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True blue (and gold)

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Posts posted by True blue (and gold)

  1. I've not heard if this particular customer is vegan by "choice" or, as in your example, by "necessity". However, if it is indeed by necessity...then, they are a bloody fool going to a restaurant that PRIMARILY SELLS COOKED MEAT! And, regardless of what may or may not be said on the menu...do they really want to trust their life to a part-time, minimum wage, high-school kid to follow those instructions to the letter?!? If becoming deathly sick was a potential outcome from eating the wrong thing, I would stay as far away from any fast food place promoting this type of thing. But, I guess that's just me.
    I agree with you. I’m just discussing the standard that businesses need to protect themselves from litigation.
  2. There are some people that have developed a meat allergy after getting bitten by a tick. I listened to a podcast on it awhile back. They get deathly sick when they eat meat. I can imagine that could be an issue for them, so I think that maybe a qualifying statement somewhere (like they have for things that might be made where peanuts have been) will probably be the outcome. I don't know if there will be a monetary gain (and I hope not, in this one).

  3. I've found with any type of cooker buy bigger than what you generally need. Otherwise there will be times when you wish you would have went with the larger model. In some cases (mainly gas grills) you should just buy what you need due to the extra fuel needed to heat it. But these things are really efficient and going from a 6 quart to an 8 quart isn't going to be noticable on your electric bill. But you do have the extra space when needed.


    I've never cooked ribs in one and likely never will, it's just not for me. But they do turn out pretty good and that's one instance where the extra space would be helpful.

    The best ribs I’ve ever had came out of my instapot. I do broil them for a few minutes at the end.

  4. What is the definition of “within reason?” I had my post edited last night for “rule 13,” and I have no idea what grammatical error I committed. Even when just sending text messages, I usually try to stay on point.


    For most people that see the “rule 13” note, it is one of the following: Capitalization of the first word of a sentence and proper nouns, apostrophes if you use a contraction, and appropriate end of sentence punctuation.

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