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Perfect Practice

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Everything posted by Perfect Practice

  1. But, what about O'Connor, Smith, Murray, and Gligorevic? I would say that is some decent talent. I believe even you have strongly argued their talent and potential. If not better than a regional semifinal with these guys, then who or what does it take? I'm not arguing against Carr at Highlands, a coach that will win some games for sure. But, what do you all think about him getting to that next level? It will be interesting to see this play out.
  2. This state tourney should be star-studded and loaded with the best talent in the state. Should be an awesome event. Cant wait to see the results after next weekend.
  3. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Should be an interesting topic to follow. Highlands has some good (senior to be) players now. Returning most everyone I believe. Wonder how Carr would shake out after they all graduate? Some good younger talent there he could develop. Cool.
  4. Yeah, I saw that down there. I dont know what organization they were from??? They had an absolute stud at PG (#22). Also 2 other nice players (#24 and #20). Dont know these kids, but I do know they were Seniors to be (17U).
  5. Will the 16u DSAS be playing up? I have heard this rumored.
  6. Anyone know if Lionel Gaines from Eastern Highschool playing summer ball? and for who?
  7. Would you want Brad Carr as your guy at Highlands? Honestly.
  8. Matt Trammel (Dixie Heights), Bobby Stauffer (Ryle), Jake Flesch (Connor) to name a few of their key players. They also have some other nice players. The played well and won the tournament in Louisville.
  9. The NKY Bulldogs (16U) won the 17U (11th grade) Roundball Rumble at Hoops Basketball Facility in Louisville this weekend. This was originally supposed to be the Nike Classic tournament.
  10. Last weekend after finals at Louisville and all is quiet. I made the trip over to Hoops to check out a tournament going on over there. Who is the "Team Kentucky" team that played in the "Roundball Rumble"? They have two kids that really impressed me, but i dont know their names. Numbers 22 & 24. Really good ball players. 22 was was fillin' it up from 3 point range and had a nice pentration game. Number 24 was a good shooter and had pretty solid moves under the basket. Number 20 was also pretty solid. Also had a chance to watch the NKY Bulldogs play again. They looked real good to me again. Bobby Stauffer had a nice game from what I saw. Probably 18-20 points and 10 boards or so. They also had a nice player, number 24. Does anyone know who this kid is?
  11. As I stated, not much of an opportunity to see O'Connor, but it would be hard to believe the defensive edge goes to O'Connor. Maybe give the blocking aspect of defense to O'Connor. But, as far as guarding an opponent 1 on 1, straight up, Stauffer does this pretty well. He can play under the basketball and step out and defend. He has a good ability to step out to the perimeter to defend. I watched him shut down Marcellus Barkesdale in an AAU game (not in season play). Marcellus was playing inside and out on the perimeter and Stauffer held him to 6 points (maybe 8), and Barkesdale can flat score. As for the shooting touch, Stauffer is pretty good there too. Sure he may need to work on that a bit, but I think most big could use work there. He has a pretty soft touch from 15' too.
  12. I agree with you here. Stauffer will have a very strong year IMO.
  13. For how long and big (6'8") he is, and having that additional year, some would argue that his stats should be better than a sophomore who is only 6'5", or 6'6" and plays a very like position on the floor. For how long and big he is (6'8") he absolutely should be a stud down low on defense. As for doing the little things, I have seen Stauffer take charges in some summer tournaments this year. As far as altering and blocking shots, he can do that as well. If you wanna say it's getting picky, the stats or subjects you just brought up are picky. Stauffer does a lot for his teams. Some would also argue about leadership. It's not listed as a stat, but equally as important. Both are good players. Both have like stats. As I have stated in an earlier post, I have not had much of an opportunity to see O'Connor play. But, for as long as this argument has gone on, admit it or not, his stats are very much comparable to others. Does O'Connor play summer ball?
  14. I absolutely agree with you that Jackson is a great player, maybe one of the better players in the state. But, I wouldnt go as far as to put him at top 10 in the NATION. The kid can play ball, no doubt about that, but for me, top 10 in the nation is a little high. He would definitely make the top 50, and maybe the top 40.
