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Big Bubba

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Everything posted by Big Bubba

  1. Just curious about your reasoning on this one, why should no 7th grader be allowed to play up, not talking about Kyle, just 7th graders in general.
  2. It sounds like you airing out your feelings about his father and not the son whom you just recently found out was a 7th grader. Big Fish in a small pond might be more realistic if Kyle was at Raceland or Fairview. The last time I checked, Russell had quite a bit more enrollment than other schools. You are right about Kyle not being an OJ Mayo, Kyle is the right age for his grade, OJ was held back 2 years. This was about meet the Devils, not meet the parents of the Devils
  3. People thought the same about the Okoro family as well
  4. Word is on Navejo Drive that Verizon is transferring Skaggs to the Lexington area early next spring. Should be interesting to see Kyle playing for Scott County. Just a rumor, but who knows.
  5. It really doesnt matter, just wondering.
  6. I am really confused now, I was under the impression that RH players were not even eligible because of fees or dues not being paid current. I still dont see how Queen is not voted on for this. Was this voted on prior to Districts and Regionals, I assure you that I am not trying to stir up anything, I am just very curious the due process of KABC by-laws on determining who is selected. Nothing wrong with their selections. As I stated Laura and Jessica are great players and are very deserving.
  7. Just read in the ADI, that Fortman is joining Terry in the East West All Star game today at Bowling Green.The KABC does have something to do with it, I dont really know all the details. Not taking anything away from Terry and Fortman, they are great players and deserve to be playing in this All Star game. I just cant figure out how Queen was left off this list. Please ignore post 8, the KABC has everything to do with this game...sorry for not getting some info before jumping to conclusions...Congrats to both Laura and Jessica!
  8. I am changing post # 17 from the word "Salem" to the word "Snipe" Have you ever been snipe hunting Mr/Mrs/Miss Rose Hill Survivor?
  9. The answer is no to the KABC but the KABC has nothing to do with the all star game.
  10. You are going to need some protection. (Soft Scroffy voice) You do a favor for me, I'll do a favor you.
  11. Thats what I am trying to find out, because if it took place after the regional tournament then let the conspiracy theories begin, if not then please explain. I am just confused as usual, at least thats what, no wait a minute, is that, no its not, nevermind.
  12. Can someone please explain to me how the all time leading scorer and rebounder of the 16th region was recently not voted on by her peers to represent the 16th region in Bowling Green this weekend?
  13. Go Radio, please do not stir the pot. Did you read the end of my post? I am not arguing with you, and further more, I agree with you, so jump on the other guys on here, I am too busy watching my back on other threads to watch you too. :thumb: Seriously though, I just believe that there needs to be a higher level of consistency with officials, dont let them kill each other for 3 quarters then start calling touch fouls, thats all, no more no less.
  14. Apparently, you have no idea what I meant by "Salem" or by witch hunt. What happen in 1692 was a trial of women that the public thought was evil, the so called "Witch Hunts" produced some staggering evidence....are you ready? They found NO witches in Salem, this coming after hundreds of women were tortured and killed. When I used the term "Salem" earlier in this post this is exactly what I mean....are you ready? I meant that you can point the finger all you want at the refs and claim they lost the game for Rose Hill but the evidence proves that they DIDNT COST ROSE HILL THE GAME. I have personally seen officials call such lopsided games before that it turned my stomach. One official did make bad calls but he didnt cost RH the game. One thing is for certain and that is that there are many Rose Hill haters in the 16th Region and you are one of them. It is a shame that whoever goes to state is not supported by the rest of the region. Over the next two years it will be back to normal for the rest of the region, they can re-schedule Rose Hill on their Senior night and feel good about pounding a team comprised of middle schoolers. It is amazing that no one ever talked bad about Rose Hill until they started beating the schools that had once beat them unmercifully by 60-70 points, now thats real class. I do agree with your post in just about everything you posted, but I must also state that you are just one of many, and your avatar pretty much sums it up. It is a shame that officals do not call a consistent game in all of Basketball from grade school to the NBA.
  15. As it should be. Who wants a thug representing you? Unless its 20 minutes North East.
  16. How is the young Vanhoose doing? I wish he would have went to Marshall, it looks like both Universities are need of Coaches.
  17. IMO, I think the 16th region for girls hoops has been nothing short of awesome for the last 10 years or so. Bluegrass Will you are right, it looked like titans clashing underneath the basket. IMO it was one of the better regional finals I have seen for years. Its like when UK and UL played earlier this year, UL didnt hit any threes and UK won, not comparing Russell and Rose Hill to UK and UL just stating that sometimes the shots fall and sometimes they dont. Both teams were well coached, well prepared and played hard. Thats all you can ask for. It was great no matter what the outcome was or would have been.
  18. I knew you couldnt resist to slam me again. Good point though. With some of the crazy comments I make on here, I deserve to get slammed from time to time. All that I am stating is that RH wasnt overlooking anyone but they were looking forward to playing Russell. As I have already stated they wanted the best and if that meant the first game then so be it. I dont think that I am being arrogant nor am I too big for my britches when I stated this. Did you watch the game?
  19. You must not be a player either. Great players want to play the best, its called having no fear. To be the best you have to play and beat the best. Rose Hill could have went out this year and played Sister Christian of the Blind University 10 different times and had a better record then what they did but they chose not to...why? Great players want to play better teams. Give it a rest.
  20. Once again I want to state that my posts are not a slam to Russell and Coach Kidwell, I respect their program very much and they had great talent this past year. That game could have went Russell's way and if it did then so be it. I hate for my team to lose but if they did I would root and cheer for whoever would have been representing the region. Great players want to play the best, doesnt matter when. As it worked out, it happen to be that they met in the end but if they would have met the first game RH girls still would have played with their heart. Many act like RH girls shouldnt have won the game, both teams played hard and for one night RH was the better team. I think to many read too much into something that is not even posted, I am sure next year RH wont win the regionals, so when that happens I will be right back on here rooting and cheering for whoever is going to state.
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