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Posts posted by #99

  1. I blew it up and slowed it down. 99% sure it went thru. The entire net went straight up after the ball went thru, just like it should. Had the ball hit the front of the net it would have not did that. And as high as the ball was in the air, the angle it came down if it missed the front of the rim, it would have barely made contact with the net. My eyes could be deceiving me, bit I don't think so.


    I get why they're selling it and I genuinely do believe you will see parents and families purchasing it. I personally know of some that will. I just hope they buy enough. I don't like to see anyone die especially not from something so dumb as drugs. I'm just tired of coddling and "saving" people. That's not what's happening, the only thing Narcan does is create a safety net for those that are willing to take the plunge. It does nothing after, there are no consequences.


    IMO, an overdose needs to have consequences. Without consequence it's just a forgotten high that needs to be replaced as soon as possible.


    This I agree with

  3. I hear ya, and I get your point. Truth is, we are already paying for in many indirect ways. We hospitalize people without insurance every day because it is illegal to refuse services to people based on inability to pay. How do hospitals make up for that? Government money, and increased costs to people who do have insurance. The costs (both financial and emotional) resulting from drug related thefts, accidents, and deaths is passed on to us as well in one form or another.


    I have no problem with paying for it once, as you suggest. But I think it should be one, quality, comprehensive, rehab. Let's face it, many drug addicts do not have insurance, so I think they should be given that once chance.


    As a tax payer, I would rather pay for that than pay for the funeral of a family member killed by some idiot high on the road. I would rather pay for it than have my house broken into by some addict looking for cash.


    Agree with this. My wife is nurse and before that did medical billing. I know we have been paying for it already, just don't want to pay anymore. Glad to see obama care is taking care of somebody. Lol

  4. Considering most people seem to have an issue with the cost to the taxpayer, I would think that makes those who die from smoking or obesity a bigger issue. Those people would tend to live longer than herion addicts making them a bigger (more costly) burden on taxpayers.


    I also don't believe tax payers should be footing the bill for people who ate their self into obesity. Some people have a weight problem and dont eat as much as average people, those people we can help. The ones who eat and eat waaay to much and just get bigger every day, they don't need my help or money. they choose to be this way so they can deal with it. People who smoke that wind up with cancer or drink and have liver problems, I don't feel sorry one bit nor should I have to foot the bill for what they chose to do.

  5. I went to a funeral last week for a 27 year old who overdosed on heroin. It was his last of many relapses. If I had a child addicted, I would have a dose of Narcan in my possession.


    I have said and thought the same things that many have said on this site. I also work with addicts on a daily basis. The devastation these addicts do to innocent people is terrible.


    I am finding that letting them kill themselves/die off isn't working because there are more heroin addicts every day. I do not understand it, but I do understand


    Our society needs more and better rehab services. We need insurance companies to help pay for it, and/or the government to help fund it. We need to learn and understand why this particular drug has such a hold on people. We need more prisons and jails that have good detox and rehab programs.


    I agree with you some points. But the part of needing "more and better rehab services" and "insurance companies need to help pay for it" and "gov needs to fund it" I cannot agree with. When you say that, you are saying that every tax payer and person who pays for their own insurance should pay for these people! I need to have surgery on my spine but I'm self employed and being off work for 6 months to a year I will have NO income. Should everyone in the country help me? Or others like me? AND I DID NOT CHOOSE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME. and before you say if it hit close to home I would feel differently, it already did. So I am not going to support any person who does this after help was given to them once. One time you get help, do it again it's on you.... How's that old saying go--- if it happens once, shame on you. If it happens again, Shame on me! I will not be a part of the second time.

  6. Do we know where the problem starts?


    Drug dealers. Any person selling heroin knows that there is a good chance of it killing the user. That is why some states can now charge the dealer with murder of someone od's and dies. I say kill all dealers who sell coke and heroin. I don't care about marijuana, to me it's no different than alcohol. There are plenty of hired guns that could take them all out for pennies compared to what we are spending. You keep killing them, eventually no one will want to deal in the U.S.! We can stop illegal shipments of consumables, art works, animals, auto parts and other things from coming in this country. But we can't stop the drugs from coming in? I don't buy it.

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