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Posts posted by TAC

  1. I just saw the video. Looks like murder to me, based only on what I've seen.


    I think if the victim had continued after shoving him, the shooter might have an argument. However it looked like the victim stopped and even turned away when he saw the gun.


    Love to hear the audio of what went down. If shooter was verbally threatened (talk to my GF like that and I'll kill you) in addition to being pushed to the ground, it may make a difference? Love to hear what the shooter was saying as well. All of the folks walking into the store heard him! He had harassed others before. Maybe looking for a reason.

  2. 72 years old with an 8.2 index. Always try to play 6,100 to 6,200 yard tees. Less than 6,000 I feel like a wuss; more than 6,300 and I know I will be hitting fairway woods into par 4s and that's no fun. Euro golf is different distance wise, because the game is all about run ups and not flying the ball to pins.


    A side note - you can play bad golf fast. It doesn't hurt near as much as bad golf slow!


    I'm really bad, but I'm really fast. If a guy is slow I'm OK if he is really good. But if he is slow and bad......

  3. Played a course in an outing one time. While waiting to play from the middle tees, we walked into a freshly cut field behind us and found a ton of balls. A lot of pro v’s. I always wondered why guys that bad were playing the tips and using expensive balls.

  4. I am one that you described as "seeks the truth." I believe in the possibility of there being a higher power, but, prove it to me. I've had people say "Well how could this (insert random thing or happening) be without God?" and then I give them ways it could be without the presence of a higher power. I hope that when I challenge people on things like that they aren't offended or take it personal, but that's just how my mind works.


    I think we all have our doubts at times.

  5. Is John Deacon touring with them now? Last I recall he never had anything to do with the Paul Rogers version or any reunion tours.


    The band that is touring now features "Queen and Brian Lambert" It mentions May and Taylor but no Deacon.

    Rogers was 05-08

    They are at the MGM in Vegas.

  6. What I was trying to get across....

    My faith and my prayer life are a big part of who I am. I will never force it on others.


    However, I am all about accommodating others and making people feel comfortable. That said, I wil likely not be myself around agnostic people, because I would be afraid that I would say something that would make them feel uncomfortable.


    Do you worry that they may make you feel uncomfortable? Treat it like discussing politics or sex. The 3 of them are considered taboo to discuss, yet we always do.

    I agree no need to preach (except the church tells us to spread our faith) but I'd not go out of may way to not discuss it.

  7. So no one who has been executed was ever innocent?


    I've often wondered this myself. While I'm sure there may have been isolated cases where a person was put to death but did not commit that particular crime, but my guess is they also had a laundry list of other convictions, history of violent crimes, etc.

  8. My niece was a pretty good High school soccer player. She Was asked to play on a club team and if she did 'she would play in college'. But she would have to forfeit playing for her HS team.

    She did not want to give up the High School experience.

    Ended up playing at Transy for a year than went to UK and played on their club team for a year, than decided it wasn't worth it and gave up the game.

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