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Djason Unchained

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Posts posted by Djason Unchained

  1. This one is going around on Facebook labeled as:


    "Neighbors call the cops because there were too many blacks at a pool party."


    The video picks up after the cops arrive. I'm really not sure why the cops were called or what triggered their involvement at the pool party. One officer has been suspended as a result for "out of control" behavior.



  2. Depends on who you play for. There are some very good AAU programs out there that flat out make players better when they return to their HS school programs. Don't disagree that there are a lot of programs that aren't teaching a thing and are simply all-star teams running up and down the floor playing nothing more than street ball. However, there are some programs out there that are truly developing players, running "sets" on offense and use the spring and summer to sharpen fundamental skills offensively and defensively. Bash AAU all you want but their some good organizations out there that will make players better, seen it firsthand.


    I know there are some good organizations. I've seen them also.

  3. I always figured they had to take classes to play.


    He will still have to be taking grad school classes or he will not be able to play. Just because you graduate and still have a year of eligibility left doesn't mean you get to play football without going to school.


    Cool. I have no clue. I was thinking I read somewhere that he graduated so grad classes make sense.

  4. I think you put your high school team first during the month of June. There are plenty of high exposure AAU events during the high school dead period and during the month of July. Also plenty of high exposure AAU events in April and May.


    It's my opinion that the term "high exposure event" is often overused advertising lingo and a way to get teams to come to said event.


    Absolutely. The "bigger exposure" events take place in April and July. Nobody misses anything in June. The respectable AAU programs don't schedule tournaments in June anyways. Not to mention that June basketball can be strenuous as well. Some schools will get in up to 20 games in the month of June and all of them practice.

  5. I have seen many in news reports, both TV and in print complain about too many police in the neighborhoods.


    I understand in some cities there has been a history of excessive force and it needs to be dealt with. It should have happened long ago.


    I agree 100% with your last paragraph. We do need better schools in our inner cities. To help foster that we need a lower crime rate so we can get the best teachers into those schools.


    To help break the cycle, people have to want better for themselves also. Not just want better but be determined to MAKE it. We have to help change the mindset of generational poverty.


    I think Morgan Freeman said it best when asked about racism, to paraphrase, I'll stop calling you a black man and you stop calling me a white man. We are just people.


    Oddly, my oldest daughter and I had this discussion the other day. She doesn't like to be called black. She said "Black is a color Dad, I am a person". Amazing how a teen from Ethiopia can get it and a lot here can't. Just had to share my proud Dad moment.:)


    The mindset of generational poverty is such a brutal mindset. It is depressing to see and frustrating to watch.


    Hopefully our kids will do a better job going forward of dealing with erasing racism from our society.

  6. The flip side is that everyone I know that does AAU (boys and girls) loves their teammates they play with for a short period of time, loves their Coach, the environment,etc. As an Outsider looking in,I agree with you whole heartedly, but the actual participants and their families love it with a capital L. So if your passion is 24/7/365 basketball or baseball or football, go for it full steam and never look back


    This isn't entirely true. I know more parents that have kids playing AAU that hate it. Kids like it for obvious reasons. Parents don't like it as much as you may think. A whole lot of kids end up with "AAU parents" as a result as well. That's also how you end up with kids transferring. Some kids have parents that simply can't get off of work to travel to some of these tournaments or practices and have other parents from the team looking after their kids on the weekends. Bonds are built, trust is formed, relationships forged and next thing you know, Joe Blow has moved to a new school.


    But people think recruiting is taking place. Nobody recruits anymore. Kids just play AAU. That's all.

  7. AAU is killing school ball. AAU basketball is also killing spring sports. AAU should only be played in the dead period with just a few tournaments. Wouldn't hurt my and many others feelings if there were no AAU.


    Just sayin.


    It wouldn't hurt mine either. Kids playing football seem to do just fine being found without AAU. No reason basketball couldn't follow the same model football is using to find out who can and can't play at the next level.

  8. I do understand why some are frustrated. With that said, they still can't go riot and loot. It destroys their credibility.


    They also can't complain about a large police presence in their neighborhood when they live in a high crime area. They complain when the cops don't do their job then turn around and complain when they do their job.


    They have to act in a responsible manner to help affect change. It can't always be someone else's responsibility. They need to stand up and be counted in credible way.


    I don't disagree. Rioting and looting does absolutely nothing at all to help them or their situation. It also doesn't allow anyone associated with the situation to be heard at all. For me, that is what bothered me the most about your initial post is because you know this is true. While your first post had a certain message you wanted to get across IMO it was unnecessary and inflammatory in a situation where an officer was murdered by an idiot.


    They don't complain about the large police presence in their neighborhood. They complain when there has been documented cases of excessive police force being used and nothing being done about it. Baltimore and Cleveland both have documented histories of excessive police force being used which has caused a large amount of mistrust between the citizens and the police. People shouldn't fear and mistrust the police but sadly in a lot of those areas they do and the reasons why are documented.


    Everyone has to act in a responsible manner to affect change and a huge part of affecting that change begins with better schooling in the inner city. As long as there are mediocre schools in the inner city then for the most part things will never change in the inner city. Too many people are born into the cycle with no hope and no chance to escape the cycle. That cycle has to be broken for true change to take place.

