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Lil Sebastian

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Posts posted by Lil Sebastian

  1. Jess is equally as hot on the live feeds as she is on the broadcast in case anyone was curious.


    Fact. But I hope she puts those good looks to devious use against Cody. Very rarely do hot girls use that to their advantage in Big Brother other than to ride the coat tails of their man. I'm holding out hope she has more than that in mind.











    Megan becoming only the third person ever to self evict in Big Brother history was somewhat of a shock and a giant disappointment. As a super fan you'd think she'd have more respect for the game than that. The fact that another super fan, Cameron, didn't even get a full day to play makes it that much harder to take. Alex was put up as her re-nom by Cody. No talk about whether a backdoor attempt is still in play, but Cody and Paul seemed on better terms than they were in the national broadcast. Info trickles in slowly as live feeders are left playing catch up.

    Also, in the least surprising thing to happen this season Cody and Jess are in a showmance if you're interested in that kind of thing. I'm not.

  3. I knew the Paul twist was coming thanks to Hamsterwatch, but I'm actually more okay with it than most people. I wanted all newbies, but if there had to be a returner I think he's a pretty good choice. Paul is both entertaining and deserved to win last year, so I think he deserves a second crack at it. I'm sad Cameron went home, because I thought he had potential. I'm sure there will be some sort of battle back opportunity again, but we'll find out soon enough if Cameron shows up on social media. Cody and Jillian are two of my least favorite HG's I've ever seen. With the thousands of applicants each year how do two people get cast who have zero personality?

  4. Good show tonight. Really don't care for Paul coming back but the old guy took the money. I thought Christmas was screwed when she picked vote but it worked out. Can't wait for tomorrow night.


    Definitely baffled about Christmas' decision. I can't wait for feeds to start to see if maybe she'll give some real insight into why she picked vote over comp, but that's ancient history to them by now so I doubt we'll ever know.

  5. This is sad, but not surprising. While most of the country is arguing over how to improve accessibility to healthcare, these parts of the country are still working on availability of healthcare which in my opinion is an even greater challenge. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of doctors coming out of residency want to practice around their hometown or in an environment similar to their hometown. That's just human nature. Because of that, the only solution to this is to produce more physicians from rural areas and then make sure they are offered enough compensation to go back home. I know all three medical schools in Kentucky have programs designed for this very purpose but their effectiveness is limited for a variety of reasons. The hurtle is finding those willing and able to go in to healthcare from rural areas, because after you find them the solution is one of the government's favorites and this time it would actually work. You just throw money at the problem.

  6. I would say a fair amount, especially the further west of Frankfort you go in Kentucky, have never seen the capital. Frankfort, like many others on the list are a true capital city. Meaning that is the only attraction of the town. I have been to Nashville 100+ times in my life. Until I think about it I forget it is the capital of Tennessee.


    That's true. The 5 I have been too (TN,OH,IN,GA,HI) did just happen to be the capital. The fact that they were wasn't a reason for being there at all.

  7. Someday you'll have to clue us in on the personal significance of banana pancakes. Inquiring minds want to know.


    Haha Jack Johnson may not be everyone's cup of tea, but surely you can see how the idea of spending all day in bed with your significant other could be appealing. No need for any more details than that ;)

  8. Unless you took a field trip there as a kid or land a job in a related field, there would never be a reason to go to or through Frankfort. The first time I went was in college. I was a grad assistant in the SGA office and drove a group up to cheer for higher ed funding.


    Hmm fair enough. That makes me feel a little better about it.

  9. But....why does it take something like this for any bipartisanship? A real gesture of good will, IMO, would be for both sides to knock off the hateful tone. Guess what? That won't happen.


    I'm not going to argue with you on that. Of course I wish there were more bipartisan efforts in actual policy making. The fact that it's so rare is the very reason that moment stood out to me as kind of special.

  10. Not all that impressive that she was able to say she agreed... that was the only thing she could say.


    It was a gesture of goodwill. She didn't have to say anything at all about what he said. She could have just made her own statement that likely would have been the same sentiment as his but not made reference to his. But to include that brief moment of bipartisanship was nice for a second.

  11. Somewhat eclectic group but with only 12 I had to pick the ones that had most personal significance, so here goes:


    Hank Williams Jr.- Family Tradition

    David Allan Coe- You Never Even Called Me by My Name

    Johnny Cash- Ring of Fire

    George Jones- He Stopped Loving Her Today

    Etta James- At Last

    Amy Winehouse- Back to Black

    Old Crow Medicine Show- Wagon Wheel

    Dave Matthews Band-Halloween

    O.A.R.-Crazy Game of Poker

    Taylor Swift- Our Song

    Sublime- Santeria

    Jack Johnson- Banana Pancakes

  12. Nothing is a villain. That is the point. For 30plus years, fat (particularly) saturated fats has been the villain. In that time period, obesity has SKYROCKETED. Why is that? If we are eating less fat than ever before, why are we fatter? It isn't just about eating too much. It's misinformation regarding this and how many carbs are actually needed that have largely led to this crisis.


    I think we're arguing the same thing from two different perspectives. The only part of this I took issue with was the notion that it was somehow a conspiracy by those responsible for our health that led to people having a misunderstanding of basic human health. Too many carbs are bad. Too few carbs also bad. Too much fat is bad (particularly saturated fat). Too little fat is also bad. As I've said multiple times, a well balanced diet is the best recommendation.

  13. Not true, completely. Ketones can power the brain. That is why the Ketogenic Diet works for those who suffer from epilepsy and neurological disease.


    The body adapts its energy source. Fats are more energy dense, but the body was designed to survive on them (animal fats) as well as carbohydrates that they found via fruits and vegetables.


    Nothing I said is untrue. And ketones can serve as a fuel source (as seen in starvation for example), but merely being viable does not make it optimal. Far from it. A well balanced diet has been and always will be the best diet for optimal health. A solid rule of thumb is that any diet that makes either a hero or a villain out of any one food is not likely to be successful.

  14. That's my point. That is the Standard American Diet. That is the problem. Almost all people don't require that many carbohydrates. Particularly those sitting behind a desk 8-10 hours a day. That isn't a healthy diet for non-athletes.


    While carbohydrates aren't essential per se, the brain, red blood cells, and a portion of the kidney called the medulla are almost exclusively dependent on them. If you were to restrict carbohydrates to less than 60 g/day you'd cause ketosis,electrolyte imbalance, and muscular wasting all of which lead to bad things themselves.

  15. Give me a brief synopsis over what is currently recommended for an average, healthy American.


    Raw numbers will vary widely from person to person depending on age, sex, nutritional status, and weight loss or gain desires. However, in general ~50-60% of caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, no more than 30% should come from fatty acids, and the remaining from protein.

  16. Isn't the whole purpose of food companies to sell as much food as they can? Do they hide sugar under many different names? Are they truthful in their advertising and labeling??? It may not be a conspiracy to fatten us up, but it is one to make people eat as much as they can. Additionally, I find most general practitioners are clueless when it comes to nutrition and exercise guidelines. They just repeat whatever the latest is in the New England Journal of Medicine, or that AHA spouts. That should worry us as well.


    If you're depending on a corporation to tell you the complete and honest truth then that's your fault as well. You know Axe body spray won't actually get you more women either. Companies are beholden to shareholders not consumers.


    To respond to the second part, I cannot possibly speak to the knowledge of the general practitioners you have personally seen. I can speak to what is taught in medical school currently and nutrition and preventive medicine is a key element. I'd post lectures to prove it, but the intellectual property police would be beating down my door in a minute so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

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