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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. Not saying it happened, but....


    dont you think that would be a little to obvious to cheat. I mean, in the same room as the professor and assistant, in front of other students and make no attempt to hide it. I would think that if the professor had knowledge that this would take place, he would make sure it was more discreet. I would not want a class full of students to swarm upon my office with a "its not fair" tirade.


    I dont seeing it happening like that.

  2. To echo what many have already said. THEY ARE YOUNG! They are talented and talent is winning these games right now. They are freshman palying against junior and senior led teams.


    As much as I would enjoy seeing them blow everybody out, these close games are teaching them more about winning than blow-outs would. When they get to conference games and then the dance, they have meaningful experiences from which to pull from. They have been in the fire before.


    Should we throw in the towel because they won? Come on CATS fans, be more realistic! They will be fine.


    BTW, I bet Big Cuz doesn't miss anymore freethrows on purpose...EVER!!!!!

  3. Sloppy, indeed. However, dont forget that they are starting 3 freshmen and a sophomore.


    They are young and probably wont be hitting their stride until midway through the conference schedule. I'd say about last week of January, they will really explode.

  4. If Beechwood hadn't of ruined many drives with fumbles Rigdon and Co. would've broken a few more. Bellevue was pushed around up front from the start. The red and white tigers just fumbled the football too much. If you dominate up front you generally dominate a football game. Take out the mud and Beechwood drives them off the ball that much more and score twice as many at least.


    Your red colored glasses distorted your vision. Bellevue had the ball and was driving for the go ahead score with three minutes to go, then fumbled at the 13 yard line? You call that being dominated?

  5. People are always pointing at Bellevue being one-demensional. Beechwood, when healthy, has a couple of weapons. However, with Colosimo in doubt, that leaves really Rigdon and Vocke (sp?) as their main threats. Take the inside running of Colosimo out and that limits what Vocke can do. Just as in the first game, Beechwood will have to go with Rigdon to win the game.


    Stop Rigdon=Stop Beechwood!

  6. Spartans- Beechwood/CovCath

    Bengal Tigers- Holmes/Scott

    Raiders- Dixie/CovCath

    Red Devils- Highlands/Campbell Co/NCC


    South Kenton- Simon Kenton/Scott

    Dayton/Bellevue/Newport all self explanatory.


    They will have at least 2 players go to Brossart next year. Things are looking up for the Mustangs.

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