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BOKC Wildcat

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Everything posted by BOKC Wildcat

  1. The Warren Commission would have loved you back in the 1960s! lol!
  2. What about Kenny Stabler? The Snake had Oakland Raiders the most feared team of the mid 1970s, until the Steelers took over? lol! :isurrender:
  3. Actually, NKU AGREED TO PLAY in Regents Hall after they messed up with Kennesaw State. The story is really wild! I can't divulge on this chat space!
  4. Axe to grind? By asking questions to facts? You work for NKU? lol!
  5. They made it a throwback night AFTER the fact an event was booked in the BOKC. They told the women's players back in the fall and they laughed about it, knowing it was just a cover-up tactic. Several of them went to the security guard's office and asked to see event booked for that weekend, and sure enough they found out there was events in there booked. lol! Some of the parents did not find it funny the women were forced to play in Regents Hall, but they know in reality no amount of complaining was going to change it. I do not understand why they waited so long to announce it to their fans. I know they covered up lots of escapades during the Eaton era in that athletic dept., but this new athletic director is twice as bad and not near as friendly as Eaton!
  6. Any one with answer to the question about the women's game in Regents Hall in three weeks? The BOKC has nothing to do with that game, obviously.
  7. That's a great crowd for Florida Coast. They had some fans following their women's team Saturday night in the BOKC, i would say about 75 to 100.
  8. Did she get her 1,000 point? Mel is a great kid, very classy. As far as always a doubleheader I can't remember, but when they made the move to Division I Scott Eaton said there would be no more doubleheaders for the BOKC to worry about. He said with TV requirements, if the NKU men were scheduled to play at 7:00 p.m. they had to start then, so it made no sense to play a women's game before and possible interfere with TV. Then again, Eaton was probably lying, given what happened to him!
  9. Congrats to the Breds on winning the tournament again. But given the margins in these games, I believe NewCath would be better served having played games against Holmes, CovCath, etc. to get ready for the real 9th region event. The All A did not exist when I was a student at Henry Clay in the mid 1970s and I still do not understand the rationale. Teams like NewCath can beat any teams regardless of classification, and the All A does them no good in the end. Yes it is a title, but playing better competition makes a team better by the end of the year. Can't wait to see NewCath, CovCath, Holmes in the 9th region tournament at the BOKC in a few weeks! The crowd for the finals last year was great and hopefully we will have the same turnout this year.
  10. My favorite is seeing the 40-something guys dying their hair jet-black even though they have wrinkles and crow's feet all over their faces!
  11. How is NKU making good for the season ticket holders in the Regents Hall in three weeks? The women were moved to Regents Hall against Kennesaw State (the BOKC is taken that Saturday for an event). The NKU public address guy finally told the crowd the women play in Regents Hall during the games last week. Some of the fans were asking what the heck?!!!? The SMG brass told us to say nothing if asked about it, let NKU deal with that issue! I just want to know about the court side seat holders and the Vault privileges their season ticket people are deprived of by playing in Regents Hall. I wish I could get to that game but we have an event in the BOKC the same day!
  12. You are correct. The student frats show up for Homecoming each year and make a good student showing. The problem this year is it a doubleheader, which means few will be there for a women's game and lots for the men. They see the King and Queen announced at halftime of the men, then all of them start a mass exodus. I would say the attendance should be around the 2,000 mark for the men's game. Probably less than 500 for the women, although the women did have their biggest ACTUAL attendance this past Saturday (1,026) for Florida Coast.
  13. Thank you! I am glad to hear he is still involved in the game. Jock was never at a loss for words!
  14. Bellevue is having a solid season and deserves kudos for a big district win. I looked up the 1976 9th region and indeed Bellevue beat Highlands in the first round. Holmes beat NewCath and Holy Cross later in the finals to win the region in 1976. Started a 3-year run of Sweet 16 trips for the Bulldogs. Bellevue also made the regional in 1977 but had the bad luck of drawing Holmes in a game played at Holmes.
  15. I have not heard anything about Jock Sutherland for several years and wondered if any Lafayette people might know how he is doing. He was the funniest head coach on the sidelines I ever watched. Had some great players in the day like the two Minnifields, Tony Wilson, and others.
  16. ggclfan, You are 100% correct. This simply demonstrates one does not have to be intelligent to be elected President of our great nation. Sad indeed.
  17. Guru, What happened to Don Weber and his sports how on cable? I have not seen him on TWC for sports in years. Any help appreciated.
  18. No problem, I agree with you. SMG runs the BOKC with the intent to make money, and the only way to do so is bring in acts that people will pay to see. If I were King, both NKU teams would play in Regents Hall UNLESS there was a special game (West Virginia, Louisville, Bellarmine) that the BOKC seating would be required. Your comment about ghost town i right on. It is very discouraging for both the SMG brass and NKU administrators to look into the 9,400 seats and see only 900 people in attendance. The other problem is the lack of student support, it is horrible! On Thursday night the end zone bleachers were basically empty against Stetson. SMG would much rather deal with the high schools and their stomping and bring in money than have those empty end zone bleachers. The NKU women are not the target here, because the NKU men do not come close to filling the arena either. But if you come to a NKU women's game and they play at 7:00 p.m. tonight, it is very sad to see the empty seats when SMG could have had an act that would have brought a huge crowd in. NKU, meanwhile, could have played in Regents Hall and had a great atmosphere tonight while we in the BOKC would have had a great concert, great crowd and everyone is happy.
  19. You are correct. The problem for SMG is NKU gets to pick out dates for basketball games and handcuffs the BOKC people from brining in revenue generating acts. Tonight is a great example: SMG could have had a fairly big concert and had to turn it down because of the NKU women playing Florida Coast. I have worked part time in events and operations since the BOKC opened in 2008 and this happens all the time. The SMG brass has tried in vain to get NKU to move more women's games to Regents Hall with no success. NKU did move a game next month to Regents Hall so SMG could bring in a money maker that weekend, but that's just one time. Yes, the arena can make money with events, but not NKU women's basketball
  20. Kenny Shields doesn't need a spokesperson, if you know him. His word is golden and he commands respect.
  21. Well, he said it in front of about twenty people in The Vault, so if that is in confidence, so be it. Given your limitations on speech, this chat room would not exist long.
  22. The NKU men drew over 8,000 fans to see Louisville in 2008 and that's their largest crowd. Their second largest crowd is a little over 6,000 against Jacksonville two years ago. Most of the men's crowds are around 1,400 or thereabouts, with a few (West Virginia at a little over 4,000 a example) doing better than that. There were a couple of games with Bellarmine when they were in Division II that drew over 5,000, but Bellarmine brought 1,000 fans both times. None of the visiting teams, even Morehead State last year, have brought many fans. West Virginia had the best amount, but even that fizzled because they played on a Sunday while NFL football was on.
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