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Posts posted by TheDeuce

  1. I think the bird stomping is ridiculous, on the part of the stompers. All it boils down to is this, Louisville coaches will stop passing in the fourth if you don't stomp on the bird, if you do stomp on the bird then the Louisville coaches are going to try to score point they can. Why give Louisville a reason to get pumped up? Basically you are asking for trouble if you stomp. It is disrespectful or atleast the Cards take it as such so reguardless of how anyone else views the act the Cards are going to get pumped up and upset about it. That is it. Someday some team will stomp and actually beat the Cards, but it will not be this week.


    UC's coach is right the hype is generated at this point but acting like he didn't know what was going on is dishonest. ESPN had written a few articles during the 2004 season about the ECU incident that started this whole thing. ECU started jumping on the bird and spitting on the bird and Robert "Hammer" McCune. Louisville thrashed them and ESPN made a big deal out of it, then other teams started doing it and the players took it as a matter of pride, then when UC came out a long time regional and Basketball rival, there is no way in my mind and seeing the event, that the players and coaches didn't know that it was a big deal to the Cards prior tothe game. That said they may not have cared what the Cards thought before the game and tried to do their normal ritual, but I think the Cards made them realize just how much it really does mean to them so in the future it should not be an issue. Right?


    :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

  2. Unreal. Tebow has thrown about 10 college passes and he makes this list? Comical. Mustain? The guy that was about 5 for 30 two games ago? He's top 10 in America? Come on folks, you guys are better than this.


    Brohm is miles ahead of most of the guys you're throwing around. Quinn is as well. Heck, Zac Taylor is miles ahead of many of these guys, and none of you mentioned him. Leak, an NFL QB? Are these guys serious?


    :thumb: :thumb:

  3. Since we're in discussion, on Ainge and Brohm offer some reasons why you prefer Brohm.


    The biggest and most important reason, at least IMO, is that he leads the #1 offense in the nation this season, and his offense was #3 overall last year, even after he sat the last few games...

  4. My question is why does this only happen at Louisville?


    I don't think anybody really knows why...02 had some good points in his last post about that sort of thing being taken very seriously here. It's not only the bird on the football field, but also in Freedom Hall. It has to do with school pride, and protecting the integrity of "The Bird." It's about respect....

  5. C) The biggest part of the Derby City game intros last year, were the players that would be going to other schools stomping the Bird at Freedom Hall, but the best part was Louisville recruits showing love to center court(was it Caracter or Sosa that washed the logo? And you can't forget T-Will getting down and kissing it.)


    Im thinking it was Sosa that washed the Bird...I could be wrong though.

  6. Stirring the pot? Moi? I simply posted a link to a article from a Major Paper about the "bird incident." You guys (both sides of the aisle) are the ones that ran with it.


    Listen, if my team was 7-0 (or whatever their record is) I'd be thrilled to death, and would be looking for any reason in the world to get a chip on our shoulder aginst inferior competition. I don't begrudge you that. I'm always the first UK fan to say I'm envious as heck of UL's success.


    I just enjoy the fact that "the bird" has become some sort of mecca to the red and black from the 'ville.


    It's easy to make fun of, because this hasn't happened anywhere else...If something of the sort would have started at UK instead of UL, I'd bet a fat man a quarter that some of the same would be going on.


    Don't get me wrong, I see where you guys are coming from. My only point is that if you think it's ridiculous, why post on it?

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