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Everything posted by pallex32

  1. The things I have been hearing is that Doug Noble, the coach of Owsley, will be going to Jackson City, bringing along with him Nick Nolbe. Thats what Ive been told by a few people in the JCS school system. Breahitt should give Banks atleast one more year, but the way things are shaping up, noone wants to play for Banks anymore.
  2. Rome is Burning is on as we speak, yet no mention of Billy G.
  3. Still doesnt mean that OSU could beat the top of the SEC. I look for them to still get beat, when and if they play someone from the SEC!!!
  4. Top ranked Terrelle Pryor has chosen Ohio State. Thoughts?
  5. Which part of the state has the richest and best football? North, East, South, or West?
  6. Breathitt will be looking for a coach, but I already beleive that the position is filled. The coach at PCC has expressed interest in the opening, and is in talks with the superintendent of Breathitt. Jackson City will also be looking for a new coach. And on it goes, the carasel or coaches at Breathitt and Jackson City. Its a shame for the kids.
  7. Is the other Stepp going to transfer?
  8. Billy G doesnt need this kid on the team. Doesnt need this kid anywhere near the program.
  9. Billy G isnt so tough after all. It shows his players how much he really "loves" them and cares about their well being. This was a very classy move on his part and on the fans part. Great job to both Smooth and Crawford!
  10. I was hoping to see the new uniforms today but, same ol same ol plan uniforms. Anyone know when we will be seeing these new ones if ever?
  11. I agree with everything you said. It will benifit the kids that stuck around next year and the years after that.
  12. Breathitt wins the 14th region for the second time in a row. Way to go LadyCats!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancingpa:dancingpa:
  13. The game tommrow will start at 11 is what ESPN says and the dish network. So what time does the game really start tommrow?
  14. I know for one that many of those old timers are not happy with the effort. We played cards the night after and thats all they could talk about is the lack of effort.
  15. Breathitt wins this one. By the middle of the 3rd Breathitt will have the JV in. Breathitt-72 KCC- 43
  16. Clark doesnt have what it takes to play in the SEC. But there has been many of players to play in the 14th and 15th region that could have. Ill give you a name, Brian Neace. He played for PCC about 3 or 4 years ago.
  17. Breathitt didnt look prepared for the game. At one point I saw Hollan walk down the floor after a lost pass. Banks didnt seem to have control of his players. Its to bad this season turned out the way it did for Breathitt. There was such high hopes for the bobcats.
  18. Breathitt will play KCC for the 14th region championship saturday. Prediction?
  19. UK is the Oregon of the east! I love it.
  20. Breathitt wins this one big. KHSAA has the score switched. Breathitt plays Knott tommrow at 7:30.
  21. The way I have heard things is that Clarks dad called UK and asked fo tickets behind the bench of UK. Billy G or no one else has contacted Clark from UK. Georgetown has offered him a full ride to come there though.
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