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Everything posted by RCC9

  1. Couldn't agree more! Especially on the girl's side.
  2. Well there he is! We missed you! Do you use copy and paste a lot? No soup for you!
  3. If you are asking about this upcoming year, I'm not sure that will happen. I hope it does, but you just don't magically go from not having enough depth and size to state championships in one year. They reason HHS had been successful was because they had classes after classes with really good talent. So back ups to backups were good players. Some predicted this stint two years before it happened. That was because they knew what was coming. Now you have to take some time for those classes that are replacing them to fill in the depth. You need multiple good classes in a row to do what HHS does to be successful at a smaller school. So yes, I (and others) think those classes are on the way. But I don't think any HHS fan feels it's going to happen overnight. But like I said before, tradition is a marathon...not a sprint. They will be back and I have zero concern about that. I don't have any kids that play football. So I have all the time in the world. The folks that can tend to get a little excited are the ones with kids in the program now and the clock is ticking. I was there before several of them and I'll be there after they are gone. So it makes no difference to me "when" it happens. But it will.
  4. THEY ARE IN THE FIRST POST, for goodness sakes! Lol!
  5. Well I'll fill ya in. Questions were asked. Many responded with answers and suggestions on where he could find answers! Heck, I even offered to meet (IN PARK HILLS!) and get him all his answers!! But apparenly he feels no one answered his questions yet and that the Fort is filled with doom and gloom...and we are all in cahoots to cover that up...even all the non-Bird fans!!
  6. Apparently all of them still need answered!
  7. I'm not following your logic here? Are you saying she should hold out for better offers? Sounds like she's happy with the commitment. It actually feels like many are "defending" her choice when no one even challenged her choice. Kids make decisions on what they feel is right for them. If they make a choice, I don't think they need to defend it.
  8. Okay! I went out and queried the city. Here's the results. I think you'll be happy! Is it that Dale left? Yes, the city has been in chaos since his retirement. We felt hiring BW would be the answer, but it just hasn't worked out. We didn't realize how much Dale really did. BW obviously wasn't paying attention all those years and he's paying for it now. The city has been meeting weekly on the subject and they expect to see an open req soon for head football coach. Open enrollment? Yes, it has crushed the depth and quality of players. Ft Thomas knows they only produce puny little kids, so they rely on open enrollment to bring in the kids that wear "husky" pants. Although we have been getting tuition students, they just aren't living up to standards! So we are looking into how to attract better (bigger) tuition students. I think there is a meeting tonight in the careteria. You may want to attend and provide your suggestions! Feeder system? The feeder system is shambles! Where we do agree is that the other schools in NKY have really improved the way they feed their programs. That is great for NkY. But being selfish (like we HHS fans are), the city doesn't care about other schools feeder programs. They only question how ours went from first to worse in two short years. They want answers and they are looking to the jr league president for answers. If he can't answer the tough questions, I see impeachment in his future. So there you haven't. All the citizens are stressed and on high alert. The good thing is...everyone has really chipped in and signed the petition to out BW. I love it when our community comes together to overcome challenges! But if you want my opinion, I think it's because we've transformed into and baseball and softball school. And Football just isn't what it used to be in the Fort! And come to think of it, I don't think the sun has shined in Ft Thomas since Dale retired! I'm glad I live outside the city and pay tuition for my 4 kids! I couldn't do without the sun. I'm a beach guy!
  9. It's just not. It was a down year and we go back to rebuilding from there. Tradition is a marathon...not a sprint.
  10. Well bring the horrible official of yours with you and you have a deal! (BTW...I'm just having fun with him now, but don't tell Bfritz!)
  11. Because it's much easier to discuss in person. You get the benefit of the debate and immediate answers, body language, etc. PLus, this social media is the downfall of humanity. Nobody talks face to face anymore. Let's do our part to change it!!
  12. Again! We don't think it's a big deal! You do!!!!!!!!!
  13. Oh one other thing...I used to feel like the Cov Cath fans were always so classy and I had so much respect for them. Man, how one person can change a perception! I won't hold it against the respected Cov Cath faithful. Carry on! Let see what you can spew about today! This is getting kind of fun!
  14. We have looked at our own program. We've seen all this before. We aren't worried. You are! And it's cute! Again...like a democrat! Trying to create panic where there is nothing! Hahaha Oh...BTW...are you saying that if someone starts a "What's happened to Cov Cath for the last 15 years?" thread...you'll contribute? ...because then you'll have had time to think about it! Hahahahah
  15. Where are those darn emojis! So no...don't want to meet and discuss? I think I can help you! You just want to sit behind the computer and try to cause issues? Well have it your way! But I think I could get you your answers. If that really what you were looking for! Hahahah
  16. I couldnt be happier the rest of nky has caught up. I've been preaching that for years. I always said, I want it back to he days where nky has a say in every class. The way it used to be. And back then, HHS was still on the top of NKy most years, but by no means did they dominate it. There were nky battles every week and all the games were typically pretty good. Then we all would go down state and we're all very successful. That's where I want to see nky get to again.
  17. But at least I'd get to have a couple coldies and I might be able to tolerate it a little better! I'll even travel to his favorite Park Hills establishment!
  18. Look, let's just go get a drink. I can give you your hug, give you all the info about HHS football your little heart desires and maybe I can even help you in others areas! Let's talk!
  19. Can someone tell me how to use my emojis on my iPhone??? I really need that laughing hysterically one right now. You never got your hug did you? Poor thing?
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