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Posts posted by corndog23

  1. Not necessarily. UK fans being "passionate" and all, this would fall under a "crime of passion," much like when a wife shoots her cheating husband.

    You're reaching Jim. We know you hate UK and think we are all crazy. Im fine with that. But calling us murderers because UK loses a ball game, AKA cheats on its wife, is just silly.

  2. I know this is going to be a shock but sometimes officials don't make the right calls. :ohbrother::ohbrother: As I stated this was not just about Cousins. I think there were several potential ejections. Swop was not one of them.



    By the way I will look up rule # BR5469 in my NCAA Basketball Officials Rule Book and get back to you. :p


    Tell me what warranted an ejection??? There was NO elbow. It was a shove, after a KNEE TO THE FACE. Talk about blinders...my goodness.

  3. I have zero worries about Calapari as head coach of my State University. The Rose situation was handled completely wrong by the NCAA and the ruling will be overturned IMHO. Memphis will get their wins back, and as a result, Coach will get his final 4 back. The Umass situation, im not sure you guys are aware of this, was reported to the NCAA by CALAPARI HIMSELF. Camby was an idiot, took money from an agent, Cal turns the University in...I have no worries AT ALL with Coach Cal.

  4. I did say that.....I also don't necessarily care...but a hard elbow to the face, and a baby stomp to the stomach are two completely different things. Now, my memory is super fresh on this, but did the refs in the Duke game have the replays at their disposal? Not sure.


    Right, because we ALL are thinking more clearly and rationally in a heated basketball game when we take a knee to the face. My goodness...

  5. Guess, I am a thug punk......hahahahah


    I guess I am also a punk according to deuce because I get ticked off when I get a knee to the face also. Bottom line is this was a hot contest from the beginning. It all started when one of your genius former players wrote John Wall sucks on a t-shirt he autographed. No pre game handshakes from the UL guys is pretty classy also. Shoving in the tunnel and the Bledsoe/Delk jawing set up the incident with Cuz and Swop. Cuz takes a knee to the face, shoves a forearm at Swop, technicals all around, correct calls made, no fistfight, game goes on. You guys calling Cuz a punk and a thug have obviously never met the guy in person either. Just watch the video of him interviewing all the people on the streets of New York. You'll see the real big Cuz.

  6. No way Norv Turner. That team is loaded, they should win and in a weak division. This is the only year under Turner they have not been disappointing.


    It is either Caldwell just because it is his first year or Marvin Lewis.


    What do past failures under Turner have to do with this season? The Colts and Saints are loaded also but you don't hold that against their coaches. Anyway, my vot goes to Marvin Lewis with Norv Turner a close second.

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