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Djason Unchained

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Everything posted by Djason Unchained

  1. It doesn't benefit the media to put the blacks on television who speak out against them. There are so many blacks speaking out against what is happening in Baltimore. The media wins again though.
  2. When he had the Beer Summit the whole nation believed the professor at the time. The truth came out later and Obama apologized. That's bad how? Al Sharpton was not an official spokesperson for the White House. Never has been and never will be. Blame the media for giving Al a voice. Not Obama. Wait, he sends in the federal government to investigate Trayvon and Michael Brown and the federal government finds out that nothing illegal took place and that's a problem? I'm so confused. What committee is Al on? You may be right there. Unlike most people in America I refuse to give Al Sharpton more than 10 seconds of my attention.
  3. There are thousands of blacks who are actually alive who are disappointed in the violence. Focus on what the dead blacks would do or say though. Constructive.
  4. And that is your perspective which you are free to have but if Obama has a different perspective then he is fanning the flames.
  5. You'll need something stronger than that to stop the thousands of criminals looting the streets of Baltimore.
  6. I'm amazed it has taken until 2015 for some people to understand this truth.
  7. No. I don't care at all about race relations. I either like you or I don't. I don't discriminate with it either.
  8. Perspective. The black perspective is different than the white perspective. What may seem baseless to you may seem logical to me.
  9. There's no way to stop it without being allowed to legally kill all the people doing the looting.
  10. You say fan the flames. I say he was simply being a black man in America. The saga continues.......
  11. Context. I took it as the mayor protecting her police force. The cops aren't safe out there at all.
  12. The ones looting, rioting, etc aren't doing it in the name of protest. Even MLK would be able to see that. He'd say the same thing a lot of black people are saying but that white people choose to ignore. He'd be trying to let people know that the looters aren't protestors and that they need to stop what they are doing. There are so many blacks speaking out against these violent acts as well as other acts in other cities but white people and the media choose to focus on the blacks who 'condone' it. Carry on though.....
  13. Why is it Obama's job to improve race relations? I don't understand that logic.
  14. Let the National Guard or the Army do that. I wouldn't put my cops in harm's way. They aren't equipped to handle mobs like that without Martial Law and the ability to just start killing people. It's not possible.
  15. Agree 100%. That's why I hate when people label the actual protestors as people who are looting. It's insulting to the ones who are peacefully protesting. And I'm not talking about you. I'm just speaking in general.
  16. :lol2: I'm sure you'd find a way to blame MLK also. You're foolish to believe he'd agree with anything you have to say.
  17. Yeah blame Obama for race relations in America. That's a new one. Only POTUS ever to be responsible for race relations in America. :no:
  18. The looters aren't protestors. Two different things. Amazed people still confuse the two. I wouldn't send my cops in there either. Why put them in harm's way? They don't have any control over the people choosing to be violent. Keep the cops safe.
  19. I believe WKY Elite was in Pittsburgh this past weekend. I don't know their results though.
  20. Allen, Plumlee, Jones, Jefferson, Kennard, Thornton, Obi, Ingram, Jeter. I can dig it.
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