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Posts posted by TAC

  1. Don't see how this is gonna work. Just combining the 2 divisions is gonna crush the d2 schools chances of a championship for a long time coming. And the tournament- if the NCAA played the tournament like the NAIA does, well I think you'd see who the "men" in the sport are.


    I understand They are doing away with the 2 divisions in the 20-21 season, guess they are just getting started on the new tourney format sooner?

  2. I thought you brought a lot to the threads. Many on hear have had Votto blinders for some time, and I think now that hes no longer the best player on the Reds its starting to hit home and they cant handle it. But Votto isnt responsible for his own play so there is that.


    Its also irrelevant what Votto does, he could have a year like last year, and still the Reds are only winning about 70 games.


    Did I hear Votto just made his 6th all star game?

  3. I also understood that they extracted those in the best condition, not the weakest. Next round should begin here in a few hours.


    Crazy how the news comes out so differently with everyone trying to get the scoop. the story I saw did say the area around the rescue site was closed to reporters. Live coverage had switched to the hospital.

  4. I have no idea. This situation really stinks for pet owners though :lol2:


    Brother in law sent his dog who was looking out the door a couple weeks ago.

    “Get it Dixie”

    That lasted 2 minutes. Dog got skunked!

  5. I just got an alert that there's a potentially rabid skunk running around our subdivision. I'm heading home to put cats inside as someone has set an animal trap for it using tuna.


    And if they catch it?

  6. I don’t know anything about the production of bourbon but I don’t see how any of the barrels that aren’t broken open would be damaged goods. The bourbon itself is not going to go bad simply because it’s been outside the rick house. Pick those babies up and store them in another structure. Bottled them up and put them on the market when they’re ready.


    When I toured Makers they go thru a very scientific process of aging. They spend different amount of time at each level within the structure. The barrels are marked but They may not have space where needed? They may be able to preserve the booze but it may not taste the same as the normal 1792.

  7. One round of a .22 going off in the city is not going to get the law called. But it sounds like your doing just OK with the pellet gun. I have a .177 HMR with a scope on it if needed.

    Use a have a heart trap, but leave it where you could shoot the skunk from a distance safely.

  8. According to reports none of the kids can even swim. It doesn’t get worse than this. Maybe by some miracle they can drill and vertically extract them, but reports indicate they’re 2.5 miles in and the cave stretches up to 6 miles and varies in elevation.


    I think they are going to have to dive.


    I was wondering about the drilling option. Guess you answered that. Maybe a combination of drilling a diving to that area? Is there a water tight bubble they could put a kid in and pull it out? Maybe knock the kids out first so the panic level is gone?

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