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Everything posted by pallex32

  1. So when will we be seeing these new uniforms? Sometime this year?
  2. After watching that video, they really are not that bad. It could be alot worse. ALOT worse.
  3. UK will bring the same game they brought when they played UT. UK will win this one in a convincing fashion. UK-75 USC-54
  4. I dont think that PCC will be able to match what Shouse brings to the table. She is to big and physical. If she plays well, Breathitt wins big, but if not Breathitt wins by less than 5. Breathitt-65 PCC- 53
  5. What? Dont you all like the new look?
  6. If Breatitt can get Smith and Hollan involved in the offense, giving it to Smith on the low block and letting him decide what he wants to do with it, go up or throw it out to Hollan, they can beat PCC. Taulbee needs to have a good game also and limit the turn overs. If Breathitt can do that, they have a good shot. Breathitt-64 PCC- 59
  7. Breathitt may have a rough time aginst PCC but estill doesnt stand a chance.
  8. Breathitt needs to play alot better if they want to do anything in the tourney. Smith needs more touches and Hollan needs to shoot more. If that happens and players like Taulbee step up they night be this years cinderella.
  9. Sounds to me like a good game. I say a few hard feelings between the schools. Looks like the streak is still alive for Breathitt fans. Jackson City has not ever beat them.
  10. Dont have any stats or anything like that, just found the score on the KHSAA website. Congrats to the Bobcats, hope they can use this win to win one at the region. :dancingpa
  11. Breathitt is to deep for Jackson to keep up. Smith will dominate if they get him the ball. Breathitt-65 JCS- 48
  12. Anyone know if the games at Breathitt is still on for tonight?
  13. Final score. Fans wanted 100 but Coach Moore called off the hounds.:flame:
  14. Breathitt has to be up there cause of the three rings. Yeah Belfry has been there but when have they won it all? Once? Twice? Therefore I would put Breathitt infront of Belfry and anyone else who doesnt have as many rings.
  15. Wouldnt be much of an upset. If Wolfe can hit three' then Breathitt is in for al ong night. If Breathitt can get it in to Smith and have Hollan hitting from long range Breathitt will win. Breathitt-55 Wolfe-48
  16. Those were the three names that have came up. They might be more but those are the most popular.
  17. He doesnt care. I asked before I posted this. If he had I wouldnt have put his name in it. Its a very long shot that he accepts the job anyway. Can we get back to the subject?
  18. Well Arch called him and asked if he would be interested if the job came open.
  19. Breathitt has been falling apart all year. Isnt much of a suprise here.
  20. Not the best game but an interesting one to say the least. Breathitt and Wolfe. It will be interesting to see how both teams play during the tourney.
  21. That would be the same Cecil Clair. He's my grandpa. Breathitt has been trying to get him to coach along time now. But from what he has told me, he has no interest in it unless they let him do it his way and noone from the admin has a say in what goes on and who plays and who doesnt.
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