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Lil Sebastian

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Posts posted by Lil Sebastian

  1. The point that I think has been completely missed is, What is Persecution?


    Is it saying bad things about a religion or people of a certain faith? Is it mocking others for their faith? Is it killing others for their faith? Exactly how we define persecution will define who is and isn't being persecuted.


    I believe all the above would be considered persecution by the textbook definition. I'm somewhat paraphrasing, but I believe persecution is considered any ill treatment of or hostility toward a person based on race, political, or religious affiliation.

  2. This has been going on since 2011 or 2012.


    And I'm not reaching at all, i think that's what theyre doing.


    He literally could have meant anything by saying that. I think if he'd said "pass off as" vs "pass as" it would be more damning of an email.


    Regardless, I'm not saying he did or did not do it, I'm saying that isn't a smoking gun and i don't think it proves much.


    While in a court of law you might be right, in the court of public opinion and the court of Roger Goodell I think that is more than sufficient evidence to "convict" him so to speak. These emails are just as damning if not more so than the texts between equipment managers regarding deflategate.

  3. Nothing new on this thread in a couple weeks. What's everyone think about the last couple episodes? I didn't much care for this week's episode because it was light on advancing the story line of the conspiracy and instead focused on a run of the mill political controversy plot line. I get that there has to be some side stories to keep from getting burnt out, but I don't think an entire episode needs to be dedicated to the first step of passing a bill.

  4. He does seem to be learning. Interested in seeing how he leads going forward. Wondering if reports of him going more to the center as opposed to the right will come to fruition.


    I don't believe he was ever to the right. He was essentially an independent running on the Republican ticket. Keep in mind two of his closest advisers, his daughter and son-in-law, are liberal democrats. I think we just got our first taste of that when he went against his base for the first time to strike Syria.

  5. No but we have been absolutely bombarded in recent years over how unfairly certain religions are treated here and I would submit that what may happen here pales in comparison to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East.


    Almost nothing that happens to anyone here regardless of who they are is as bad as the things that happen to people there regardless of who they are. So I'm certainly not going to argue with you on that. That's one of the many things that make being born in the USA a blessing. However, I questioned why this was brought up because I feel it serves no purpose but to attempt to further divide. Further emphasize the differences and add to an "us vs them" mentality.

  6. No, only because like others have said I don't own a single piece of camo clothing. I'm not a hunter. However, being in the middle of planning a wedding currently, I can say that you have to make sure to do what YOU want for YOUR wedding. It's not your parents' or friends' or anyone else's wedding and it can sometimes be easy to lose sight of that. For that reason, I'd say go for it if that's something your into.

  7. Was she already diagnosed with a mental disability?


    If she does have a mental disability, would that give her the inability to decide between right and wrong? I'm not trying to make a point, I'm just curious.


    To answer the first question I have no idea. Hypothetically if she does have a diagnosable mental disorder it would likely not prevent her from knowing right from wrong. However that's not really the issue for myself and others calling for compassion. I wasn't saying she shouldn't be held responsible because she absolutely should. I'm saying she should receive mental health treatment in addition to her punishment and some love and support from the community rather than outrage and ostracism.

  8. But doesn't he also know that if we choose to attack that Russia will alert him with enough time to act properly.


    Like I said before this was a diplomatic bombing. It wasn't intended to do anything more than send a message. My guess is if Assad escalated things to the point that a more significant strike was warranted by the US that we would not give the courtesy of a heads up to Russia like we did for this so Assad wouldn't have his heads up either.

  9. So what do we gain from this attack? People say we sent a message but I still can't figure out the message? What from this will make Syria think twice about poisoning their own people? That's my struggle right now. I feel like if we are going to attack I want to see death and bloodshed and I don't feel like there was enough of that to send a true message.


    Why have the death and bloodshed unnecessarily? This was a very diplomatic bombing and I fully recognize the oxymoronic nature of that statement. Assad felt he could do as he pleased because we weren't going to do anything to stop him for one reason or another, and this proves otherwise. He's always known we've had the fire and man power to shut him down, but now he knows we're willing to use it if need be.

  10. She's not IMO. I don't believe making someone serve a lengthy prison sentence in a mental ward is compassion. Do you?


