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Posts posted by TheDeuce

  1. This comment by Coker has sealed his already doomed fate:


    "I think that it will affect the image of our program greatly, but in a positive way," he said, according to the Miami Herald. "I think that when they see the video and they see how it was handled they will be impressed with our players."


    That may be the quote of the year....

  2. Actually I dont think any Bengals fan would have said anything about it if that happened to Carson. Because if a flag was not thrown, no body would have even looked at it liked it as driving the guys head into the ground. Even if they showed the replay, still no one would think it would be a penalty because that was just a regular QB sack that happends all the time in football. So there would have been no complaints from bengals fans...

    Riiiiight...:lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. I have no clue on this game but...Seems like FHS is complaining about dirty play, last year they accused Franklin County of being dirty? I think their fans enjoy the drama.


    Just like FC complained about a call they thought was bad early in the 2003 game, that they all claimed cost them the game??? :rolleyes:

  4. I wasn't going to get involved in this, but since thamoss seams to be an expert and brought all this stuff up I can't help myself. As for the game two years ago I'm sure you're speaking of the one where the Carroll County fans chased the reffs to the lockerroom after Frankfort had come back and won. The officials in that game finally started taking control of it after they allowed dirty play for over 3 quarters. I personally saw one Carroll player throw punches on 3 seperate occassions and the reffs finally started calling the dirty play which did help with the Frankfort comeback.Also the police were called to diffuse the situation.I wasn't at the game Friday because I was scouting,but I was told the next morning that several of our players had complained about being stabbed with something. THAMOSS is the first one to tell us what they were being stabbed with,thanks becuase we didn't know what it was. I know that year in and year out Carroll is probably the dirtiest team we play. As for Danville being a class act I agree 100%, but when you're always ranked in the top 5 you tend to get the better officating crews.


    AWESOME post...:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: That game was absolutley ridiculous until the refs actually started doing their jobs...Dirty hits, VERY vulgur and discriminitory language directed at the Frankfort players, and just down right unsportsmanlike football was being played by Carrol County. That was the worst game I was ever a part of...Then as pigman mentioned, you had Carrol County fans threating and chasing the officiating crew into the locker rooms after the game...Now who's classy? :rolleyes: Before you people criticize the Frankfort coaching staff for "not looking ahead to Danville," maybe you should worry about what YOUR players are doing on the field...

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