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Everything posted by "old"shooter

  1. Ashland will win this by whatever wireman "The Genius" will predict.
  2. I don't know who the refs are but I understand that Kouns has a letter of recomendation from Dr. Naismith.
  3. Was the vote today? If so I think that Rose Hill was at an All"A" meeting. You noticed I said think.
  4. If you notice they stop dunking when the refs come out on the floor and start watching the warm-ups. They can dunk until then. I am not what the official rule is.
  5. I am not sure. I can only hope if it is an away game it would be this weekend.
  6. Coach Euton is trying to get a game this week. She has a couple of schools that possibly will have an open date.
  7. Thanks for the encouragement. I still think that Rose Hill can end up at Morehead.
  8. I am not sure of the total minutes. I would guess about 10-15 minutes. This is just a guess it could have been more.
  9. There was some on both sides: Turnovers Timeouts :thumb:
  10. Who doesn't love that big teddy bear:D . West will win this one . They play very well on Hop Brown Court.
  11. I would like to say that it was good to see Drew and Matt have a good game. They stepped up when the Tomcats needed it.
  12. Congrats to Bath County. This is a big win for them. I saw them play Rose Hill and they are a physical team.
  13. I can't imagine how spindoc will look in maroon but I can't wait to see it. Will he renege on the bet if he buys the shirt at Normans?:thumb:
  14. The assistant Coaches at Rose Hill are very knowledgable about the game and know how to get the most of their players. I don't think anyone of them have aspirations of being the head Coach of the Hill.
  15. I am not sure that all of the 23 are Rose Hill fans. They are just posters like me who should have listened to (I quote spindoc) the Genius.
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