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Posts posted by oldjarhead

  1. Yes I was here in 07. Maybe fans were still upset, but the coaches were not . I have been around freshman football for the past 6 years and I have never seen any freshman teams play an extra game after the season is over.

    Khsaa will not allow this, if I'm not mistaken, that would against the rules.


    Thanks, I've been asking that for a few days and couldn't get an answer.

  2. Actually, that is not true. Ryle coaches and players were upset over that one defeat that kept them out of the championship. But they didn't cry for months about it as you say they did. I know they went right back to work determine to do better. And Ryle saying no to a game with Cooper is far from the truth ! They would love to play them, but they have a full schedule and it cannot be done for that reason. So who ever gave you that information about Ryle not wanting to play them, misinformed you.


    I know their schedule is full. :deadhorse: In past years I have heard of freshmen teams getting together for an extra game when the season is over. I'm just asking, can they do that??? But if you were on BGP two years ago in Dec. of 07 their were still a ton of Ryle people not letting it go.

  3. This one will come down to mistakes and penalties and who makesame the most of them will lose. Ryle must find a way to slow down the Pioneer ground game and continue it's own balanced offensive attack. Really close one....but,going to be a homer and pick Ryle 38-35.


    You hit the nail on the head. Mistakes and penalties. Both S.K. and Ryles only loss came when they turned the ball over. I think Ryle may have the edge in the kicking game. This is the must see game this week. And thanks to Fox sport it is on Thursday. I think I'll flip a coin for my pick. :idunno:

  4. I agree with you...Fort Campbell is Top Five in the State...


    Highlands Clear cut # 1.

    2-5 in any order...




    Boyle Co.

    Ft. Campbell...


    Just my opinion.:thumb:


    Henry Clay, Tates Creek, Fern Creek, Male, Simon Kenton, Conner, Ryle. just to name a few. In NKY 6a they might now even make the playoffs. IMO

  5. With the 6 class system schools would seem to me to be on the "borderline" of moving up or down in class more often then in a 4 class system, so help me understand the criteria.


    1. Is it just male enrollment that counts?

    2. If your school is 10-12 grades instead of 9-12 does that affect the numbers?

    3. Are there any differences at all for private schools?

    4. Can a school opt to stay in a certain class or move up in class even if their enrollment is low?


    I know a school can move up. I don't think they can move down. If it went by numbers only, Highlands would be in 3a. The other questions I'm not sure. Good questions. We might have to wait until tomorrow to find out. I'm sure most BGP's are on their way to a game. 6:30 on Friday whats wrong with us? :confused:

  6. Ft Campbell, imo, would be the favorite to win 3a, just like they are 2a. They would be right up there with Boyle and Bell in 4a, as well, possibly even a slight favorite over Bell and about on even turk with Boyle. They would likely be a Top 3-5 team in 5a. Highlands would be the only 5a team that would be much of a favorite over them and they could play with Highlands as well if not better than most the others, simply because of there athleticism. BGreen and JHardin would be a great game against Ft Campbell. I think the Falcons would beat the next best 5a teams. In 6a, they would be behind the big 2 and prob 3 to 4 other teams, but, they'd be right in the thick of things after the Top 2. If behind, just slightly behind..


    Now that funny, I don't care who you are, that funny. :laugh:

  7. Could they or could they not play an extra game at the end of the year? I don't know? I think their would be a lot of people show up to watch this game. I've seen both teams play this year and IMO Ryle would win. But for Ryle fans to say even if Cooper go undefeated they shouldn't be in the discussion is wrong. To say small schools are not as good as big schools is funny. Just look at last year. Beechwood a very small school ran all over Ryle.

  8. All due respect to Voice of Reason and to Cooper because they do have some very good athletes, but there is no way they would be in the discussion this year. They have not played the upper tear schedule compared to teams like Ryle, CCH, Highlands, SK, etc. If Cooper blows two small schools away that would be great but it is being decided on the field between the 4 schools mentioned above. Cooper should have played up where they belong. Until they do, nothing to discuss.


