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Posts posted by HHSDad

  1. "I will seek someone who understands that justice isn't about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a case book. It is also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people's lives," Obama told reporters after speaking with Souter by telephone.




    WOW! :scared: Not at all what I thought being a Supreme Court Justice was about.


    APTRANS.gif updated 6 minutes ago


    WASHINGTON - Veteran Republican Sen. Arlen Specter is in talks to switch parties, sources told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

    Separately, the Washington Post reported that Specter will switch parties.

    The move would give Democrats a filibuster-proof 60 seats if Al Franken is seated in the Minnesota.




    Can't say this really surprises me. Specter was the biggest RINO in office.

  3. It's exactly what they want from us. The release of the these memos evinces it: we've had to subvert and undermine our own laws to resort to tactics more associated with Stalin's Soviet Union and the Khmer Rouge. That's far more damaging than anything a disbanded group of poorly organized religious zealots will unleash militarily.

    You mean like mass murder of millions? I didn't know that we did that. I am outraged.

  4. Ah those guys huh. You're crews looking pretty good thus far.


    Sense this is supposed to be celebs, not that I don't think they're worth the notorioty but if you did have to pick a movie group of USMC Force Recon, is there a particular group you'd favor? Perhaps from a movie or show?

    What? you expect me to read every word in the first post? :ohbrother:


    I'll pass on the celeb question.

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