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Posts posted by PureFan

  1. I believe that GC is a team heavy laden with a senior class that is talented and strong. If they keep their heads, Coach Copley could have a nice year with this group. I am not sure what they have coming after this year, but this should be a good year in Musketeer land.


    That is what we are hoping for!! The boys have really worked hard this off season and we have big expectations!

  2. I was paddled in the 4th grade for reading a library book that I had hidden inside my history book. Doesn't sound like that serious of an offense, right? But, the teacher had instructed us to read our history books...


    Now I am amazed at the things that go on in the classroom. Calling the teacher names, insubordination, destruction of school property, fighting, etc. Bring back the paddle!!!

  3. You going to provide any substantive info or just pop in for a one liner every once in a while?:popcorn:


    :dancingpa Glad to be back talking Football on BGP (I never stop in real life!!) I hope Raceland has a great year! (except for September 10, of course.)

  4. I heard Dustin Stout was moving to Raceland. If this is true GCHS is losing a stud tailback.


    And it starts...(lol) Since the ice has been broken I will jump right in there...All of the members of last year's "transfer-gate" are back at Greenup County and a large part of our 20 member Senior class have played together since their early JFL days.

  5. Finally a Greenup County thread. The boys are looking great for spring practice. Excellent numbers! The numbers they have put up in the weight room this winter have been awesome. With the addition of some new players we now have 20+ Seniors. The bulk of them having played together since their JFL days. Can't wait for next Friday Night!!!!

  6. I understand the point being made by Hearsay...BUT when there is a clear indication of guilt, DNA evidence, confession, etc. Let's just brand them in the middle of their foreheads as a warning to others....

  7. I don't get the "better weather" argument. Heck yesterday it was 50 degrees and sunny. Perfect weather. Suppose to be in the 50's all next week.


    And I am sure the boys will warm up real fast!! Greenup County will start this coming Thursday.


    The addition to the language allowing a school some discretion in scheduling Spring Practice sounds fine to me. I am just glad that it is finally here!

  8. Congrats to Greenup :thumb:

    I believe Boyd also placed in some type of national competition ?


    Could someone more knowledgeable explain to me how these cheer leading competitions work ? Give me an idea of how the tournaments are set up ? And most importantly, does anyone know roughly how many teams will win a national title of some sort this year ?


    I've always wondered why the cheer leaders didn't do it like other sports. State championships based on school size ?


    UCA is the gold standard for Cheerleading competitions. They have been in existence for 30 years. The squads compete in various categories. Such as small varsity, medium varsity, large varsity, super varsity, coed, etc. This is based on how many girls are on a squad. So a school with 10 cheerleaders does not compete against a school with 30 cheerleaders. Most schools must compete and win in a regional or state tourney in order to advance to nationals. I believe there were 18 different classes this year. (over 400 squads from all across the country.) The UCA National High School Cheerleading Competition is the only one aired by ESPN. It is usually on tv sometime in April. Check out UCA.Varsity.com for more information.

  9. The Greenup County Varsity Cheerleaders won the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Florida today. Congratulations to all these fine young women, their families and their coaches. This is number 13 for Greenup!



    I would also like to recognize Boyd County who took second place in their Division.


    Congratulations to all!

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