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Posts posted by halfback20

  1. I had that discussion and I’ll try to track down the source of it being snow. There is the clip of Dany touching the thrown which appears to have crystallization on it like moisture.


    It was definitely ash.


    There was a scene earlier in the show where she had a vision of that very moment and it looked like snow, but now that we know she burned the city down, we know it was ash.

  2. I understand folks feel it was rushed. The pace didn’t bother me. I don’t need extra episodes of dialogue to get to the nitty gritty. I’m the exact opposite. I hated all of the talking and waiting to get to the action. Once all parties were assembled like the Avengers I was ready for fire and blood.


    Part of the fun of this show was always the build up.


    I still don't love the ending but the show as a whole was good. Hopefully GRRM finishes the books and gives some more details.

  3. Exactly.


    In season 7 she burned Sam’s Dad and brother because they wouldn’t bend the knee. Sign #1.


    Then she initially wouldn’t help Jon fight the Army of the Dead because he wouldn’t bend the knee even though she knew how grave the threat was to their reality. Sign #2.


    In season 8 she looked Sam in his face and told him that he is the last man standing in the Tarly family because his dad and brother wouldn’t bend the knee and she said it in a way that her flaming anyone who won’t bend the knee is acceptable. Sign #3.



    I guess folks needed more signs.......


    How many innocent kids did she burn?


    How many times did she say she didn't want anymore dead kids because of her dragons?


    Like I said before, I could live with what they did, but they could have definitely spent more time on it. It felt rushed.

  4. She burned Jorah’s dead body and watched Missandei get her head cut off in episode 4. I saw the look of crazy on her face as episode 4 closed.


    She has been mad before. Shes always been against burning kids.


    Im ok with the turn, but they could have spent more time on it.

  5. They mailed in this entire season. The did at least put a stamp on it - barely. They could have gotten a full 10 episode season with some better and/or deeper story lines. It seems they knew what they wanted for an ending and except for the two battle scenes did the bare minimum to get to that ending.


    As for the last episode. Here were my comments as some of the scenes played out.


    When Jon came into the throne room without being escorted and still had his weapons I said, well she could really use a better security detail. You saw that coming just with the situation.


    As the dragon was spewing fire after Dany's death I said - is he going to melt the Iron Throne? He sure did.


    Final question - who gets the reach land once the Unsullied die off? They won't have any children to pass it on to.


    They turned down the reach didnt they? They left.

  6. I feel like the complaints about them rushing things are absolutely justified. They definitely rushed the ending because the head guys wanted to move on to other things. HBO offered to give them more money and episodes and they turned it down.


    I could have lived with that, but the finale was disappointing. Very disappointing.

  7. Dany has been talking about burning cities to the ground since season 2. What she did in Kings Landing didn't surprise me in the least.


    She's also locked her dragons up because they killed a kid, right? She was always about killing those that oppose her and never about killing innocent people.


    Until she wasn't.

  8. As to the north they are culturally very different from the rest of Westeros, and on account of the war between the First Men and the Children of The Forest. During the war the Children flooded “The neck” which leads to an easy choke point to defend the north from any invasion by the south. The defenses of Moat Cailin guard the only easy crossing of the flooded area. The only people who know how to get through the bogs and marshlands safely are the crannogmen (Howland Reed is their lord, his kids were the ones who helped Bran north of the Wall. He was also the only other person who knew Jon’s secret,) who are loyal to house Stark. After the peace between the First Men & the Children the First Men adopted the religion of the Children and kept to many of their customs. All the kingdoms south of the neck are descended from the Andal invasion and worship the 7. You know the septons (high sparrow) and septas (shame!), etc. They conquered all of the south but were stopped dead at the neck and could never make it past there. So essentially they were culturally distinct from the southern kingdoms and traditionally have been very independent. It also doesn’t help that they are used to the colder weather of the north that the southern armies would struggle and suffer through. While they could try to invade from the sea there are not many good ports to land an army at in the north and those that do exist are heavily defended. So short of dragons it would be awfully difficult to mount a campaign against the north in general.


