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Posts posted by #99

  1. Yes I do realize no two instances are the same. Yet you posted a video that is totally different circumstances than the Ramsey case. Not reaching for anything. Your the one defending the police here. I will give a lot of the blame to police who are not trained properly for these situations. Trust me, if I can catch up with you in a car, I can stop you and make sure you don't continue on without shooting you.

  2. So your video just reinforces what I say. The officer got out of his car and got on the hood of the suspects car for no reason. Any good driver trained for this situation could have stopped that car without jumping on the hood and shooting multiple times at the driver. I will agree that the driver was a danger to others ( because you saw the high speeds and passing of other motorist)had to be stopped. This is totally a different situation as to what happened with the Ramsey girl. This driver committed multiple crimes before the shooting, yet the shooting Is still not justified. Ramsey committed no crime that the officer knew of.

  3. Unless you were standing there and saw it happen, and have it all on video to back that up, you can say I and a thousand others are wrong all you want. As far as him being indicted, guilty people get away with things every day.... And I don't assume anything when it comes to an accident or homicide or anything for that matter. And you can keep calling it uneducated all you want, doesn't change the facts or what I know better than most ever will about cars, how they react in accidents, how they bend, what causes them to do what they do after an impact, my ability to judge distance, knowing how fast a person can react versus a car, and how to look at the physics of things versus what someone said. I didn't just look at the video and come to my conclusion, not at all. Neither one of us will ever know exactly what happened that night. But answer this if your know so much; how often does a police officer getn front of a moving car on purpose and fire his weapon to stop a person trying to flee a traffic stop, which the suspect has not even committed a crime? I know they don't teach that in training.

  4. So you know when someone is being sarcastic or not? Apparently not. And no I don't have access to the evidence the police collected. Do you? And I used to travel that section of road a lot. No axe to grind, just don't like seeing people wronged and no one held accountable. You "obviously" are LEO or close to one to defend the way you do. And one more thing: show me the physical evidence and eyewitness accounts that proves me wrong.

  5. Let me clarify this for you. His car is pulled halfway off the road when he gets out of the car. This you can tell by his dash cam. When she pulls out she is in the other lane. No possible physical way she turned sharp enough to pin him between his own car and hers. And the evidence at the scene sorts that she was in the other lane when she was shot. And yes I have been to the scene, shortly after this happened and a few times since. If he did get in front of her car in that short amount of time before the shots were fired, he put himself in danger. And she never floored the gas as to run over him or the car would have been traveling faster and farther down the road before it was bumped into reverse and came to a stop where it did. Note I don't expect everyone to understand this. But like I said I am very educated when it comes to accidents involving cars and what caused them to do what they did.

  6. One last thing. Any way you look at it the officer went about this situation all wrong. When was the last time you heard of a police officer jumping in front of or on the hood of a car when trying to make a traffic stop? Which this was considering she was driving. How many times have you ever heard of an officer opening fire for a subject fleeing from a traffic stop? That is not an opinion you can look up the facts on those situations. Now we can agree to disagree, but to say my conclusion is uneducated and a joke is a joke in itself.

  7. Didn't she run over his foot which led to him jumping on the car to keep from being ran over? Wasn't there evidence on his boots that she drove over his foot? If she was steering to the left when she hit him, the only place he had to go was on the hood.


    As far as the settlement goes, the insurance carrier for the county will determine the risk and cost of going to trial and will in almost every case they will make an offer to settle instead of going to court.

    If your next to a car and someone tries to run over your foot, your natural reaction would be to jump out of the way of the car. If for some reason your foot does get run over, the fender of the car sticks out further than the tire, so most of the time your trying to get away from the car to avoid further injury. That being said, he had to jump on the hood on purpose, not in self preservation.

  8. Your posts may increase the listener population for the widget. I listened for the first time. The "senior" was then pulled due to getting his second foul. Missed free throws, missed layups and turnovers appear to have cost this game. Oh, and the fact that a Boone County player had a awesome game.


    You are correct on the layups and free throws. The two seniors who did not start but we're subbed in were not pulled due to 2 fouls. The one finished the game with only one. What I stated remains the same.

  9. I want to see the stats on who had the turnovers, and who gave up the most points . Amazing how the starting 5 got in hole first quarter (-10 ) then 2 seniors were put on the floor and number 5 sat down, Bone county only scored 2 points in the next 4 and half minutes, while HC scored 10 to make it a game. Then the two seniors were pulled, he puts his son back in and Boone scores 4 points in 40 seconds. He may be a shooter, but I'll take the guy who only scores a couple but stops the other team from scoring at all versus the guy who scores 15 and gives up 20. Another loss that did not have to be. What is happening to this team is rediculous. What is your agenda coach? Win games or try and make your son look good?

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