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Everything posted by EKUAlum05

  1. I worded it poorly... it was meant to refer to the 5 TD disparity I was talking about. SC's slow style cuases posessions to be limited and gives teams less opportunities to score. The deficit was meant to imply at the beginning of the game and not during. Sorry.
  2. Belfry is 5TD's better than SC as long as they stay focused at the task at hand and not looking forward. SC's style is conducive to quickly erase deficets and shorten the game. Belfry 35 SC 14
  3. They did after the Belfry game...oh, how they questioned him...
  4. After the game he basically admitted he made the wrong all, and said that the kids were pleading for him to go for two and he caved in to them. Also made a hillarious quote when he said, "When I die they can put on my tombstone 'He went for two'" :lol: This could potentially be a nice sub-storyline. Matney has won some major games in his day going for two.
  5. I have a question for the Johnson Central fans: Assuming this is a close game late and JC scores a touchdown and are an XP away from tying the game, will Matney go for 2 or go for 1? Will be interesting to see if he is still snakebit from the Belfry game when going for two backfired and he took alot of heat.
  6. Once you get somewhat close to the high school you will be set... it will be crowded, early.
  7. But Pete Carroll WILL run it up to whatever the point spread is. The man loves making sure his teams cover for some reason.:sssh:
  8. Fantastic and respectful post leatherneck.... I am not a JC fan, but I do know their program well, and have seen Matney coached teams pretty much every year over the past 15 years. Here is what Highlands can expect that you can't see on paper on game film: 1. (This is in no way my beliefs but what I would put money JC belives) Expect a team to come in with the biggest chip on their shoulder you have ever seen. Right now every player on JC's team has been drilled that they have no shot in this game from anyone outside of Paintsville... well make that half of Paintsville. That Highlands has advantages they do not have, that Highlands is overlooking them, that Highland has no respect for them. Friday JC is playing the best Highlands team of All-Time. 2. Expect JC players to believe that this game and season is their legacy. The 2006 team came short of cementing JC on the grand stage, but Friday they can prove they are ready to compete with anyone in the state in any year. 3. A quarter of the plays that Highlands has scouted and made the effort to plan for won't even come close to being used this week, additionally, another 6 or 7 plays that Highlands has not seen JC run will be integrated for this game. People can say whatever they want about Jim Matney, but there is no denying the man's passion is football. He lives for Friday's like this and he has so much care for his players that they in turn live for Friday's such as this as well. Additionally, agree or disagree with things he says, you will not find a head coach better at motivating his team and playing the underdog card. JC may be 11-1, but they have been the underdog in all 12 games they have played in some way shape or form IMO, Highlands is 4 TD's better than JC in terms of talent and championship experience. But, anything less than Highlands A game, coupled with homefield advantage, and JC's mindset as the underdog could potentially make this a very, very close game.
  9. USC by as many points as Charlie Weiss would consume in a single dinner of weight watchers.... anywhere between 70-100.
  10. Rumor has it the reason the City of Louisville has opted out of bidding for the state Football Finals is because UL realized that by hosting them they would put the sacred logo at risk of being trampled by 12 different teams with no protection from the UL players....
  11. Etown has lost their star WR Gohman for the remainder of the season after suffering a shoulder injury. The QB is also apparently banged up. Central 42 Etown 14
  12. I think JC should move the game to Thanksgiving Day.....
  13. He is MUCH bigger than 6' 175.... http://www.wkyt.com/wymtsportsovertime The Breathitt highlights are around the 16:15 minute mark when you click on the video that says "Sports Overtime November 21"
  14. And the saga continues... That daggone logo seems to be more scared than the Holy Grail!
  15. Eta Rho is making a strong case to replace westsider as the JC fanbase's most despised BGP poster. :lol:
  16. I am going to say this about Ivan Lee. Colleges need to be all over this kid. He is not a High D-1 type of guy, but schools like Eastern, Western, Marshall, etc should be drooling over a 6'2 250 kid who has great speed, great footwork, great agility, great strength, and above all else has a very high character. Ivan gets his glory because he a touchdown scoring machine at RB, but he has to be one of the best DE"s in the state as well. I truly hope he has a good playoff run and can shine in the Championship game so this high quality kid can ahve a shot to play his college ball for free.
  17. I was at the game and I agree with you to some extent. Highlands controlled the game and was never truly threatened. SC had a good showing and kept the game respectable, but never really put Highlands into a state of feeling the game was close. SC had pulled a miracle upset off the previous week against Belfry (a game all Belfry fans have fresh in their minds this week). That Belfry team would have matched up with Highlands a little better,especially physically, that Belfry team had defeated Ironton, OH that year who then went on to be Runner-ups in Division 4 in Ohio. But, I have no problem saying that Highlands would have beat them fairly handidly as well had they played, at least 3 TD's. BUT, I think it is safe to say that SC played them closer than any other 3A team that year, save CovCath. Highlands went on the next week and beat the stuffings out of Owensboro in the Finals.
  18. I agree with you on Pack.. you put him on a team with a good line and a few other offensive options and he is a superstar. Varney is the most versatile player in EKY, and he truly is good at every aspect he does. Channing Fugate is simply one of those rare backs that come along once in a blue moon.
  19. Fugate is the man but Thomas Varney didn't impress you any tonight? 180+ yards on less than 15 carries running inside, outside, over, and around?
  20. Actually this was the best story of the game. Letcher Central QB Charlie Banks is a SPECIAL, SPECIAL football player. He basically is their entire offense. He passes, he runs, he leads the team. Banks kicked a field goal early in the game and was later knocked out of the game with a concussion. Trailing 12-10 late in the game, Banks comes back on the field from his injury and kicks the game winning field goal. He also had a very big night on defense as well.
  21. Oh no... I foresee alot of Highlands fans being re-directed on US 23 South instead of North and ending up in Tennesee. Highlands fans,,, read only the green and white signs that the State of KY puts up not, hand drawn sign telling you where to go! :eek:
  22. JC does have a VERY, VERY good DB in Ian Welch. Him and Collinsworth are both about as good as you will find in the entire state.
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