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Everything posted by baseballmomma

  1. It would be great to see this get going again this season on the board. It was a joy to log on and vote for the weekly top 10s last season. I have not heard or seen any talk of doing this for this season. I can't remember the name of the guy who did this last year, but I propose that someone get this started up by this weekend. This would allow for everyone to vote on an official pre-season top 10 for the regions then go from there. I know that most people on the board enjoy taking part in this every week. What do you say. Lets get it going.
  2. Correction: KCC plays Bell Co. Saturday.:thumb:
  3. KCC plays Whitley Co and Allen Central this Saturday. Will be a good test to see where the Pats are at so far.
  4. KCC opens regular season play on March 27th at home with Leslie Co. They will be playing in several invitational tournaments(Harrison Co., Bryan Station, and South Laurel) and will host a couple of round robin events themselves.
  5. I really can't say. I only saw Powell play once or twice last season and I beleive Muncie pitched. In another thread I said he was one of the better pitchers in the 14th. I'm sure he is a good defensive player also, besides it's just my opinion. :thumb:
  6. Just the best catcher I saw in the 14th last year who will be returning. And it's just my opinion. Like you and everyone else on this board,I'm entitled to it. We can't all agree all the time. Smith has one of the best bats in the 14th also. :thumb:
  7. RHP-Morgan LHP-T. Smith Catcher-B. Smith(hands down) 1st Base-C. Hall(Bowling for Owsley does a nice job as well) 2nd base-Napier(great young athlete) 3rd base-R. Hall(probably) shortstop-Osborne(my top pick, but Hendrix, Couch and Hicks do a great job as well) Centerfield-Thomas Outfield-Davidson Outfield-(this one I'm still pondering since Hazard and Perry graduated their starters last year and KCC and Powell Co. both lost good outfielders as well.) In all fairness to some of the other teams and kids I'm not as familiar with, I'm sure there are other nice players. Also I made my picks based on defensive play and pitching, not so much on hitting,but most of the sluggers are in my list anyway.
  8. 1. Morgan 2. Osborne 3. T. Smith 4. Couch 5. Thomas I also like Bowling(Owsley),Hicks,Davidson, Muncie and the kid from Wolfe Co. whose name escapes me(if he plays).
  9. Corbin(the most well groomed field and park I've seen of late-Kudos to their baseball boosters; they could use a little more seating in their grandstand though,kind of a let down.) Pikeville(really nice field with the turf and all, but if your'e gonna sit in the stands, better bring your dramamine because sittin' behind that netting is nauseating.) PRP(just put this in here cause everyone else did, heard it's really nice,but can't personally say so. I haven't been to that one.) Knott Co. Central(nicest grandstand in my opinion and great concessions, but the field could use a little more TLC and parking is always a pain.) Boyd Co. and Henry Clay(haven't seen those in a while, but they were always pretty nice parks-Henry Clay has no grandstand, though and you've got to have that these days to be in the elite class of fields. Male(someone told me their field was pretty nice, but once again I can't swear to that.)
  10. I believe Smith caught every game I saw KCC play last season. And he did an excellent job. Should be one of the best catchers in the region in 2006.
  11. Back to the topic of this thread: 10 best position players/hitters: 1. J. Osborne 2. J. Couch 3. R. Hendrix 4. J. Hicks 5. B. Smith 6. B. Napier 7. C. Thomas 8. C. Hall 9. K. Muncie 10. J. Bowling (Owsley) 10 best pitchers: 1. J. Osborne 2. Q. Morgan 3. T. Smith 4. J. Couch 5. C. Thomas 6. J. Bowling(Owsley) 7. K. Muncie 8. J. Hicks 9. K. Davidson 10. J. Bowling(PCC)
  12. I did not mean that two coaches I talked to said their players were chosen in exchange for the Buckhorn coach taking the all star team. It was two coaches who spoke at different times. One said the all star team would be coached by the two coaches who made it to the regional finals. And the other said that it just appeared to him that a couple of coaches kind of wanted the Buckhorn guy to coach the all star team. It didn't have anything to do with his players. I didn't talk to the coaches who supposedly wanted Buckhorn's coach to take the team. As I said earlier, I think it was just an OPINION of this 3rd person based on what he saw. I also said it was a SOMEWHAT reliable source. And you are making way too big of a deal about this whole thing!
  13. I'm not sure if you are replying to me or not, but I never criticized Davidson or any other player. I think he is a pretty good ballplayer. You really should reread my posts again, carefully.
  14. Actually, it was two sources, both 14th region coaches, but I'm sure it was mostly their opinions on the matter, but not that far-fetched and yes, Im told that some of the stand outs were there, though some were not. Personally, I think any player should feel honored to just get chosen and I'm sure most of them feel that way. I think you're still missing my point.
  15. My post was not meant to be a criticism to the coach of the all star team. He did have a brother on the team, but anyone who gives up personal time to do something with a group of kids is a good thing. And as I said, my source was "somewhat reliable". I might also point out that I defended his role in the fact that his brother also played in the east/west series, when a lot of other people on this forum have criticized that choice. I try never to publicly say negative things about kids or their ability no matter what I might think. I was simply stating that sometimes we don't agree with choices made in things, but that's just life and people shouldn't whine and make such a big deal about everything. Sorry if I stepped on your toes.
  16. Are you talking about the 13th/14th region all star games or the East/West all star games? Because they are two totally seperate things. I do believe coaches vote on both,but I'm not sure the coach of the 14th region all stars has anything to do with the east/west games. He has the same number of votes as any other coach. Although, I've been told by a somewhat reliable source that the coaches of the two final teams in the regional tourney usually coach the all stars, but declined, saying they wanted so and so to take the team and he in turn votes for who they want from their teams on the squad and the players who are supposed to be "stand-outs, get the most playing time in the games. I'm sure the east/west choices are much more politically motivated, since there are only two players from each region that are initially asked, but , hey, that's just the way it is. I've seen most of these guys play and I think they pretty much all deserved to be there. As for the east/west choices, if you get voted in, you get voted in. It's a matter of votes, political or not.
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