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Posts posted by #99

  1. It was said somewhere that ' all people are created equal". Apparently there is something wrong with some so I'm not buying that statement! And these people keep doing things like this because they can. Just like the bully at school, he will not stop until someone takes him down. Quit trying to be correct to the world and just go after these people with a vengeance. We can track down one man anywhere in the world, but we cannot find a very large group and just eliminate them?

  2. Holy Cross will continue their losing ways if that coach doesn't open his eyes. He has the players to be competitive and win. He just doesn't see the light. This might be harsh, but it needs to be said; number 5 is not the best player on your team! He is your son and you cannot see that! He plays more minutes than anyone. He wouldn't even start on most teams. To quote one of your own , " this is a trainwreck" and Coach you are at the controls. Players who have played against you and coaches who have coached against you, 90% agree with what I'm saying just no one wants to say it. I don't have a dog in your race, so I don't mind saying it. Wake up coach, you have the team, now use the right players.

  3. I always pick up the cartoon by the middle, so B . that way if I don't know what's in it I don't find out the hard way that they are all on one end! If it's full the middle works as well. Therefore I keep the eggs in the middle no matter how many are in it

  4. Dolomite- it never ceases to amaze me what words people try and put in someone's mouth! I try and tell people about some thing, or explain both sides views, and they want to hang me.... Lol i have argued points on many topics on here even if it's not what I beleive. But like you say, you have to be able to see things from many perspectives to be able to draw an educated conclusion. Most people on here and in the world only see what they want to beleive. That includes conspiracy theorist, and those who laugh at them.

  5. I love the passive aggressiveness of the dislike button @#99 :lol: . I'm guessing you aren't biased in this case :lol2:


    I don't believe it's being passive aggressive when you can see I'm the one who hit the dislike button. That's about as direct as it gets. And no I'm not biased at all. Just looking at facts and what I see in the video

    Anyone care to see what happens if I'm just trying to get your attention and swing my arm around in a circular motion and knock off your hat,( maybe even slightly contacting your head) and then let me try to intentionally hurt you by " taking a swing at you' ? Then maybe you can tell all these people the difference.

  6. To answer your question,-more than likey he would not face any charges, so he would just walk away. Schools could ban him from coming onto there property. I have been involved in altercations on one side or the other and in this case it would just be over if everyone walked away. Although I'm not talking about at a school event. Like others said earlier in this thread,- there had to be proof of intent to do harm.

  7. If any of you think that his intention was to cause harm then you obviously have never took a swing at someone with intent of causing harm! That was not a thrown punch, slap, jab or any action to cause harm. Looks to me like he intended to knock off his hat, which is by far disrespectful and he should not have done it. Should be be punished by school officials our khsaa? Yes. Charged with assault? No way.

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