    I don't know what you mean by a mental ward. It's a rather outdated and ambiguous term. I believe she should be punished by the legal system (I haven't seen one person say this shouldn't happen. Everyone seems to be in agreement that she deserves to be held accountable). However, I also believe she should receive the psychiatric treatment she needs so that she can get better. And I also hope that she can some day move on with her life in a positive way.

  11. Where did I say any of that?


    Whatever the girl's sentencing ends up being she probably needs to be serve it in a mental ward (assuming she has a mental illness).


    You said in post 70 that mentally ill people who commit heinous crimes are not deserving of compassion.

  12. Yes I believe mental illnesses are real. I also believe we as a society are way too quick to throw a "mentally ill" on people who do reprehensible things.


    Mentally ill people are deserving of compassion. Ones who commit heinous crimes are not. Just like mentally sane people who do the same. Just like physically ill people who do the same. JMO.


    So you feel the best course of action is to just lock her up and when she gets out she should be ostracized for the rest of her life? No treatment for the underlying cause. No support from friends and family and community. She did a bad thing, so she should be punished and that's that. That line of thinking makes no sense and is self defeating as a society because it won't fix anything. Why not instead treat her with some compassion and hope she gets some help, and gets some support? That way after she completes whatever her well deserved punishment turns out to be she is able to turn her life around and move on from this some day.

  13. There are certain actions that the "why" and the "how" matter little in. This is one of them to me. I don't care why, I don't care how. What she did is inexcusable, and she deserves zero sympathy or compassion IMO.


    Do you believe mental illnesses are real illnesses? If the answer to that question is no, then I vehemently disagree and would encourage you to research it more. However, if the answer to that question is yes then I'd have to ask why you feel mentally ill people aren't deserving of compassion while someone with a physical illness is?

  14. This a 100x over. She made a mockery of everyone who has ever had or died from cancer IMO. Takes a certain type of evil to do something as sickening as she has.


    There's a clear distinction between evil and mentally ill. If it turns out that I'm way off the mark and she has no mental disorder then I am absolutely with you. However, someone who is sick deserves compassion regardless of what sickness they have. Again I reiterate, the illness does not excuse her behavior. She should still have to pay the price.

  15. There is no excuse for faking cancer. Period.


    Nobody is saying that she's not responsible for her actions or that she shouldn't be punished. What I'm saying is she's very likely mentally ill (obviously that can only be fully determined by the clinician that evaluates her) and therefore should be treated with some compassion.

  16. People keep mentioning she's mentally ill. What does she suffer from?


    Without knowing more it's impossible to answer that, but there's a number it could be. Histrionic Personality Disorder is the first one that comes to my mind. More common than Munchausen Syndrome which was also mentioned in this thread but that is obviously a possibility as well. I'm definitely not excusing the behavior, but being at least a little familiar with her family situation as well as aware of the high likelihood of mental illness I would hesitate to jump in with the pitchforks and torches. This girl is no Madoff.

  17. Is there anyone besides me that wishes our President didn't tweet silly comments that make him seem like a teenager?


    To answer your question directly, yes I also wish he would cut the silliness (not the word I would use to describe it in a filter free setting). However, that being said

    love him or hate him, you have to give him credit for not changing who he is after being elected. He is still the same exact person he was on the campaign trail. This kind of stuff appeals to his base. His base is obviously what got him elected when almost nobody thought he could, so I don't think I can fault him for sticking with what got him there.

  18. I really liked the show last night. The twist of the garbage folks and whose team in Dwight on? Sasha doing what she did.

    What I didn't like is the folks from the kingdom with their theatrical accent, axes and armor. Tony the Tiger is just plain stupid. When they came to rescue, all those rounds were fired. No one bothered to shoot any main characters? They were all in the middle of the yard and were able to dodge the bullets. Also didn't Rick get shot? Walked around at the end of the show with no blood on him giving a little love for Michone. And if I going to war, I don't think my choice of weapons is going to be a red umbrella!!!!


    To be fair to the Kingdom we know that's just their shtick. Remember Ezekiel broke character and explained the whole thing to Carol.

  19. Solid finale. Anything's better than last year's finale though, so the bar was set pretty low. Big fan of the Deus ex Tigris. For some reason I was fooled by the garbage people and I'm really disappointed in myself for that. This is the second time TWD has used the surprise flashback to bring back a beloved character (Hershel and Abraham) and I enjoyed it just as much this time. The "didn't know" on the figurine is confusing to me. Anybody have any insight on that?

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