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Djason Unchained

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Posts posted by Djason Unchained

  1. 1. I am of the belief that there will never be a Pro sports team in KY. (NBA, MLB, NFL)


    2. Even if there were, I seriously doubt said team would bring in as much money in a SEASON as the Derby does in ONE DAY. Throw in Oaks Day, and I'm 99.99% positive it wouldn't happen.


    3. As Jim has already pointed out, an NBA team isn't going to work in this state. This is a COLLEGE basketball state, and there's not enough people with enough money to shell out big bucks for season tickets to College and NBA. And there definitely aren't enough NBA-only fans to support a franchise.


    4. Baseball ain't happenin'. Reds are close enough to most, and you can walk up to virtually every Louisville Bats (Reds affiliate) game and get a good ticket for $15. The demand simply isn't there.


    5. No reason even discussing NFL. Too many teams too close.


    6. Acting like the Derby isn't a big deal, especially as a Kentuckian, is a shame IMO. As many negative stereotypes that are associated with our state, and some of you want to give up the one thing that we are GLOBALLY known for in a positive light for a few pro games a year? Really? Add in the financial gain from Oaks/Derby, I think it's a joke that giving up the Derby would even be considered. You don't have to be a horse racing fan to be a fan of the Derby. It's about much more than just the two minute horse race, IMO.


    I could care less about how much money is brought in or the stereotypes of Kentuckians. I'd happily take Kobe or Russ in Lexington for a 10 year career over a 2 minute race accompanied by an awesome day of day drinking.

  2. Well, you need to hang around people who understand the game if it bothers you. What he does away from football is commended, and I'd hope you agree that the video shows some of that. As for an NFL football player, he's awful. I don't understand the correlation. I think some of the angst toward him is the assumption that he's a good NFL player because he's a good person away from the gridiron. I also think alot of that is inferred by those who dislike him. But that's just my opinion. I sure wouldn't want him under center for my team. But I think it would be great if he was the guidance counselor at my son's high school.


    He'd be an excellent guidance counselor and as someone alluded to he'd probably be an excellent coach. The fact that he is such a great person is probably the only reason he is getting yet another chance in the NFL. It's not because he figured out how to be a successful NFL QB while working for the SEC Network.

  3. See, I'm not following then. If we are basing the angst or love towards any of these guys based on their NFL production, well, I'd argue Tebow has been the best of them, and still stinks. What's the point?


    The point is that people act like Tebow should be loved because he is an amazing human being. People act like he deserves to be in the NFL because he is a great human being. People act like because he won one playoff game that validates him as a good NFL player. That insults my intelligence. He sucks at football but won the game of life. Once we can all agree on that and I can say Tebow sucks at football without people talking about how he is such an awesome human being then I'll shut up. Until then I'll bash Tebow the football player until I die.



    He suuuuucccckkkssssss.

  4. This is hard for me to say because of where he played, but Tim Tebow was by far the best college player I ever saw. I'm only 27 so I missed a number of the great ones, but I'd take him over any player of the last 20 years. He should have won 3 Heismans IMO.


    He may never stay in the league but I don't think anyone could unbiasedly say he wasn't an alltime great in college.


    I've never seen anyone say he sucked in college. We aren't talking about college though. Johnny Football was awesome in college too.

  5. You may be to young to have experienced the Clinton's. All they know is how to attack those who oppose them. Never answering what they are accused of, just like when Bill said he "never had sex with that woman". Yet it was proven he did have a relationship with "that woman".


    I began voting in 1992.


    I'm speaking more on how party lines are held strong and no constructive dialogue is done by either side. One party attacks the other. Lines in the sand are drawn. Dialogue is then ruined.

  6. It's Brittney Griner. No way her significant other is as remotely close in strength.


    Maybe in height there is a difference. I wouldn't say they aren't remotely close in strength. They are separated by 5 inches and about 30 pounds. One is a center and the other is a forward. They are both women. They both play in the WNBA. They were both exceptional players in college. I doubt Griner is a whole lot stronger in the other. To answer your question, nobody cares about the WNBA. They could suspend them both and no one would bat an eye. Hell, Griner's team will probably still win the title without her. It'd be a whole lot different in the WNBA was as popular as the NBA but it isn't. It's amazing the league is still staying afloat financially. Nobody cares. That's why this isn't major news. Hell, an article here on BGP about Owensboro beating a WNBA team brought out discussion and tons of belief that a high school boys state champion would beat a WNBA team. :lol2:

  7. Espn had analyst putting Tebow down as well as many people in the media. They didn't care to or wasn't afraid to bash Tebow, but was afraid to bash SAM because he was gay.

    Tebow won a playoff game in Denver

    That's their job. You do understand that don't you? The media makes polarizing statements every time they make a statement. No different than Alex Jones and his war for minds.

  8. Amazing that so many hate and root against Tebow and cheered for Michael Sam and worshipped his lifestyle.


    Nah, they both suck. I have yet to meet anyone that "worships" Michael Sam. Tim Tebow is worshipped as a football player and a person and the fact of the matter is that he is nothing more than a more pale version of Vince Young. They both suck as football players. Tim has proven to be a far better individual though.

  9. I've always assumed he's a completely fantastic person, and I don't think anyone really dislikes him based on his personality.


    For me, I've never understood Tebow hype. People always claim that he's: such a hard worker, such a good leader, so committed to the league.


    Oh wow? Really? He's a hard worker? So is every person in the NFL. He's a good leader? Cool, every team has what, 4 captains for a game? Those guys are good leaders, too.


    His whole system of support, I feel, came from his charisma. But if you objectively looked at his game, he wasn't good. His throwing motion needed more than a lot of work. With that said, if he truly has improved, I think he could be a playable QB for the Eagles.


    I think people confused the "Tebow hate" for people just being honest about his ability. His personality might be a little too "toothpaste commercial" for some people, but no one is saying "I hate that Tebow fella for going to Africa and giving medical care to orphans."


    As far as the religion issue goes, he can get a little tiresome with it, in my opinion. We get it Tim, you love God and have the belief that he made that Steelers DB trip. We get it. We know. Just give a post game interview about the game. And before someone brings up Michael Sam and his choices, if he started every interview with "First of all, I want to say that I'm gay and I love my husband" people wouldn't be okay with it. So let's go ahead and rip that band-aid off right now. Tebow wasn't treated worse than Sam. Period. You're a jaded fool to think he was.



    I like Chip Kelly immensely as a coach, and I want him to be successful in Philly. If it's with Tebow, so be it. If it's with Sanchez or Bradford, fine. Just win, baby.


    I was coming to say the same thing. I'm with you 100% on this whole post.

  10. M.


    All you do is attack the author without facts of your own. Typical of what the Clinton's do, demean and attack the individual, never answer the question with information.




    Spoken like a true acolyte of Jerry Lundergran who is a lap dog for the Clinton's.


    Typical of what Clinton haters do. Demean and attack Clinton supporters without ever answering the question or with information. Such a vicious cycle.:rolleyes:

  11. I'm seeing that he is supposed to announce today. 6:10pm is what I saw on twitter. I think it will be on ESPNU. Apparently it is between Duke, UK, NC State, Kansas and North Carolina. No one seems to know where he is headed. I believe he is #3 in his class. Should be interesting.

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