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Everything posted by BIGZIG

  1. Agree but this is how they do things in the Panther Nation. This way when people ask why they didn't hire so and so they can say that guy wasn't available. Then they hire someone that goes along with powers that be at Ludlow and won't create waves. This is how it works down by the river.
  2. Heard the powers that be at Ludlow plan to interview in March for whatever reason. Why wait until then? Only those in the corner know the answer to that question.
  3. Your subbing complaints are tiresome and without merit. If you are having problems with it you should take it up with the coach.
  4. In my remarks I didn't insinuate that it was McMillen who would be the one looking to pad his retirement. Others in the past are a different story. McMillen doesn't need to come to Ludlow because there is already enough of "All in the Family" at Ludlow. Doesn't need to be anymore.
  5. Agree. That's why I hear they wouldn't be heartbroken in Bellevue if he left.
  6. There are already two too many McMillens associated with Ludlow Schools. Makes absolutely no sense to add another. Hire someone young, enthusiastic and community minded and not someone looking to pad their retirement.
  7. What about a certain former Ludlow Alumni currently coaching at another small school rival of Ludlow? I hear he's interested and I'm hearing he isn't very happy in his current situation. I certainly hope not but they do funny things down in Ludlow..
  8. Not sure how many Conner games you have been to this year but I have seen them all and in most of their previous games Coach Stamm has gone 10 or 11 players deep. Last night's game was a tough 33rd district game where he needed to stick with experience. I would say that's why he didn't go as deep into his bench as you seem to think he should have.
  9. Campbell Cty certainly overrated. They did not look like a top 20 team in their loss to Conner Wednesday night
  10. I have heard that Rick Hornsby has decided to retire at Ludlow. Anyone know any names to fill this position at this time. Hi
  11. Stamm started McLemore, Hurst, Burcham, Duncan and Jordan against Ludlow. Roberts is probably the other big you are thinking of. She is having knee issues and will be out a few weeks. Nice player and even nicer kid.
  12. Losing Gambrel is a big loss for the Cougars but keep your eye Junior Maddie McLemore. Very aggressive and hard nosed player that is going to fill in quite nicely for the Cougars at the point.
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