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Everything posted by 4chs

  1. I saw a replay of that foul last night, it sure looked as though he touched nothing but the ball on that foul, but don't take the chance when you just picked up a foul and Cal was just reaming the official out about that call, which probably didn't have the official in the best of moods at the time.
  2. Andrew Taylor should have made the first team. One of the top 5 players in the state this year.
  3. You have to give UNC credit, they hit 3 straight very difficult shots after UK took the lead to snatch the momentum from the Cats. I have admiration for the fight UK showed, but Carolina is probably just a little better team than the Cats.
  4. It's starting to look as though lady luck may be a Tar Heel today.:ohbrother:
  5. Have to get Monk some good looks if the Cats are going to win this one.
  6. The officiating has been pretty consistent the second half.
  7. They are calling too many touch fouls on both teams for my taste.
  8. Someone must have mentioned to the officials at the half that UNC has been climbing the back.:lol2:
  9. I have only noticed one official who seems to call things UNC's way. UK needs to play better, regardless of officiating to win though.
  10. I can't think of any that really impacted the game. Did you think that was a good call on the Willis' foul that changed momentum and gave UNC 2 points?
  11. But how many did each team get by with? How many impacted the game the way the 2 cheap ones on Fox did?
  12. They did call 2 touch fouls early on UNC, but both times they negated UK baskets.
  13. This is first game I have seen the entire tourney where they are calling all of these touch fouls.:angrybird6:
  14. Ball is bigger and stronger than Fox, plus his court awareness is really good. That being said, I'm glad Fox was the one playing for UK last night.
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