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Everything posted by memyselfandi

  1. Once again, you do not state the facts, all you do is make a haphazard comment which is just a dig. All 242 and many others on here have stated facts. It does not matter where someone coaches or not because we all know who coaches Brossart and it is not Mel, it would be Tommy. That is the problem, Mel can act anyway he wants too because if he gets thrown out the real coach is still there.
  2. HUM, so he likes to act the way he does? I find that funny. He is an embarrassment to the school. Throw the record out there all you want. I am wondering where he will be next year when his "horse" graduates this year. Will he stick around or will he leave as the softball coach? This will show the type of "coach" he really is if he decides to stay and "coach" a team that will not have as strong of a pitcher as he has now.
  3. Campbell County has played better towards the end of the season which is the right time of the year to do this. I will say one thing, the way Mel acted today getting in the face of the umpire was ridiculous. It was a clean play at the plate and the catcher had every right being there and where he should have gotten thrown out of the game was when he went out of their dugout and went almost to behind the back stop to yell at the umpire for his strike zone. Any other coach would have been thrown out. The Campbell County coach got thrown out for way less than that. What Mel did today is not only embarrassment to himself but to Brossart's program. Good luck to both teams. This game today could have gone either way. Campbell played better defense. The errors did not cost them any runs so they lucked out there. Rachel Carroll pitched very well for the Lady Camels. What I was more excited about was the crowd who came out to watch the girls play. For Campbell County Rachael Carroll (Freshman) and Taylor Griffin (Senior) made the All Tournament Team. Alicia had her stuff working today. Campbell County just could not get the hits when they needed them. They put the ball in play but just did not go through. 2 good plays by Campbell County were from Carson Gray & Allison Franzen both gunning runners out at the plate.
  4. The baseball field is about 2 1/2 - 3 miles SOUTH of the middle school on 27. I am not sure about the dates and times yet but I am going to guess that it is going to be 4 games on Monday and then 2 games and then 1. The tough will be getting all the games in around graduations.
  5. Boone County kids correct? I agree with you about the more girls which get involved the better the area will be, however, until this area (leagues) gets away from the knothole (Campbell County) and goes with ASA where the coaches have to take classes to coach this area will never develop "good" teams.
  6. No dig towards Brossart but after this year they do not have much for pitching unless they get someone moving in. I agree with you regarding Boone being behind in the state. I posted somewhere on here that if it was just a pitcher/catcher game then Ryle should have won state all 4 years Kirsten was there. I would also have to say the state of Kentucky as a whole is behind when you compare them to the majority of the states. I think for the most kids are being pulled in so many directions. Your best athletes play volleyball (soccer), basketball & then a spring sport. There is no concentration on one sport. Also, what I find the worst thing about the coaching here is, for the most part the fundamentals are not being taught anywhere. This goes from throwing - hitting and everything in between. Also, until someone comes into NKY and teaches pitching the RIGHT WAY, there will never be good enough pitching in this area.
  7. No Campbell County school (public & private) will never get to the level of Boone Co. schools until they get out of the mentality of slow-pitch first then fast-pitch. They need to develop the league around fast-pitch and never have the kids play slow-pitch.
  8. You should try Fotki. Great pics. It was a dreary day yesterday but it was a great meet. Can't wait to see how it will be on CCHS new facilities in 2012/2013.
  9. Green horse brought up the freshmen team and the JV and my point is not everything is all about the varsity team. Some believe it is but I do not. Yes it is only the varsity team that advances but if you are trying to build a program which the CC coach is trying to do, you have to start with the younger kids and that is exactly what he is doing. He is teaching every single one of his players 7th - 12th grade the correct way to play the game and I think it says a lot about which way the CC program is going. Are they going to beat Brossart maybe not maybe so and if they do win it will only be that much sweeter for these girls who have changed almost every aspect of their playing because they do it the right way.
  10. Ok, keep believing what you are saying. I know what I saw during the game. Please do not say just because they are 7th & 8th graders their just not as strong. I disagree. If they were COACHED and taught the fundamentals it should not matter what grade they are in. The coach at CC last year mainly had 7th & 8th graders for his freshman team and at no time did he ever say they were young after playing mostly 9th graders. It is about what they are TAUGHT and if they are not TAUGHT correctly they will never get better. Asked some umpires around the area to see what they have to say about what an improvement CC was last year and this year. A pitcher can only go so far, even though it is the most important position on the field for NKY. Take Ryle into consideration. If the Allen girl had the hitting & defense behind her they should have won state every year she was there but they did not. Sooner or later you keep believing the excuses and that is all they are. Also, Campbell also had an 8th grader & 7th grader pitching against them during the freshman game and they did not hit either one of them well. Like I said before, my money is on Campbell county in the upcoming years.
  11. So I guess when Campbell County beat Brossart's freshman team 19 - 3 & 15 - 3 (4) on Wednesday, that meant nothing? And the scores could have been worst if the CC coach did not agree with switching after 5 runs were scored per inning?
  12. Not jealous at all about constant success. I never think to be jealous of a team/player that is successful. It makes me want to do better. See ya next year. Lets see how good Brossart will be when their "horse" graduates.
  13. HA sorry to say I see all the games and I also kept the book for the game so yes, I know what a hit was and what was not a hit. Oh and it is not jealousy just stating the facts. Sorry to disappoint ya. Also, what is there to be jealous of?
  14. Sorry to say but the umpires killed Campbell Co. The field umpire said the 2nd baseman straddled the base but never touched it then he says the 2nd baseman was never close to the bag then he never looks at first base for the "2nd out". Then the non call on the interference play at 2nd. The runner hits CCHS SS and never gets called for interference. The field umpire was looking at 1st for some reason when the play was not at 1st. Then the CCHS coach asks the home umpire about the non-call and he says he was looking at 1st. WHAT?! 2 umpires looking at one base when the call was not even at the base. Then the ejection of Rebholz was TERRIBLE. The 2 missed calls I think towards Harrison Co were the calls on the stolen bases at 2nd base. Am I missing another call?
  15. Good fight for the Camels. The umpires were BOTH awful in this game. I still do not understand how there was NO interference call called on the Harrison Co. runner in the 2nd/3rd inning. There were a couple of other plays but the umpire in the field was way out of his league. He had no business umpiring a varsity game.
  16. You can laugh all you want, but WE know what the truth is.
  17. When did reaching base by an error or a FC equal a hit? I think the Brossart way of scoring is a little unrealistic.
  18. So what is the correct score? 5 - 3 or 7 - 2?
  19. Before everyone says what Teegarden pitched and did not pitch here are his TOTAL INNINGS so far this year. 3/21 - vs. St. Henry - 4 IP 3/25 - vs. PRP - 7 IP 3/29 - vs. Beechwood - 1 IP 3/31 - vs. Dixie - 7 IP Do y'all really think Coach Schweitzer being a former pitcher is really going to over throw a kid this early in the season? Teegarden did not throw a lot of pitches last night even with throwing 7 innings against Dixie.
  20. You eliminate the errors from Campbell County and this game is a little closer. I am not sure CCHS would have won the game but the game would have been a little closer. Eliminate the first 2 innings for CCHS and it would have been a better game. Gearhardt (Boone) & Griffin (CCHS) both had homeruns and I think they both were 3 run homeruns. Nice thing CCHS has done is gotten rid of the slow pitch dimensions and now has a fence at around 210 - 215.
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