  15. It definitely is about the best big man in the state and in NKY. But, I just throw that in there because the stats are extremely comparable (even though you dont seem to want to admit that), if not dead even. That being said Stauffer is a Sophomore. Therefore, Stauffer may have more upside. I absolutely agree with you here. It's not always smart to question refs. Let the coaches worry about it. But that competitive nature drives these kids. The fact that you say MOST of the really good players you see compete dont question calls is funny to me personally... What about college ball? Because those are the guys that compete at the highest level (excluding the NBA, where they always complain, but we'll leave them out of this) and you see them questioning A LOT of calls. I see kids in every tournament I'm at that questions calls. They wanna win! If a kid truly feels like there was a missed call they will all most certainly have something to say. Whether they "think" it or "say" it, It going to affect them just the same.
  16. You are very much entitled to your opinion and it is respected. But, just as much as you are going to give your say... So will I. You are forgetting that O'Connor is going to be a Senior. Stauffer just a Junior. For being a whole year behind, the stats are pretty comparable, if not dead even. You must admit that... As far as working without the ball on offense, you are way off here IMO. The kid works so hard on both sides of the basktball floor. Maybe he does question some calls, but what passionate, competitive basketball player doesnt. As much as you say that this is his flaw, it's that same fire that burns in him to wanna be great and makes him a real good ball player. Or would you rather these boys just lay down. IMO it's his fire and passion that makes him so good as just a sophomore. As far as summer ball, I've seen him a few times in Louisville and in a tournament in Cincinnati... Seems to be playing well to me. Yet to see anyone push him around or shut him down.
  17. I didnt leave O'Conner off my list intentionally. He may be a good player. I have not had to much of an opportunity to see him play. But you need to check the stats again. Stauffer had more points, and more rebounds. He also had less turnovers, and this is in important stat. Not to mention, Stauffer never played more than 28 minutes in a game and he only did that once. O'Connor played more than 28 minutes 5 times. His two biggest game were also against Calvary Christian and Silver Grove. And, to boot, O'Connor is a Junior. Look, Im not trying to debate the fact that O'Connor isnt a good player. You can clearly see that he is a nice player. Not to mention that he is 6'8" and still has another whole season to play. And he does play with another nice big man in Gligorevic who is a forward though, not a center ("big man"). O'Connor should be fun to watch next season. Stauffer is a very nice player. And he went to combat with an older, bigger guy on the team and he held his own. This is what I mean by saying that Stauffer really had to compete for time with another big man. Jake Geisler didnt have to split time with Matt. One is a center, one is a smaller forward. Look, all are nice players, period. You are entitled to your opinion, it is apparent you like Geisler and O'Conner, both very nice Players. I think Stauffer is gonna be a top 5 big man in NKY next season which is what I stated from the first post. IMO he could be top 2 or 3. If I'm not mistaken I had Geisler in there as well.
  18. I want to see this kid play. Havent had an opportunity, but I hear he is a very nice player.
  19. Geisler/Stauffer, Stauffer/Geisler.... I never said Stauffer was above Geisler, I just said that I dont know that I would necessarily put Geisler ahead of Stauffer. Both were very solid last season as sophomores. Both will continue to get better. I personally think Stauffer is more athletic than Geisler. The kid doesnt wear down. He has a very "high motor" (to coin a football term) that doesnt quit. He isn't as big as Geisler, but he plays an inch or 2 bigger than is doesnt appear to get "out-muscled" by anyone. Should be fun to watch these two progress. Both are good players. 2 and 2a either way behind Pittman in NKY. (My opinion) The Thelen thing, I dont get either. Very solid offensive contributor. The kid can shoot at times. I dont see much out of him defensively. Maybe he was hurt or something. I dont know much about him. But, when I've seen him play some defense was lacking. Also, if you put him inside, he is going to get banged around by stronger, bigger guys. If you put him on the wing, a nice spot for him, and could probably take the bigger, stronger guys out there.
  20. You're WAY off here. This wasnt throwing anyone under the bus. I simply stated a fact... Giesler didnt have another big man that he was truly competing with. Stauffer did. That's a fact. If Lebron and Kobe played together would they contribute the way they do individually? Absolutely not. I dont throw kids "under the bus", I simply stated a fact. Giesler IS a nice player. No doubt about that. Dont make assumptions or put words into someone's mouth. that's not cool.
  21. Glad to see that another person on here has seen Clay Robinson. I really think he will be able to assert himself as a legitimate big man in NKY. He may not have dominated last year, but he is my pick for being the guy that comes on that not many have heard about.
  22. He is a big kid, and a good player. He's got some work to do next season. He and Kellen Smith should do well together.
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