    I understand that, but Yara asked for it under Dany, why not now?

  9. Tyrion's speech absolutely convinced Jon to kill her. I think he knew its what he needed to do.


    Why didnt other Lords step up and claim they want their independence?


    Why was everyone okay with Bran for really no good reason?


    Its all dumb. I hated it watching it and I hate it more now.

  10. I felt like the ending was very millenialesque so to speak, if that's even a word. That everyone can be a winner and not have to get theirs at the end of the day or at least not to the.extent most expected. I have seen a few memes that seem to feel that way, mainly the ones with a photo of Bran saying something along the lines of "when you did nothing to help the group project but still got an A".


    I get why folks are upset that Jon got the shaft and why even tell his story as the rightful heir to the thrown. In the end though he'd never wanted it and with Bran at the head of things and the way he got there Jon Snow felt it was what was best for the people even if it wasn't good for him.


    Again, I dont need Jon to end up as the King.


    But why was it never mentioned? Thats my point. It wasnt even an option. Why make him seem so important for that very reason and then never mention it at the end?

  11. This is similar to my issue with the night king. All that build up, 1 episode resolution.


    The narrative was strong, but letting these writers get them from point A to point B with minimal supervision has been the flaw of the show since they ran out of books.


    So basically the problem has been shoddy writing to move everyone to their ending pointsnas fast as possible since these writers wanted out for a Star Wars film.


    I havent had as much of an issue before the finale. I agree they werent perfect, but I could live with the episodes before this one.


    The finale was atrocious. Terrible.

  12. It honestly felt like how GRRM would end it. Given how his writing subverts many tropes and traditional expectations of the hero getting what he wants it felt righ for the kind of story that GRRM wanted to tell.


    He apparently told them his general idea of how the show would end. My problem is the fact that they built Jons history up so much in the books and on the show, like he was so important because of who he is...and its never mentioned when they are picking a new leader. Im not saying he had to be their King, but shouldnt it have been an option????

  13. Not certain what the point was, except maybe for him to know in his heart it was his choice. Even if he didn't want it or to be king, he still could know or justify to himself why he did what he did. Just my thoughts.


    I dont understand why they built up his history, and then no one even bothered to mention it at the emd when they are picking a new leader. Not Sam, or Sansa, or Arya...no one.


    And Bran said he wasn't a lord of anything, he ismt even Bran Stark anymore. Hes the three eyed raven...but he can be king?



  14. Im certain Varys sent out letters via Ravens telling everyone Jon was the true King. Did no one care?


    Jon came from a bastard to the true King, the person who saved the world from the Night King, and even from Dany...and they punish him and appoint Bran King????


    No one mentioned Jons place as their true King?


    I havent complained much about this show. But this was hot garbage. If GRRM ends the books like this, he is an idiot.

  15. Not as terrible as some people tried to make it out to be. I feel like they tried to show that the new generation of leaders really wanted to see change. Jon Snow never tried to be anything other than a man of the people and of honor. He didn't mind bearing the cross, so to speak because he'd never felt entitled regardless of what he had accomplished. Not sure what to think of Bran becoming King but we knew he had to have a big purpose ultimately. Sansa still gets to be a Queen and Arya is going to do her thing.


    I did somewhat expect the dragon to end up looking over Jon at the north wall, never happened.


    Whats the point of Jon being Aegon Targaryen? Just to drive a wedge between him and Dany?

  16. I don't like how they just sent Jon away. He saved the world. What's the point if his history (as a Targaryen)? Why did Bran and Sam mention that he is the true King?


    Jon deserved better than being sent away to the nights watch, which is unnecessary now that the night king is dead.


    And Bran as king? He didnt want to be the Lord of anything because he said he is the three eyed raven, but now he wants to be King?


    It doesnt make sense to me.

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