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Everything posted by oldschoolwrestler

  1. Very Very Very well said LBBC. My sentiments exactly and the one aspect that the private school supporters don't understand. APNW: If many of the public schools (poor rural and inner city schools mostly) were to require their parents to work concession and so on. Most would not have a team. I think that LBBC has experienced the same problems I have. I have driven kids to practice, from practice, to meets, from meets, payed for their food at the meets, given them shose, shorts, t-shirts. Spend outlandish hours with the team, (to the point where my children cry because they don't get to see me). When I ask for help at a home meet I get the same 2-3 parents who show up and help out year after year. I ask for one bake good for a bake sale during a home meet and only 4 out of my 9 bring something. Heck if I were to charge for my banquet, (we serve a meal at ours) many if not most would not attend. I have to beg the school to give me some money for it and the rest comes from my pocket. Once again it's not the private schools fault, but they must realize they do have advantages. I'm with LBBC on this. If I had a vote I'm not sure how I would vote on it. In my sport (wrestling) private schools don't impact it very much, but I'm looking at the big picture.
  2. BS: I'm not going to go into great detail (I have on other posts). The gist of it is. 1. Private schools can require students participate in extra curricular activities 2. Private school parents back their sports programs more than public for many reasons 3. Public school kids are forced to be there and even though they may be athletes do not participate.
  3. In no way shape or form do I think this should be done. If you look at many of my posts you will see that I have never nor will I ever support splitting of public and private. I'm not sure if any of the proposals are good. I'm just trying to point out the problems. I don't know the answer, and I'm not sure if there is an answer. What I want is for everyone to understand the problem and maybe with all the great minds we have, an answer can be found. It does not have to be black and white like many on here seem to think it is. I think there must be some type of answer out there.
  4. I don't believe the true problem is who wins the state title. What most are concerned about is the public school dominance. From what I have gathered from people and on BGP, private schools have been dominating on the district/region level in many sports, more spacifically in girls sports. People ask why is this a problem? Here is many peoples rational. --Private schools have dominated in sports. --Public schools already have problem getting students to participate in sports. --Those students who would participate end up going to private schools --Public schools become less competitive. --Teams that are not competitive get even fewer kids to come out for the team --As I stated before students who participate in extra-curricular activities have greater success in acedemics. --The result is that fewer students participate in sports, and with fewer students participating in sports brings academics down. ---I know many say work harder to become competitive, but when you have a team that is already not competitive, students who play for loosing teams will quit instead of working hard. (it's the truth and no way around it). --I have been trying to build/rebuild a program and have had to make my practices easier so that I can have a team. Even with a watered down practice I still only have 7-10 kids come out for the team and end the year with 5-7 each year.
  5. What this does is 1. Allows the Independant schools to "draw" (for lack of a better word) the students that they have already been drawing, without any complaining from other schools. 2. Gives private schools a boundry that is "official". 3. Public schools now have the same boundry to pull from "officially" as the private schools.
  6. pigskin; I think you win the compromise award. This is the best thing I have heard so far. Everything is equal no-one gets anything the other does not have. Everyone gives a little. I think we should vote Piggy onto the board of controls. :ylsuper:
  7. I know this is not the norm at all public schools, at least not the ones I've been involved with in NKY. I don't believe this is true with all of thier sports at holmes, or even most. I know of at least one sport that doesn't at holmes. Can you back me on this HHD
  8. I agree. P.S. I just noticed your Avatar. Speed Racer was my favorite as a youngster. Go Mach (sp) 5. I think thats why 5 is my favorite number and Johnny Bench became my favorite baseball player.
  9. OK I'm out of my league. I had to look this word up. :scared: :laugh:
  10. This is the way I read it also. I don't like this part of the equation. I would agree if it said the first year they go to a school outside their district. Example: Guru sends Guru Jr. to Beechwood middle school, he cannot participate in football his 6th grade year (his 1st year at Beechwood middle)but is eligible his 7th and up.
  11. Yes that is how it would be done. All of the area inside the circle would equal 1257 square miles.
  12. Ok I'm going to give a what if question here. In Cincinnati they had a school called C.A.P.E. (I believe it stood for Cincinnati Acadamy of Physical Education). I don't know the spacifics but they catered to the athletes, and they needed to pass some sort of exam (which I believe was an activity/sports exam). What if a school like this opened in KY. They would be outright recruiting individuals on their athletic ability/sports ability. This school, if it were a private school, could recruit the best football (this seems to be the thorn) players in KY. Would this school be able to participate in KHSAA? BTW I believe this school was forced to close.
  13. I must be misunderstanding you. Their definition is the same. When you draw a circle 20 miles from the school you come up with an area of 1256 square miles. This is fact (as long as my math is correct). What I was trying to point out is that a 20 mile radius from a school is more area than any district in the state and for that matter more than any county in the state.
  14. I believe from what I have read 90% of the kids who participate in extra-curricular activities graduate from High School. Of those who do not participate in extra-curricular activities 80% do not gradudate from High school.
  15. You have been told that you must attend school "Z" already. I would say 90% of the poeple that I know don't even consider leaving the school district they live in. Most people realize you MUST attend the school district you live in or attend a private school. The "for sale" signs already occur for those who want to attend out of district schools. (At least it occurs in NKY often). I have seen it happen in Campbell Co. numerous times so their child can attend Highlands, Beechwood, Boone Co. for football, and Campbell Co. for wrestling. (They were all bonified change of address)
  16. When I looked up the sizes of all the counties in Ky the largest was Christian. With under 800 square miles. In my last post I states that a 20 mile radius equals 1256 square miles. Threfore much larger than any other district in KY. Here is the web site http://www.uky.edu/KentuckyAtlas/kentucky-counties.html
  17. NO public school has a 20 mile radius zone. The districts are already set and not one school is even close to a 20 mile district.
  18. I believe that is exactly what I have been trying to relay the whole time.
  19. Once again this is proposal 1 not proposal 20. Proposal 1 just wants to set boundries. Therefore no discrimination here. I am against prop 20 also.
  20. Ok I may be wrong with this and if so someone please correct me. to find the area of a circle you find the radius and square it then multiply it by pi (3.14) The proposal asks for a 20 mile radius. When I do this I get a 1256 square miles. The largest county in Ky is Cristian Co. which is 721 square miles. I don't know if there are any schools that combine counties, but this may be the largest county/public school in area. So there is no need for the 20 mile radius in public schools. (I looked all this up, even the radius formula)
  21. That was my understanding of the rule, but I'm not sure if there are any public schools that are beyond the 20 mile limit anyway.
  22. What it boils down to here is that many inner city schools would be left out to dry. Many of the kids who cannot find a way to another school would have to stay in their inner city school. Much of what would be left in these schools would be those who don't care about education and are being forced to go to school. Good students would leave, good teachers would leave, and good administrators would leave. This would be disastrous.
  23. Tinity alum I just realized why you said "keep laughing. I should have kept the smilies out of the comment. I never use them well. It wasn't meant to irk anyone. The smilly that is.
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