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Posts posted by kypride

  1. I thought it was the best DC movie yet. What I say next is not intended as criticism, just my take. I thought it was sooooo similar to Captain America. Female with a shield instead of male with a shield, WW1 instead of WW2, gritty-worn somewhat darker environments, small band of soldiers on a special mission in both, love interest Peggy Carter vs Steve Trevor.

  2. If it is here and now, today, I would say Brandon Smith.


    He's done a great job in a brief time at South Warren.


    I love Brandon. I think he has done a great job. Probably learned many lessons from his dad and his playing days at WKU. The one thing you all act like you don't know is he wasn't the first coach at South Warren. Isnt even the first coach to win a regional title at South Warren.

  3. I think there are probably some genuine points of disagreement between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Merkel that are worthy of discussion. She grew up under the thumb of East German communism and is now the leader of a Christian Democratic Party that rightly fears the sorts of strongmen that Mr. Trump seems to want to work with. Now tha fear only goes so far as German cooperation with companies like Gazprom has helped them secure cheap natural gas via Russian pipelines.


    Still, I don't think we should cast aside a lack of shared vision between the largest country in the EU and US casually.


    My #1 problem with Trump. He does too many things quickly and casually.

  4. Most Sweet 16 Wins Last 5 Years.

    1. Bowling Green 10 wins (1 Championship)

    2. Covington Catholic 6 wins (1 Championship)

    3. Ballard 5 wins

    4. Scott County 4 wins

    4. Madison Central 4 wins (1 Championship)

    4. Hopkinsville 4 wins

    4. Owensboro 4 wins (1 Championship)

    4. Doss 4 wins

    4. Dunbar 4 wins (1 Championship)

  5. Most Sweet 16 Wins Last 10 Years.

    1. Bowling Green. 10 wins (1 Championship)

    2. Scott County. 9 wins (1 Championship)

    3. Ballard. 8 wins

    3. Holmes. 8 wins (1 Championship

    5. Mason County. 6 wins (1 Championship)

    5. Covington Catholic. 6 wins (1 Championship)

    5. Trinity. 6 wins (1 Championship)

  6. I would do it every 2 years DF. Just add up the playoff wins for the 2 years at the top and at the bottom do the 2 year losses like they do the KHSAA tiebreakers now but inversely valuing who you lost to. People immediately think of just how far a Mayfield would move up but equally important would be the opportunity for an Atherton and Ohio county to sink out of 6a and find an equilibrium in a level where games can be competitive and matter.

  7. Cubs GM Theo Epstein’s message to Yale’s graduating class focused on a moment from Game 7 of the World Series.


    When the game went into a rain delay late, the Cubs players didn’t go off on their own. They stayed together and motivated each other, and they went on to win.


    “One day I will tell (my sons) Jack and Drew that some players, and some of us, go through their careers with their heads down, focused on our craft and our tasks, keeping to ourselves, worrying about our numbers or our grades, pursuing the next objective goal, building our resumes, projecting our individual interests,” he said.


    “Other players, or others amongst us, go through our careers with our heads up, as a real part of a team, alert and aware of others, embracing difference, employing empathy, genuinely connecting, putting collective interests ahead of our own. It is a choice. The former approach, keeping our head down, seems safer and more efficient. And I guess sometimes, it is. The latter, connecting, keeping our heads up, allows us to lead. And every now and then, to be part of something much greater than ourselves. and therefore to truly triumph.”

  8. Lol. Nice, well thought out argument. Trust me, I have a pretty good idea how hs football works. I know how it works in real life rather than just on a message board.


    There's a lot of coaches on this board. Some more successful than others. See if you can rustle up support for your claim that 1 and 4 will take care of themselves. I'll be back to get the update periodically. 3 and 5 you can ask for and other people will decide if it happens or not. 1 and 4, you have no clue.

  9. 2,3, and 5 are the responsibility of the head coach. These are things expected of coaches. If you do 2, 3, and 5 well 1 and 4 will take care of themselves to a degree.


    Being a successful head coach is difficult. If it was easy anyone could be a successful coach. Coach Griffith knew what he was getting into. I don't agree with bailing on the kids so quickly, at Boone and Barren. Good coaches stick it out and turn it around.


    You have literally no idea how HS football works.

  10. I agree with the above comments; the Boone job is now a difficult situation. However, Boone was in the state semis about 15 months prior to coach Griffith getting the position, which he sought with vigor. Then he leaves after two years and one loss. Now he has done it to Barren. Great coaches don't do that.


    I don't know if he is great or if anyone even mentioned the word great. I don't know if you know this, but there are 5 things a HC has to have for the program to be great.

    1. Some game changing, probably fast, players.

    2. A fairly large number of strong, mentally tough, role players.

    3. Quality staff in fairly large numbers.

    4. Administrators with a backbone and at least a willingness to not hinder success.

    5. A fairly large number of parents who buy in or at least stay out of the way.

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