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Everything posted by saint4

  1. When has Freel made an error in 3 straight games??? I can tell you, NEVER. If he would try to steal more, then he would have more chances to be safe also, that is Narron's fault.
  2. Freel gives TREMENDOUS energy bot on offense getting bunt hits, stealing bases and so on, and on defense where it was almost a guarentee that he would make at least 1 diving catch a game last year.
  3. Baseball is my overall favorite sport, both to play and watch. Football is great to watch but not to play if you are like me and not very good. And Basketball is fun to play on a team or a pick-up game but not fun to watch at all, except for college March Madness. I love to play and/or watch baseball all the time, that is why it is my favorite sport.
  4. Yep, my bad. Got the names mixed up.
  5. I say that we do not offer a scholarship to Lucas. Hear me out. Brandon Jennings, one of Legion's high school team mates and the 9th ranked player on the '08 class, is now interested in UK because of Legion coming here. I say we try as hard as we can to get Patterson, then next year have 3 scholarships to give out. One goes to Darius Miller, one goes to Jennings, well, offer it, and then go after a 4 or 5 star center. We have enough guards this year, we do not need Lucas. We have Crawford, Bradley, Jasper, Meeks, Legion, and Porter, overloaded with guards. We try REALLY hard to get Patterson, then we sould have the 6 guards (still too many), Patterson, Stewart, and Carter. Still guard heavy, so that is why I say to not go after Lucas and have 3 scholarships to give ut next year, for Miller, Jennings and a good quality center.
  6. Over the years, football has grown in popularity that it seems to overshadow both baseball and basketball. Baseball is supposed to be America's favorite past time, why has football become a huge sport. Even on ESPN, during baseball season I might add, all they do is talk about who this football team should draft and who that football team should draft. Who really cares? They will draft who they think they should draft but it should not be on TV about who they should draft. What do you think, has football become America's new favorite past time?
  7. The Bronx also, don't forget about those Yankee fans, even though I hate the Yankees, they have awsome and loyal fans.
  8. Yes, trade him the the Yankees for A-Rod, HAHAHA, yeah right. Seriously, trade him for that Chase Wright that the Yanks had to bring up because they didn't have any starting pitching, he is supposedly the Homer Baily of the Yankee's minor leage farm system, just not nearly as good as Homer, but on ESPN they said that he was the phenom of their minor league system.
  9. No way that UK would be in front of Florida, even though I think UK will have a good class, tha is over exagerating. With Patteson and Lucas, UK would have Patterson, Lucas, Legion, and Stewart. that is good, but not as good as Allen, Calathes, Parsons, and Tyus that Florida has coming in. Florida has 2 5-star and 2 4-star coming in, and have a chance to get Patterson and Lucas over UK. They will have the number one recruiting class when it is all said and done.
  10. Not until a team goes back to Oklahoma City and goes to Las Vegas.
  11. Both will be lottery picks. It is a better move for Colley Jr. because his stock will only drop after this year, don't make the same mistake Joakim Noah made and wait a year for your stock to go down.
  12. I think that he is going to look at other colleges, and if he finds one before UK does anything, then he'll sign. If he doesn't, and UK offers him a scholarship, then he will go to UK.
  13. A bit too early to say an all-star, but probably the best bet for Rookie of the Year.
  14. If that is what it takes to get him here, go ahead and say it, it might even come true. With Morris gone, he will be the only good post player we will have.
  15. I'd rather have Legion over Lucas any day. He is taller and he can probably score better.
  16. Alex Rodriguez is 31 and he already has 470 home runs, and is averaging 36 home runs a year. Albert Pujols is 27 and has 251 home runs. To catch up with Alex Rodriguez's pace, Pujols would have to hit 56 home runs a year. Then do better than Alex's pace for the rest of his career. That means that Pujols would have to average about 52 home runs I estimate for the rest of his career. Albert is a great player, don't get me wrong, but he is more injury prone than Alex Rodriguez for one thing, and for another, Barry Bonds, who after this year is going to be the All-Time Home Run leader, only averaged 34 home runs per year, granted, he has been walked MANY MANY times and has had injuries, once the pitchers figure out that they should do the same thing to Pujols, walk him, he will not be able to keep up with A-Rod.
  17. I like how someone on ESPN said it, "Durant is a guy that can win 5 scoring titles and go to 15 all-star games. Oden will get you to the Finals 2 out of every 5 years and win you about 3 championships." Oden will go first. Durant will go second. Brewer will go third.
  18. UK does not "need" Crawford on the floor. When UK did best was when Meeks, Bradley, and Jasper with Perry (Bobby mind you, we don't need Dwight Perry starting like he did against Kansas again) and Morris were on the floor. Lucas will start if he can remotely handle the ball at all, he will start because I can almost guarentee you without even watching a single video on Lucas that he can score better than Jasper, who average I think about 3 points as a starter, that won't cut it. If we get Patterson and Jordan too, they can take the place of Perry and Morris, and Patterson will most likely be a better inside player than Perry, and Jordan will give you a better inside defensive presence than Morris, who seemed to relax on the Defesive end. So on the off chance we get Lucas, he will be the starter from day one.
  19. For what all he has gone through, good for him.
  20. I don'y blame Hank here. He doesn't want to celebrate his record being broken by steroids.
  21. I don't think he will retire before he gets that home run title. Also, I don't think any team in the MLB wants THAT much distraction on their team. The only reason the Giants keep him is that they want the ticket sales money for the games leading up to the record.
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