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Everything posted by rudedogky

  1. Whose the other sophomore that Bell starts?Zachery and who?Josh Whitaker is the freshman,but who is the other sophomore that starts?
  2. The bylaws of the league in which the Harlan County middle schools participate, explains the rule and the consequences.
  3. I've seen Shelby Valley play a couple of time this season, including the preseason scrimmage against Cumberland. I agree that he is a VERY solid PG, I would put he and Josh Whitaker of Bell Co. (also freshman) at about the same caliber of player. Very, very quick with excellent handles. I'm not sure that i would annoint him the best PG, though he is a fun player to watch.
  4. So about the size of Cawood's gym seating wise?
  5. Well I've never been to Union's facility,but what is it like?Or Cumberland College or something?
  6. Sounds good.I've just got a lot of excitement for next year already.
  7. Me too and yes Les in the near-future you know like after the Final Four the analysts predict the top teams.
  8. Les,are you gonna post a preview rankings for next year?What was the all-tourney team?
  9. You are correct. http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/php/boysbasketball.php
  10. They're listed as a 6A right now,but I doubt they will be that big.But,yes Harlan County is gonna make it very interesting.
  11. Is this a sign fellas that the 13th is underrated?
  12. I'm heading home from the game and posting from my blackberry, so I hope this goes through. I just want to express how proud I am of my Skins tonight, they fought hard and went a long way in earning some well deserved respect. Thank you Kyle Simpson for a hard played career at CHS. I'm looking forward to next year. Good job SKINS.
  13. I've seen Powell and JBS this year WIZZ and I don't see how Powell is a 10 to 15 point better team than JBS.
  14. Les, Disagreeing is one thing and being disrespectful is entirely different. From my point of view, i think you tend to poke at comments that Old School Doctor makes that you don't agree with. That is being disrespectful and of course he's going to defend himself. Old School Doctor is a fellow supporter of the Cumberland program and is very proud of their accomplishments when you look at where they were the last couple of years. All teams involved have worked hard to get where they are. Let's root for our respective teams and join together and root for our 13th region representative at the "Sweet 16" whoever it may be.
  15. I believe the 13th region swaps officials with the 15th region
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