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Posts posted by Hangman

  1. Just looking at the W - L numbers and the final 4 appearances, UK is in a drought. I read in the paper that IF UK does not make it to the Final 4 in 2007, this will consitute the longest non final 4 appearance period in UK basketball history. Im sorry, but facts do not lie and they are not predjuice.

    Now the challenge I leave you with is; Put a POSITIVE SPIN on that data.


    Probably not the best thread to bring it up in.

  2. I actually like USC a lot... I usually find it hard to cheer for dynasties and teams that are always at the top... But for some reason I really enjoy USC and cheer for them against everyone, regardless the opponent.. Unless they played UK, and then their SOS would be low and we wouldn't be having this discussion. :D

  3. Thomas has it in 4 wheel drive when he gets the ball.


    BTW, does anybody on the Kentucky team have any ability to get airborne? Don't tell me Crawdaddy, because he's 6'4" and I expect a Happy Meal all American to be able to get up....but does anybody? Everyone is in mud. No explosion.


    I hear Meeks and Jasper both have hops.

  4. One thing is the Mid Majors are gettign some of these good players and are getting the good ones that will probably stay around 4 years. Look at some of these major schools signing the big Freshman who is only going to stay around for a year. You better watch out in a couple years we will really see more team chemistry in the mid majors.


    Very true.

  5. Aside from being UK alum, what in the world has Travis Ford done that warrants him taking over at UK? Seriously... He led a team into the field of 65, big deal. He didn't exactly play in a beastly conference either.


    I like him just as much as the next guy... But really... I don't know why everyone thinks he's so great. Anybody who can explain I'd appreciate it.

  6. I understand all the age limit points being made in this thread, but you must think about all of the All-Americans who would've already been going to college... Now let's throw in the ones who would've went pro... They ALL can't go to elite programs so they start getting spread out a little bit... You'll see 5 star players in places that you probably wouldn't have before.


    Then you've got your late bloomers and your players who would normally be role players and they are without a home... They start filling up those mid-major slots and before you know it they're building up pretty good teams.


    I don't think this is going to effect March any more than it had before honestly... The majors will always be better ,but the mid-majors will keep finding ways to win.

  7. Obviously because they're thin at the 4... You could play Perry there, but the 3 suits him much better and his game is showing it.


    Stevenson still has a lot of learning/growing to do and you can't play Woo too much, because... Well come on.


    The cupboard is pretty bare when it comes to front court positions... If Thomas isn't going to fill the hole, who is?

  8. Yes, conditioning was a problem... But NOT because they aren't well conditioned athletes... 5 games in 8 days is going to tire any team out, especially when 3 of those games are within 60 hours of each other.


    I came away with about what I expected from this game... I feared Memphis more than I did UCLA because while I believe UCLA is a better team, the Cats matched up against them a lot better. UK held tough in the first half, but they lost their composure and started playing Calipari's game and when they did... Factor that with their lack of rest lately and they tired out pretty fast.


    All in all, this is about where the team is right now. Only 5 games have been played though, so I'm not extremely worried.

  9. Gotta work on getting some movement on inbound plays... Although I think there was a quick whistle on that last 5 second violation before the half.


    Offense is looking good, everyone's moving around. Could use some more screening... Perry is stepping up this year... Morris is actually starting to rebound aggressively.


    Not a bad half... The zone is killing them on D though... Memphis shooting the lights out.


    And I haven't jumped off the wagon, I've just been watching the game on the big screen instead of on my little garbage TV. :lol:

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