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Posts posted by ennam_iv

  1. I am a big fan of the referee in that picture above. I know it is weird being a fan of a ref Lol, but he is pretty young, very consistent, and will explain calls to coaches instead of just warning them to shut up. That is about all you can ask for out of a ref is consistency. He was also a really good ball player in his day at I believe Beechwood??


    Michael Jordan Romes!

    Also, the all time leading scorer at Mt. St. Joe.


    I really like the game he calls as well... I'm a big fan too! I think he is able to call a good game because he has played as extensively as he has. He understands the game. (side note: his dad has the best legs in NKY!)

  2. I agree about the fans chanting. It's just a part of the game and I have heard way harsher things said.


    I have no problem with fans chanting that. If I were the player it was directed at, I'd take it as a compliment.


    Now, what I do have an issue with is folks getting one here and acting like the CCH coaching staff stopped it... didn't happen.


    Also, the CCH players are stepping on the court and "bullying" their opponents, both physically and verbally... and good for them for doing that. Until another team steps on the floor against them with the same mindset (in the 9th region), they will continue to whoop other teams in this region.

  3. It bugs me when parents go over to the bench, during the game, to give their son or daughter a Gatorade. When I was a kid, my mom never approached the bench during a game to give me anything. I drank from the jug at the end of the bench.


    Am I just too much of a stick in the mud?




    (Edit): at first I assumed this was middle school... which I have no problem with. These poor boys are going through puberty... their heads are elsewhere.


    If you're referring to HS, then "no." I've never seen it happen at the HS level. It would make me laugh if I did.

  4. I really wish Dixie's coach would make adjustments during the game when things aren't working.


    The 3-point shooter from Lafayette should have been taken out of the equation. Ruthsatz would have face-guarded him, like he did against the kid from Conner. A box and chaser (oh my god! A "junk" defense) would have been effective against Lafayette.


    The other thing that Dixie kept doing was put their center at half court to break the press. Unless you have a special center it's not a good idea to give them the ball mid court and ask them to make a quick decision. A player like Drew Moore or Austin Schreck catching it in the middle of the court and attacking the basket would have worked wonders.


    Adjustments. That is one thing that separates the really good coaches from the rest.

  5. Dixie fell apart. Not a good game. Give Lafayette credit, they played hard throughout the game. One too many Dixie players played timid.


    The refs did let Lafayette give quite a few slaps while applying their pressure defense, but as the out of region team you have to be able to play through that and adjust.


    Not sure why Dixie abandoned the 2-3 zone... that's what they were playing when they went on their run.


    A tough loss for sure.

  6. This should be a pretty good game. Having seen both teams, I have to agree that they are very evenly matched with a slight athleticism advantage going to Lafayette.


    I really like Lucky Jackson. Whoever is on him will have their hands full. Physically strong while also being a great athlete when attacking the rim.


    They must be really, really athletic to be more athletic than Dixie. And is this Lucky kid more athletic than Drew Moore and Matt Isbel? If so, wow... can't wait to see him.

  7. Matt Isbel from Dixie at least needs to be in the contest.


    He was on the track team last year for the high jump... first time ever doing it... and had a school contacting him (I believe an SEC school) to come and high jump for them. He didn't even have good mechanics, as it was his first time doing it.


    He went up in traffic over 2 Conner players in his last game, but had the ball slam off the back of the rim, because another Conner player got under him late trying to take a charge. He is one of the few players I know of who can go up in traffic and slam with authority. Wish I had video.


    He had an NBA dunk a few games ago off a missed shot, again, in traffic. He grabbed the rebound 2-handed, slammed it HARD and then did the Dwayne Wade chin pull-up for effect (and the "T").

  8. Thanks for the responses.

    Sounds like it will be a good matchup.


    Sounds like Dixie will have a size advantage. And it sounds to me like Dixie matches up well with Lafayette. The Colonels should have everyone tonight.


    It will be fun to watch Drew Moore match up with Lucky Jackson. Sounds like they have similar styles of play.


    Most pressing teams have called their press off against Dixie because they handle it we'll (having 4 PGs) and score against it.


    Dixie's staple ingredient every game is their half court M2M. Dixie is also a very good rebounding team.

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