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Everything posted by lynks66

  1. If you have a problem with what microsoft is doing and think you can do a better job, then by all means compete. How do you think microsoft began? Was it always dominant? It took years of hard work and commitment and risk to get where it is today. Should they not be rewarded for that?
  2. I do think it is okay for a company to control all telephone and railroads. If what they charge becomes too high, people will find alternatives or start alternatives on their own. If businesses don't look out for their consumers, then the consumers will leave or find other means of supply. I don't know of any truly free markets personally, but it would be nice to experience one some day.
  3. Thank you for elaborating. Where do you draw the line on high profits but not "at the expense of society"? I think several non-union corporations have an interest in well-paid workers and a good environment. Just talk to someone who works at TMMK in Georgetown. They manage to do this without a union. They also offer health care and pension opportunities and a very good wage. Once again without unions. The breaking up of monopolies does not "ensure that competition happens" it is the exact opposite of competition. If a company has a monopoly then others need to be more creative in ways to compete with them. Breaking up monopolies destroys competition. I don't thing members of unions are socialists. Probably most just want to be part of a group and feel like they have a voice. Just my opinion.
  4. Gives him four to eight years of complaining and controversy which should mean higher ratings.
  5. Also, do you feel it is wrong for companies to make high profits?
  6. I don't get your point. could you elaborate please? Thanks,
  7. I will answer this question. I think monopolies are fine. When a government steps in on private industry, it is a step towards socialism. No question about that. Yes it is bad move for the government because it is a move towards socialism.
  8. Why wouldn't it be alright for them to make high profits? If I invest in a company I want it to make a profit. If companies don't make a profit they will disappear. I do support monopolies (both the real-life and the parker brothers version) I also support a free market economy. I do not support unions. If companies pay too low, a free market will allow employees to leave and therefore require them to raise their pay. Same thing with unsafe conditions.
  9. I think it is admirable your desire to help your fellow man/neighbor. For many, there is no greater calling. There are several agencies to which you can donate time and money to assist those in need. I merely oppose the government controlling many aspects of private industry. If you ran a car insurance business, would you want the government to oversee all that you do and control your prices and profits? What if the next step is that all Americans have a right to cars and car insurance? It boils down to another form of wealth redistribution and a huge step towards socialism, which I disagree with strongly.
  10. You got me there. :thumb: I always hated going up against devil's advocates. I guess my biggest concern is what happens after healthcare is government mandated?
  11. To me, that is stretching quite a bit. How did this country survive and thrive for 200+ years without mandated government run healthcare? I don't buy that a right to life is a right to health care. Was health care even an issue when Jefferson wrote that? I doubt it.
  12. At what point in our history did it become a right?
  13. Personally, I would much rather the top 1% control the vast majority of the money than for the government to control it. "Oversight" can quickly turn into mandates and before you know it you have nationalization. To be fair, I believe that all of us on here want a strong and successful USA. I just think that we have very different opinions and beliefs as to how we can get there. I thoroughly appreciate the respectful discussion from all sides of the issues.
  14. I was merely defending my usage of the word socialist when describing politicians who are supporters of universal healthcare. I agree that President Bush's and the Congress' spending has been out of control. I don't recall defending that. I am actually disappointed in it, and frankly not surprised. As for your second point I didn't realize that the government was giving money when it offers a tax breaks to tax payers? How is a tax break giving money to someone? I thought that the money was the individual's not the government's? (unless we truly do live in a socialist society.... =) ) The government doesn't earn money. We do. I hope this clears things up.
  15. This is how dictionary.com defines it. That is what I was basing my comments on. While I do not believe that the current left wing politicians are not socialists, I do believe that universal/government health is a huge step in that directions. Hope this clears up where I was coming from. :thumb: socialism noun 1. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
  16. You would like or support Obama (assuming Huckabee is out of the race at that time) if he was pro-choice? I like the guy, I just can't support some of his socialist agenda.
  17. I hear many different reasons why people support the war in Iraq. We will never know the benefit (or if it was a waste) of our time there for many years. I would personally like to see us out of there soon. With minimal troops left behind for support. Although, I haven't been to Iraq and only know what the media has told me regarding it.
  18. Your answer sounds appealing to many, but I don't think most that support Universal Health Care take into account the long term consequences. Socialism doesn't work. Support it or not, Universal health care is a huge step towards socialism.
  19. I think as with most political elections people end up voting for the lesser of the two evils. In this case I believe that it will be McCain.
  20. Can anyone answer the question woodsrider asked? Why does anyone think the Government controlling health care is good idea?
  21. How do you think he will lower health care rates?
  22. While I believe that Obama is clearly the most likeable, I will not be able to cast a vote for someone supporting a number of far left-wing issues. He is just too far from the middle on a number of issues for me.
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