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Posts posted by halfback20

  1. What's waiting for Jon north of the wall? Tormund and Ghost, and not dealing with the political garbage of the kingdoms?


    Basically. Jon doesn't like the politics of it all. Remember, he went to the wall and wouldn't leave to help Winterfell because of his oath. Once he died, his watch ended and he decided to leave.

  2. 1.) Not even slightly surprised by Dany. I loved it. It had to happen.


    2.) Those people weren’t innocent. They cheered on Joffrey cutting off Ned’s head. It’s all fun and games until someone bigger and badder with a Drogon shows up.


    3.) I thought Arya was dead at the end when the horse came to get her. She’s in next week’s trailer so maybe she’ll listen to The Hound and go find Gendry and be a Lady after all.


    4.) Varys was right and he went out protecting the realm. Salute.


    5.) I get that people love Tyrion and his character but at the end of the day he made multiple mistakes over and over again simply because he loved playing the game. He’s lucky to be alive. He should have died on the battle field a long long time ago.


    6.) Euron died thinking he was the man who killed Jamie Lannister. He lost again. :lol2: :lol2:


    7.) Jon Snow. He should have stayed in the cave with Ygritte. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kills himself.


    8.) What will Sansa do now?


    9.) How mad are folks going to be when Dany burns up Winterfell next week to end the show?


    I honestly think most of this story is about Jon.


    I think he kills Dany somehow, or someone does, and he goes to the north and lives with the wildlings.


    Also, the kids were innocent. I liked the episode and dont care that they made her turn quickly, I like the story, but she went full evil. :lol2:

  3. How does Bronn come into play in the final episode?


    Does he factor in since: a) Cersi has paid him and is now dead; b) Jaime, one of his targets is now dead; and b) Tyrion is now a marked man by Dany.


    Maybe he makes a deal with Dany to still get the castle and takes out Tyrion - getting paid and paid double.


    Dany doesn't need him to kill Tyrion though. She can just do it herself.

  4. Maybe. It seems like this growing threat that was built up since the beginning of the show ended underwhelmingly. And outside of that plot line, Bran’s character holds little significance.


    Underwhelmingly? The night king killed a lot of people and was on the verge of killing all of them, if Arya didnt save the day.


    I disagree that it was underwhelming. I loved that episode. Anything more would have been the night king winning...

  5. There are so many loose ends that need to be tied up next week. I refuse to believe Bran’s character is finished. I refuse to believe that the white walkers are completely vanquished either.


    The night king is gone. I'll be surprised if that part of the story isn't over.

  6. After two years of Euron’s magical fleet destroying everything in sight and one week after 10 ships mounted with Scorpions took down a dragon in three perfectly-aimed shots, how about we just have Dany take down the entire fleet and all the scorpions mounted on the city walls in about five minutes?


    I reject the notion that Dany’s mental instability was well-established enough to end up turning her into a genocidal maniac, but I’ll listen to the argument. The idea that these battles make any sense at all is indefensible.


    The dragon they shot was unmanned. Dany was on this one, and she used a different attack.

  7. So Daenerys has gone full off her rocker. Letting her emotion 100% get the better of her, and homegirl is absolutely crazy.


    I think she's going to go after Sansa now, clearly. Grey Worm is going to have to be taken out now in order to get to Dany to assassinate her. Tyrion is also likely in danger.


    Jon and Arya are also clearly going to be aiming to take Dany down. I feel like one of them will kill her.


    Bran? What's the point of his character in the grand scheme, apart from being the motive of the Night King to attempt to erase all record of men from the earth? Same with Sam Tarly...what's his endgame?


    I think, as a rightful Targaryen, Jon doesn't have any hope of taking the Iron Throne, given the fact his family all has well proven to be absolutely insane, and that the folks in Westeros who will actually serve a Targaryen monarch are few and far between these days. Who does that leave to take the Iron Throne? I think it has to be one of the 3 true Starks.


    Dany and the rest of her family are inbred, which apparently made them more susceptible to things like what she did.


    Jon wasnt inbred. But I still don't think he wants it.


    Id say theres a chance no one ends up on the throne.

  8. Ugh I am so mad how they completely basically changed Dany's character this season. All series she has been helping everyone else first, before she gets what she truly wants. Then they go ahead and have her do this, which is not in her character. Especially after the bells had be rung. I could be wrong, but I doubt the author if would have finished the books would have had it played out like this. Absolutely no way the character they built up for 7 seasons would have flipped as bad as she did in this one. Where she basically took everyone out even after she had won.


    My two favorite characters were here and Arya and now Arya is probably going to take her out. Not happy at all how this season has played out.


    Dont read this post if you dont want possible book spoilers.















    Apparently the show runners and GRRM have talked about the ending. He said himself there will be small differences but the overall ending will be mostly the same.

  9. The actor that plays Jamie was involved in some arbitration last year. As part of it his financial information was released. Part of the information was how much he made per episode but also his season 8 contract only included 4 episodes.


    Cmon man....a little warning??

  10. I would LOVE to see Sansa be the one to kill Cersi, but I think it will be Jaime.


    I can't stand Sansa. She hasn't been a likable character this entire show. As much as she has been a victim you'd think you could like her but she was annoying at first, then she started to become Peter Baelish.

  11. You asked for suggestions. I gave you a suggestion. You didn't like it.


    The quota thing, I'll fully admit to being wrong on that. I thought for sure there were hiring quotas. Turns out there is not.


    And I don't know what you mean when you say "other stuff" unless I'm overlooking something.


    Other stuff = making claims that their hiring process or training is flawed when you know nothing about it.

  12. Ohh, okay. I get it now...


    You don't have a clue what their hiring process or training is like, you admitted you made up a comment about quotas...what good does that do?


    We all agree she was wrong. Why is the other stuff necessary?


    *If there was an obvious known issue with their hiring process or training academy, I would agree that it should be changed. But it's hard to say that there is an issue when we know nothing about it.

  13. No. I don't. And I suppose I did. Not afraid to admit that I may be wrong.


    And I suppose we could have had a good conversation and I could have learned something without the snideness.


    And for the rest of the BGP world that was wondering... it turns out that there are no hiring quotas as it pertains to gender or at least nothing that I could find on the Google machine.


    Asking someone if they're making something up is snidness?

  14. Most of my posts have revolved around the fact that Gettleman has no idea what he’s doing. I mean look no further than the last post HB20 made. Gettleman said Josh Allen and Daniel Jones were ranked the same on his draft board. You’re a UK guy, you know how absolutely absurd that statement is. It’s not even about Haskins at this point. It’s about how absolutely horrific Gettleman is at making decisions and how much he contradicts himself.


    You are being petty at this point. I don't agree with every move Gettleman has made (OBJ being #1) but to say he has no idea what he is doing is crazy. He had a great draft last year, and outside of the Jones pick, many people loved the rest of the draft this year.


    Not everyone hated the Jones pick. Gil Brandt loved it, and Mel Kiper did as well.


    Like I've said over and over, I didn't love the pick. But I'm willing to wait and see before I call it a failure.

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