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Everything posted by memyselfandi

  1. It wasn't only penalties. Campbell County stepped it up in the 2nd half and dominated. Highlands didn't score after the 1st quarter. Why can't you give credit to CC?
  2. ...or get there early and go to the Claryville across the street. I think this is correct, all part of Taste of Alexandria.
  3. Campbell Co took a 2-0 lead. At half it was 2-1. Cov Cath tied it and then with 1:22 left in the game scored the winning goal.
  4. Greg Rose did not do play by play in recent years unless I missed something. He kind of did it the first year he did the announcing but after that he announced the game and that was it. I am assuming the new announcer will do the same thing.
  5. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the ID. Not sure which child this is but your dad was a great man and will be missed. I agree I would love to hear him one more time.
  6. The game is at 6:30 tomorrow. I am assuming the heat index should be fine. Soccer can play up to 104, only thing is they will need to have a water break at the 30 minute mark.
  7. The grass is not being used anymore besides for practice and a band practice field.
  8. Well it will be a different halftime as CCHS will be honoring Greg Rose's life as he passed away in April. Oh how I wish we could hear his joke one more time. RIP Greg.
  9. I think the games being played at Newport were cancelled yesterday. I do know 2 games were rescheduled for Monday at CCMS at 6 & 7:30. I have no idea which teams are playing though.
  10. This has not happened in quite sometime and it was only one player.
  11. Don't know the why but from Scott and he had a change of address.
  12. I really hope it is not because Emma graduated. It really disappoints me when coaches retire/resign when their good player(s) graduate. I mean isn't the whole point of coaching is to develop and teach players?
  13. Well let's believe everything people post on the internet as the truth.
  14. It may have been 82 at CVG but go stand on the turf not grass for about 5 minutes with the sun beating down on you it definitely is not 82.
  15. Yes. The issue with baseball, softball and football are they all wear some sort of protective devices (catchers). Once it hits 100 all pads and helmets must come off so realistically according to the khsaa all sports mentioned above should stop playing at 100 degrees heat index. For all other sports a HI of 105 will stop play immediately.
  16. The more you play the better you get so yes, those who travel ball play more and get better so more travel ball players play on the high school team.
  17. Actually, buying ankle braces (having the parent purchase them) for our school is pretty cheap compared buying the same brace at Dick's or any other sporting good store. We can get ASO ankle braces for $30 a piece, I just had a parent purchase one at Dick's for $40. Also purchasing them from a MEDCO or a medical supply company makes them cheaper as well.
  18. Honestly, tape is only effective for the first 30 - 45 minutes after it has been applied. I encourage all kids to get in ankle braces that provide enough support and you can tighten them. Research shows ankle braces are better than tape as well.
  19. Was the scrimmage suppose to be at X? If so why move it to SK?
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