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Posts posted by TheDeuce

  1. Nobody is complaining about it being discussed. Just the whole thing in general is WAY, WAY out of hand IMO. There are shirts now about it right?


    And I can see where you are coming from...So instead of leaving it alone, somebody posts an article talking about it, which inevitably sparks this conversation, making it bigger than it was before on this board...I think you can see where Im coming from, too.

  2. About as hard as trying to be a mod when you're not. I'll post what I want, when I want.:thumb:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    No one is trying to be a mod...We already have one here that is doing a great job stirring the pot. ;) My point is, if you bring it up, dont complain about it being discussed.

  3. I love these threads. Having no dog in this fight makes it so enjoyable. Louisville fans defend it, other fans keep fishing until they find some valid point and Ville fans start with the dont like it dont post about it. Another hour of this and Ill be calling in to work. Comedy at its best.


    I've yet to see a valid point...:confused:

  4. I'll go slow since you are having a hard time understanding. UL players wait for the team to do their routine. When they get near the bird, the Cards start jawing. It leads to a reaction from the other team, and the situation gets out of hand. The only thing UC did wrong in 04 was take the bait...


    I guess we'll agree to disagree then...

  5. "You want me to make a statement on that?" the UC coach said Tuesday. "I think that's all set up in advance. That's what I think. I've heard (other) coaches talk about that, anybody who goes down there.


    "I think it's orchestrated. They wait until somebody walks on the bird and then they start yelling at them. The bird's right in the middle of the field, so at some point you're going to walk on the bird. But we'll not make that mistake."



    I think Coach D is dead on...


    Walking on the bird, and jumping on it are two completely different things...You know that. Everybody walks over the bird during pre-game warmups, thats a given, and thats not where the problem is. If they "orchestrated" it to yell at someone just for walking on it, they wouldnt have time to warmup for yelling at people...

  6. So you are flat out calling not only Dantonio, but me a liar? How many UC games have you seen in person outside of UL? Every game it's the same routine, but at UL it's some kind of war crime. Get over it...


    Are you telling me that you can honestly sit there and say that in that SPECIFIC game, their intentions at midfield were just them doing their regular routine?

  7. Uh, as someone who was there, Dantonio is full of it.


    Cincy didn't innocently walk across the 50 yard line and fall into some trap. They were doing the STOMP. And don't tell me they were unaware of it... they weren't the first team to do it that year.


    :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


    Couldn't have said it any better myself...If you want to have a team pow wow, do it on the side of the field that you're warming up on, no need to go to the middle...They were fully aware of what they were doing, and if Dantonio or anybody else with that organizations says differently, they are flat out lying...

  8. I didn't write the article Deuce, as I'm sure you guessed. Not to mention, it is a pretty common occurrence on BGP to post links to articles which are apropos yet may not be read by many of our posters.


    Quite aware you didn't write it, but if you guys are as fed up of us talking about as you seem to be, posting a link that WILL get us talking about it is a bit foolish, IMO. ;)

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