that you can often split funds with in an academic area is getting certified in the Bigger Faster Stronger program. It's a great starting point for young coaches with little to no weight room experience or studying.



  5. And I'm saying you are "that guy". There are poor kids all over America who are elite that can't afford those. There are hs programs all over the country doing speed and agility at school and are elite. I'm saying there are elite athletes all over the county playing football and straight into basketball and track who have never paid anyone a penny.

  6. LOL, What? How can you possibly even consider Trame in comparison to HOFer's Mac Whitaker or Nelson Faris... Wow, I don't get it.


    What if? Say with me. Just maybe, what if the talent isn't equal at 2 schools and players are more responsible for wins than coaches? :eek:I know, right? MIND BLOWN.

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