  9. While I find Djason to be a "dazzling urbanite," I just don't see him as the rioting type.


    Jokes aside, you're missing the point. It's not THAT Ferguson went up in flames. It's WHY. Whether Darren Wilson was justified or not in his actions is kind of not the point. It's why the people of that town reacted the way they did to the shooting of Michael Brown. And we can change the names of the city, the cop and the shooting victim and the problem is still there.


    "Dazzling urbanite". I like that. :thumb:

  10. If you are searching for common ground, try seeing things from a different perspective as you are asking others to do. You can't always expect someone else to do all the hard lifting. I know I don't.


    I do see things from a different perspective so as you stated, "maybe you should take your own advice."


    As I stated I normally agree with most things that you say about the police and I have said so multiple times in numerous threads. I'm still waiting for folks to say they understand the unrest in the inner cities without folks saying that people care more for a criminal than a murdered police officer. Is that a perspective you might be interested in?

  11. Not all disagreed with me.


    You throw insults as much as anyone on this board and you want to lecture others on how they post? Take some of your own advice.


    As far as people wanting to protest, I have no problem at all with legitimate protests. I do have a problem with anyone that wants to loot and riot. I get frustrated with things but I don't use it as an excuse to go steal and destroy something someone else has worked hard for. I will never respect that.


    No one high and mighty here. I'm as regular of a guy as you can meet. I just have a low tolerance for bovine feces and call it like I see it.


    When society starts having as much passion for a murdered officer as they do a criminal that has been killed, I will understand. Until then, I will continue to be a voice for them, whether to your standards or not.


    I throw shade and insults in response to things that are said. I don't start out with shade or insults. If folks want to play in the mud I'll get dirty. No problem with that at all. I just think it's funny that people get mad at what I say in response to posts that I feel cross the line.


    I have an extremely low tolerance for bull crap too. Especially lately. Mid life crisis maybe. Life changes. Not sure. I just know that if I feel something I am going to say it. I'm tired of holding my tongue and definitely tired of all of the frustrations that come with searching for common ground when no one cares about common ground.

  12. Ignorant by whose standards? Yours?


    As I said in an earlier post, you missed the point entirely. What I want is for people to have the same passion for a murdered police officer as they do for a criminal that is killed.


    Until you understand that, you are part of the problem.


    That's my whole point. Ignorant statements are statements you and people of your ilk don't agree with. There are different viewpoints on what the problems are other than what you say is right and wrong or ignorant.


    You don't think for one second that this whole thread would have been better served had you offered up proper condolences for a fallen officer? You don't think for one second that instead of asking where is the outrage, rioting and looting and wording your passionate feelings in a more appropriate manner that this whole thread could have been better served? My reaction to your statement that got this whole thread is the problem but your reactionary causing post isn't an issue at all? Let's not act like I'm the only one who felt the same way about your initial post. I'm just the only one who responded in an inciteful manner.


    Even worse is that fundamentally I have always agreed with a lot of the sentiment that you all say when it comes to the police and things that happen. My frustration lies in the fact that you all refuse to acknowledge why people protest and express outrage and do stupid stuff like riot and loot. Not one time have I ever condoned any of the rioting or looting or violence against the police and have expressed that multiple times on here. I have tried in earnest to get plenty of you to understand the mindset of people in the inner city and the borderline racist comments, the close minded posts, the incendiary posts, the race baiting posts and the shade thrown at those who don't agree with any of you high and mighty folks gets old. I'm part of the problem? Please, part of the problem has been the same thing for decades. People say how they feel and if people get their feelings hurt about the statement and then refuse to ask why someone would feel that way and search for a common ground. Folks would rather throw insults and remain close minded. I don't have a problem doing that as well. Being close minded is something I wish I did a whole lot more often.

  13. And that's why it's ignorant. All you're doing is perpetuating the hate. Meanwhile, some of us are out fighting stupid stuff like your statements by stopping and talking with minorities in lower income areas, handing out stickers, coloring books, stuffed animals, having lunch with these kids, etc., trying to mend those fences and stupid stuff like you posted keeps getter by put out there. If you aren't interested in helping, keep your stupid remarks to yourself.


    Save all that bull crap drama. If you think anyone is paying attention to anything I post then you are sorely mistaken. It's amazing how much ignorant and racist stuff is said on here that some people wholeheartedly agree with that nobody says anything about but say something bad about the police and folks lose their minds. My posts aren't perpetuating hate anymore than any of these other ignorant posts that are said on here. You just don't agree with them so you get all dramatic. How about you keep your dramatic posts to yourself and we can all continue to ignore the real issue at play and the whole post that got this started. A cop was killed but where is the outrage, rioting and looting? An ignorant post got this all started.

  14. Again, without knowing what the officers were truly thinking I fully get the anger by the community.


    Excellent sentence. At the end of the day that's all people in these communities are asking for is understanding as to why they feel the way they do. Years and years of mistrust between the citizens and police. Documented incidents of police brutality and use of excessive force by the police in the form of lawsuits against the police department that citizens have won. I believe 8 million dollars paid out to citizens over the last few years because of excessive force used by the police. Brandon Jones shot by the police and the 12 year old with a pellet gun shot by the police.


    I understand and their anger and frustration and I hope they resist the urge to have an excuse to loot and riot. Not that anyone is listening to them when they peacefully protest anyways.

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