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Posts posted by TAC

  1. Filled up at the Speedway in Alexandria for $2.96 thinking that would be the norm.


    Drove two miles farther north and gas was $2.82.


    Thinking I must have just missed a price adjustment, I noted on the return trip that those price differentials were still in effect.


    Go Figure!!!


    Get the app 'Gas buddy' that someone on here told me about.

  2. I'd hit up an Ivy league school for sure.

    Notre Dame, Alabama for football

    Duke, UNC, Kansas for hoops (I've already seen UK)


    I've seen Pepperdine and it's all its cracked up to be. Been to UCLA, odd campus.


    If you want to see some really cool campuses you can look into the D2 route as well. Seton Hill in PA was spectacular. Belmont Abbey in SC was fantastic as well. Small private schools funded by religious orders are often very nice.

  3. Allen is a bad man, but he's not a Calipari-era UK player. If Cal's people want him it's only so that nobody else can have him. Not saying there's no possible way he would ever eventually get clock, but they don't have any intention of giving it to him. And whatever he may say, Dontaie's not naive, he understands this. Just objectively, no personal bias to speak of, he's not skilled enough to play shooting guard at the level Cal expects, and he's too short to play power forward. And as good as he is I just can't see him getting time at small forward with people the caliber of Kelon Johnson and Reid Travis (for example) hanging around. The last Kentucky-born player to do so was Darius Miller who was three inches taller with worlds better ball-handling. They have already signed D.J. Jefferies the #10 small forward in that class and they are in talks with four other small forwards ranked in the top 10. Allen is currently #52 just for that position, overall he's in the 200s. Dontaie will be a good grab for most of the teams out there, and even at most of the ones where he wouldn't he could still settle into a nice contribution role, but for a program on Kentucky's level, of which there are at most a couple dozen, he would just be chaff to the wheat of the blue chip, five star, recruits. Cauley-Stein and Harrellson only pulled it off because they were both as big as a darn hotel, and as Enzo Amore would say "you can't teach that!"


    Well said. No argument from me. Only seen him play once. Loved his game, but not sure he would play right away for UK.

  4. I left the big banks for a local credit union about ten years ago and couldn't be happier. I can't provide solid proof that they have the customers best I terests in mind but it sure seems that way. Getting a loan is as simple as walking in and walking out about 30 minutes later with cash or a check in hand. My experience with big banks typically involved a much more drawn out process that could take days to complete.


    Also my debit card was compromised a few months ago and there were some charges that came out of my account from restaurants in Las Vegas. They noticed that my card was being used here in Ashland as well as Las Vegas on the same day and had me come in and fill out a fraud packet, once I did that they credited my account immediately. I imagine that process would have been a hastle at one of the big banks.


    My bank noticed a charge at a Home Depot in Texas where the numbers were hand written, not swiped. Called me to ask me if i made the charge. Told them no, they cancelled the card and overnighted me a new one.

    Used a credit union years ago, never had and issue, current one based out of LA so I don’t use it.

  5. Very happy for the lad. One of my favorite 2014 players. Loved his charisma and his game. Jr. Squared up against him on his first game eligible as a junior and I got the see him again at the all star tryouts. Loved how he worked the Rowe and the coaches. Easy to like the young man.

  6. My brother always tells the story of getting Marty's autograph while at a KY. Colonels game. They were talking with someone and they told him Marty would one day be a big time sportscaster. Guess that guy was right.

    I've seen Marty out and always very polite and willing to sign anything for a kid. I'm good with him on the radio.

  7. Have to admit if it wasnt for BGP, I wouldnt know 2 nickles of whats going on with World Cup. Havent heard a peep about it from any other media sources in weeks.


    There have been some great memes and even training videos out there that have made me smile.

  8. The reports on this sound as if he used the term in reference to someone or a group of people as an epithet. But when reading what he actually said, it seems like he is pointing out that someone else used the term, Colonel Sanders, and did not face negative consequences to his business. The problem is that he used the full term when reporting what Sanders actually said. However, he doesn't actually use the term himself in reference to anyone.


    Isn't that a substantive difference? At the very least, this difference should be reported.


    Depends on what news source you read. I saw where it was used in a role play situation? Either way not good in today's world.

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