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Everything posted by dg21

  1. I have no problem with the more talented girls playing up at all! And my opinion is based on not just physical skill set but socially a 7th or 8th grader is not and IMO not ready to interact with young ladies that are socially and physically more advanced! In Ohio like many other states you must be a freshman to participate at a varsity level and it does not hurt these young ladies in recruitment whatsoever!! A talented 8th grader will be a talented freshman and at that point IMO should be able to participate at whatever their skill level or school team needs dictate! With that being said I also know what it's like when your child has a bad experience from a bad middle school coach! My daughter's first experience with basketball was in the 6th grade and the coach took the job for the stipend check and it was a horrible experience for her! She quit basketball and became a cheerleader the following year with no intention of ever playing the game again! ( tough pill to swallow)As a parent I wanted her to move up give it another chance but it wasn't my place to ask or demand that. If she were good enough at the time they would have moved her up with out my interference or influence. So I think it comes down to whether your daughter is physically and mentally capable of handling a move up but i'm for doing it in moderation move skilled MS children up to a freshman/JV level and see how they fare there but do it for the child not the parent and if the kid is good enough they will find their way to top!
  2. And I seen it last night with my own eyes.... Gulley is the fastest girl on the team!
  3. She suffered a lateral tear in her meniscus during the aau season but she's only a couple weeks out from getting back at it. Johnson and Tubbs play 2 different positions and I would look for Perkins to fill Hannah's void with some offense. Not that Johnson can't score because athletically she doesn't have many peers but Parker and Mayes can stretch the D with their shot and although Johnson is a superb defender and can get to the rim at will her shot isn't there yet.
  4. As it stands today its Stoval Harris Parker Englemon Gulley Look for Tubbs to replace parker when healthy and expect Mayes to big off the bench. Mayes is small for a big and too slow for a guard but will be a solid contributor!
  5. She is the biggest, strongest and fastest on the floor in most cases!
  6. Gulley is the fastest girl on the team?? Okay maybe outside of Stoval and Johnson but I wouldn't put money on it!!
  7. Look for alot of improvement from Asyah Mitchell as well.
  8. I'd say by the end of this season the Lady Dawgs will be well represented on this list!
  9. I would be shocked if coach Perkins participated!! I would love for him to just don't think it's his style!
  10. Haven't seen her play to compare her to Hannah or any other player for that matter!
  11. Agreed Harris could use some skill work but I think that statement holds true for most! And in my opinion Lexi isn't necessarily a pg or a sg!! She is a scoring guard! Good with the ball in hand but not necessarily a distributor or shooter just a flat out get to the rim type player!! IMO scorers are a different breed and although she may play point it's not her strength! Second best scoring guard behind Hannah Tubbs! IMO WITH that being said the High School game is very different and I will be interested in seeing how Hannah fits in a system and adapts to that she has always been the man! Iso and let her work. This will be different for her! In regards to the center position though this will be Amori Gulley's 4th year playing basketball and her combo of size, strength and speed is special! She has worked hard to put her name in the convo and has a favorable team record against the other players listed and I am betting she will open some eyes this coming year!
  12. I agree great list and you all are right a teams needs may dictate position for some girls but Mayes and Englemon will probably be interchangeable and I'm not sure Mayes even belongs in the top 5 anymore for either position. Harris is a top 5 at her position and probably pushes Mayes out. And Lexi has to be in the top 5 pg a little slight of frame but a rising star not only in our region but statewide. And I may have a few issues with the center list as well but I will hold my opinion on that! :whistling:
  13. That's a good start... A few girls here and there I may be higher on than others and what not but it's a good list to keep my eye out for some of the young ladies!
  14. Not really a guru when it comes to the names of players for other 9th region teams other than my Lady Dawgs but would like to get to know some. I think this thread would be interesting to see some opinions on position rankings for top 5 pg's, top five sg's etc...a top 5 based on position for the region!
  15. As I have recently found out there are many layers to AAU basketball! And I can't speak for the type of schedule the stars play or played while she was with them but I feel it was similar to My daughters last AAU team (Lady Legends) because we faced them in many tournaments locally. With that being said Legends traveled far and wide (Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Nashville etc..) and did so with very little exposure to college coaches and scouts. And her most recent experience was in an exposure event in Nashville with 30+ schools in attendance including Tennessee, Vanderbilt,LSU and Locals like NKU and UC. In that one tourney with the Cincinnati Angels she was exposed to more schools than the summer schedule combined! Who you play for and in front of means everything!
  16. Huh!! Im not sure I understand the love affair with Ryle?? I mean based on the game against Holmes... I just dont see it! If it's because they returned a lot of players ok they will possibly be better but that same theory holds true for the other top teams! And that Ryle vs. Holmes game last year was not close!!
  17. I'm waiting for a legit preview to come available!!!
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