    Two years ago when the Ryle freshmen only loss was to S.K. and Highlands who Ryle beat got to play S.K. in the championship. The Ryle coaches, players, and FANS, cried for months they should be in the championship game. If Cooper end the season with out a loss they have the right to claim they are the best also. So unless you play them your going to hear it. And from what I am hearing they want too. Its Ryle saying no. I know the kids would be willing to play one extra at the end of the season. :taz:

  9. What I'm saying is this.....Giving the ball to the opponent's best runner, in open field, with a 15-20 yard head of steam can spell trouble, especially at the freshman level. You are much more likely to give up a big return than you are to cover the kick and tackle the ball carrier deep in their end of the field. Giving the receiving team the ball at their 40 may not be a bad compromise.


    If Scott County had onside kicked all of their kickoffs and not given up the return for touchdown, the outcome likely would have been a 14 - 14 tie.


    It worked out well for Cooper. They won the game. In 50 plus years of playing, coaching, and watching football I have never seen a team onside kick every time. Even if you kick it out of bounds the team would be starting farther back. Or a low line drive. Even a high short kick to the second line of the return team. As much as they on side it they should be better at it. Not once were they even close to getting one. Big risk by the coaches. It paided off.

  10. If Ryle isn't the best Freshman team right now who is? 6-0 with wins over CocCath, Sk and Highlands, we'll see how they do against Boone next week. Maybe Cooper claims a stake?


    I went to the Cooper vs Scott County game last night. Cooper proved themself against a very good team. But they play a lot of players both ways. I think with Ryles depth Ryle would pull away late in the game. It sure would be nice if they could play each other after the playoffs. :dancingpa

  11. #5 is Taylor Centers and is very tough. He has seen some time in the last couple of weeks with the varsity and actually didn't play with the Freshman last week in Newport. I believe he will no longer play with this Freshman team this year and play strictly varsity or JV. I think the coaches just wanted to see what this team could do as a whole against one of the big schools.


    He is ready for J.V. If he gets in varsity I hope its only when the other teams are playing their #2s. With the teams Cooper will be going up against the next 3 weeks he could get hurt. I've seen it happen too many times. I know this may sound crazy to most of you. But he reminds me of Miles Simpson 3 years ago.

  12. I'm not a big fan of him either. No offense, but it's to obnoxious. However, if he fires up the Camels, and Camel faithful, then he's done his job.


    I have been over to Campbell 6 or 7 times in the past 3 years. At first I thought he was obnoxious. After a few games I started to think he was funny. One game he questioned a call by the Ref. I thought that was wrong. Any way the fact that most people are talking about him and not the football tells you were their program is right now. SAD :cry:

  13. I can almost guarantee Quainoo is faster, stronger, and more agile than Simpson, he just lacks size. He also, sadly, is not very committed to the sport. But I heard he was hurt and didn't practice all week? This would be a huge loss for Boone.


    Connor's O-line needs work so if Boone's D-line can penetrate and contain West than Boone's DB's will handle Connor's recievers. Campbell County and Connor both play spread offenses and Boone's defense did a good job last week. I predict a very emotional game for both teams.


    Hope he healthy. If not I'll take Conner. But I've seen them both several times. He may stronger or agile. But no way is he faster. :ohbrother:

  14. If Cooper had one kick off returned for a touchdown and one returned for 50 yards or so, maybe the Cooper coaches' decision to on side kick and limit returns was smarter than Scott County's decision to kick deep??????


    Not sure what you saying. Scott County never ran a kick back. Cooper did all onside kicks. And after Cooper ran a kick back Scott County did all onside kicks. I guess if you beleave in your D that much go ahead and give them a short field every time. After having a couple hour to think about it. The Cooper teams remind me a lot of the S.K. from a couple years ago that did not lose a game. Every big play in the game the Cooper players steped up an answered the call. #5 from Cooper is a beast. He will be ready to fill Bradley's shoes in a couple years. Best game I'f seen in a couple years. Any level. :thumb:

  15. :clap:Cooper pulled it out with two minutes to go. Hard fought game on both sides of the ball. The Cooper coaches tried to give the game away. Not only with two minutes to go but every kick off they onside kicked the ball. Never work, every Scott County drive started on the Cooper side of the field. Cooper fans were very upset. Any way, Cooper proved themselves tonght. They could play with the Big Boys. :clap:

  16. I would have to say they would be competitive against almost any team in the state. The big win over Warren Central bolsters that argument. Right now, they have to be the most prohibitive favorite in any class to win the state title.


    New Cath has played Dixie, and Cov. Cath. Both top 10 in 5a. Ryle and S.K. both top ten in 6a. It dosn't get much tougher than that. But I agree with you if F.C. dosn't win 2a it will be a big upset.

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