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Lil Sebastian

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Posts posted by Lil Sebastian

  1. And no QB


    Brock Osweiler is at least serviceable in the immediate future. Given the lack of talent in this year's QB class and the stockpile of picks Cleveland has in the near future I think it was an incredibly smart (and very un-Cleveland-like) move to not try and force another QB that's not the right fit.

  2. IMVHO Jose Baez (the attorney who got Casey Anthony off) is positioning himself for a big time wrongful death lawsuit against the NFL. Why else would he have been so worried about his brain going to the research lab?


    I'd be interested in hearing the opinion of someone with more legal knowledge. From what I've read it would be a nearly impossible to task to prove that the NFL had any responsibility in his suicide given his particular surrounding circumstances i.e. facing life in prison. Also, due to his incarceration I think he forfeited the right to jump onto the class action suit brought by many other former NFL players.

  3. Still don't understand the Greeny hate...


    I personally don't like Greeny because of his uppity, snooty, above it all attitude. I get that it's his shtick and I hope he's not like that in real life, just like Golic is likely not the bumbling dumb jock in real life. However, despite my dislike for Greeny, I still listen almost every morning because it's the only game in town when I'm driving. I guess I'm a masochist.

  4. Looks like he started a GoFundMe for her family in Venezuela and raised $5000 and gave it all to her. A few weeks later she releases a new line of necklaces. Then she admitted to him that she cheated on him the whole time including with Derrick Lavasseur the police officer who won a few years ago.


    I knew most of this, but I hadn't heard about the Derrick part. Did James say that or was that just some random internet speculation?

  5. Nobody is going to buy his jersey until he does something on the field.


    Obviously to sell any significant number of jerseys yes that is true. The point is his jersey will be available for purchase immediately upon his signing and a certain number of people will purchase it.

  6. Aren't Snapchat accounts directly linked to your phone number? So you can not have an anonymous account like you can on Twitter...


    This should have been pretty easy to track.


    You can choose to link them to your phone number if you want, but you're only required to have an active email account to sign up. That being said it likely wouldn't be too hard to track who set up a dummy email account either.

  7. No matter who drafts him today, what does Joe Mixon have to do in his first year before the team starts selling jerseys with his name on them?


    Absolutely nothing more than be on the 53-man roster. They'll make their money off him and he'll make his money off them. Just the way the league is. That being said, I hope it's not a Bengals jersey being sold with his name on it.

  8. Lots of Anti-Christian responses here. "I preach that all religions are delusional but I only attack Christianity."


    We, Catholics, who strive to live like Christ, believe that ALL people can get to heaven. There is sacramental baptism (with water), baptism of desire (explicit or implicit desire), or baptism by blood (martyrdom).


    What attacks on Christianity have there been in this thread? I just went back and re-read thinking I missed something. The only somewhat strong critique I saw was this:


    Why people "believe." People believe what they so want to be true, regardless of how crazy it seems. It happens in all religions, not just Christianity.


    And he or she explicitly says "It happens in all religions".

  9. I have no kids yet either, but I do find this interesting. Are those of you who answered just in the "not under my roof" mentality or would you be against them staying the night together elsewhere as well e.g. camping trip, spring break, prom night hotel?This is assuming they're seniors and legal adults, but still in high school.

  10. Wish you wouldve been at the FCC game last night. Wonder if it would've changed your mind.


    I've been to two of their games before. I just can't get into it. The only times I've ever had even a little interest in soccer is when America is playing in the World Cup and in high school when I had friends on the team.

  11. I don't understand the whole hash tag thing. What does that mean? I have even tried to hit someone's hashtag on FB thinking it was a link or something. I asked one of my kids to explain it but they looked at me like I was stupid...again.


    I don't use Facebook that often so I honestly didn't even know that it used hashtags, but I assume they're the same as they are on Twitter and Instagram which I'm much more familiar with. Anyway, hashtags in their original and most common use are a way to group together related posts or comments. For example (because it's on right now) if you're posting about the Golden State vs Portland game you'll use #GSWvsPOR and all posts using that hashtag can be easily found. However hashtags are also sometimes used basically as a punchline or sarcastic comment related to whatever they're posting about.

  12. The older I get the less certain I become of the answer to this. I was raised Catholic and have been told my whole life the "answer" to this question, but I now know that nobody has the answer to this question. At the point I am now I feel like it's pointless to speculate because it doesn't change the kind of person I want to be. I'm going to try and be a good person and help as many people as I can along the way. I'd like to think if someone is standing there in judgement when it's all said and done that they will like at least most of what they've seen from me.

  13. I disagree. And Goodell can't do anything with these emails alone. Eli didnt say, "give me two that will pass off as game used"


    He said "pass as game used"


    The term "game used" will be scrutinized since players wear some equipment for short periods, like warm ups, so they can be classified as "game used".


    He's already convicted in the court of public opinion even if new info comes out exonerating him. My point is these emails aren't enough proof of anything really.


    Hmm after re reading a few times I can see where you're coming from. If "give me two that will pass as game used" were instead written as "give me two that will count as game used" then you're right. I hadn't thought of it from that perspective.

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