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Everything posted by BlacknGold

  1. With all the shenanigans going on above me... let me formally say Go BC Rebels !
  2. Boyle Co. OC? I think Country should apply. Maybe he could do well. If not then he will complain about how he runs too many running plays
  3. Coach Mason just called me to clarify something. He will only be the VP at Bullitt East. He will not be the OC there. He will no longer coach. My apologies
  4. I don't know about you guys but I would like Coach Eddie James to be our Offensive Coordinator next year. He is currently our QB Coach and former OC at Franklin County. I think he would be perfect.
  5. Breaking News : Chris Mason steps down as OC of Boyle County . He will accept a Vice Principal Job at Bullitt East. I don't have time to make the article but he just explained it to us in our locker room
  6. I hope you're being sarcastic. Sting is so much better than Stone Cold or The Rock. They have had their times and they were never the originals. They had their 7 years of fame and left.
  7. Show turns on Cena. It's now 1 on 3 Zigger vs Rollins, Kane and Harper
  8. 3 left for Authority 4 left for Cena Rusev eliminated by Count out after missing a dive through the Spanish announce table on ziggler.
  9. 4Left for the Authority 4 Left for Cena Ryback eliminated by Rusev and a curb stomp by Rollins.
  10. 4 left for the Authority 5 left for Cena Big show eliminates Mark Henry with a KO punch
  11. Baseball, I'm hearing of some returns tonight ? Do you think we could see Sting, Reigns or Orton?
  12. And I'm not sure how to feel about a Adam Rose and Bunny vs Slater and O'Neal . I like Rose a lot tho
  13. This is my first time with the network. I'm pleased so far. I didn't want that 6 month commitment. I'm like 7 mind behind tho so I'm trying to be cautious. Lol. The Fandango match really put him over . He had a new gimmick sort of. It felt like a salsa dancing and Mexican dancing routine and no more colorful entrance. It was red and black.
  14. Fandango defeated Justin Gabriel via pinfall Jack Swagger defeated CesarI via Submission. That was your pre-show matches. We also saw the return of Bad News Barrett.
  15. You guys are already trying to point fingers at Coach Mason. I am part of this team. I know the team inside and out better than most of any of you could. I have to wonder with you guys. Why do you think it was a offensive play calling problem that cost us the game? To me putting up 35 points was not a problem. Allowing 40 points on Kickoffs and Defense is devasting. Defense wins and loses games. You complain when we win or lose. If we pass the ball or run the ball you complain. I remember a thread earlier this year with you complaining about how we ran the ball too much. This game we passed the ball and you complain. Do you know all these little guys on here who say that Boyle fans are rude and stuff like that.. Well when listening to that.. maybe they are right because all you do is complain. So if you're placing blame on who cost us the game. Blame Jaylen Jones, Reece Ryan, JJ Ogbogu, Andy Thompson, Chase Boling, Griggs and Cody Mitchell. They are the real reason that we got beat. They simply out played us when it counted. And I have a question for next year. What are you planning on complaining about. Aidan will be gone, so will Brandon Devins, Keagain and Zach. Toro and Sowders will be gone from the line. Are you going to complain that Josiah passes the ball too much or are you going to complain that Gunner, EB and Reeves run it too much?
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