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Hoot Gibson

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Everything posted by Hoot Gibson

  1. Quayle won. Palin lost her bid to be vice-president. Do you recall the family or relative of a prospective son-in-law of a losing candidate being targeted to undermine the political career of a losing VP candidate?
  2. Kudos to you for recognizing an opinion when you read one - whether you agree with it or not! :thumb:
  3. Win or lose, he will not be my Senator. It's a shame that a beautiful state like Minnesota is inhabited with the kind of morons who consider Al Franken worthy of any elected office.
  4. Finally, something on which we can agree. :lol: I have read Flynn's first seven books and have downloaded Act of Treason. IMO, Flynn's books would make a good series of movies.
  5. No, the preemptive strikes on Sara Palin are unprecedented, at least in my lifetime.
  6. Americans have no God-given right to decide what other nations want to do with their own natural resources, nor do other nations have the right to dictate how we choose to manage our own natural resources. The "many scientists agree" line is indicative of the phony concept of scientific consensus that has given us the manmade global warming hoax. If a cure for AIDS or other human disease is not found, then our species will survive. AIDS is almost 100% preventable through simple changes in human behavior. As for the loss of biodiversity, would you feel the same if you lived in an Indian village where tigers periodically dined on your neighbors? Are we really in a moral position to demand that the natural habitat of Bengal tigers be preserved in another nation if doing so results in the continued loss of human life to tiger attacks? Like I said above, if American taxpayers want to pay nations like Brazil to place their natural resources off limits to development, then we should know what the costs, benefits, and risks are and compensate the Brazilians for their loss. Alernatively, the US could simply use its military might and begin building a new empire, targeting only those countries who we believe are mismanaging their own natural resources.
  7. The mainstream media acted as unpaid members of Obama's staff to allow him to win the presidency. They are simply reminding him of the reason he will soon become POTUS and what they expect of him.
  8. Most would take the comment as an opinion. Most posts made here consist of opinions, including most of your own posts. It's what we do here. Franken is a dishonest, disgusting weasel of a man and if he manages to eek out a win in heavily Democratic Minnesota, then I will not easily be convinced of the legitimacy of the victory. Instead of being a crooked has-been comedy writer, he will just become another crooked liberal US Senator. Franken will feel right at home.
  9. Stop distorting my posts. I never said that Franken was or was not following Minnesota law.
  10. That and my extraordinary ability to judge character based on a candidate's life history.
  11. I never said that Franken has done anything outside of state law. I cannot be certain that Franken has broken any laws (aside from the tax laws of several states) and you have no way of knowing the he broke none. Minnesota is a bright blue state and the deck is stacked against Coleman. Thousands of judgments are being made on contested ballots, and it is not surprising that those decisions are being made disproportionately in Franken's favor.
  12. We may have a vested interest in how other countries treat the environment and in extreme circumstances their actions could conceivably constitute acts of war. Clearing rain forests for development and agriculture falls far short of an act of war, IMO.
  13. Part of the reason Bush was able to win in 2004 was the sad sack candidate the Democrats nominated to run against him. If the Republicans nominate another Democrat-lite candidate in 2012 to run against whoever is president, then they will deserve to lose again.
  14. I never claimed to know you at all. I am relieved to learn that you are not a liberal. I am looking forward to joining forces with you in debates involving our common conservative beliefs. :thumb:
  15. Great progress. In the old days, a reporter who embarrassed his president would have been tossed from the roof of a tall building, after being tortured and deprived of an appendage or two. Hopefully, the young reporter's friends will tell him how lucky he is to be alive.
  16. That is quite a leap in logic to make from the actions of one church. You might as well use the Rev. Fred Phelps as the cause of declining church attendance.
  17. If you can't beat 'em, rob 'em. If anybody thought the Democratic Party really cared about fair and honest elections, I give you exhibits A and B - ACORN and Stuart Little.
  18. The rain forests of the Amazon do not belong to us. If American taxpayers want a say in what happens in countries that own the rainforests, then our government should buy some acreage. Until that happens, what happens to the rainforests as the indigenous people strive to raise their standard of living is none of our business.
  19. :thumb: My current car has 200,000 miles + on it and I typically get more than 250,000 miles on cars before scrapping them.
  20. Paper and ink required for generating revenue is cheap. In a few years, 2.8 trillion dollars may not even be a good starting salary for a high school drop out.
  21. Even CNN meteorologists are now questioning manmade global warming. What lessons will liberals take from falling victim to this hoax?
  22. If Obama and the liberals get their way and push through a trillion dollar "stimulus package," and inflation does not raise its ugly head before the end of Obama's administration, then I will retract all of the mean and nasty things that I have ever said about liberals. On the other hand, if printing an unlimited amount of money results in soaring inflation, as has happened every other time such tactics were employed, then I hope liberals such as yourself will reevaluate the wisdom of their position on the political spectrum. Maybe we can discuss this issue further in a soup line sometime.
  23. I probably agree with Ron Paul on more issues than any other candidate. Unfortunately, his positions on illegal immigration and the war against Islamic fundamentalists strike me as extremely nutty and outright dangerous. However, on economic matters, fiscal policy, and matters of personal liberty, Ron Paul is the closest thing to Ronald Reagan since Ronald Reagan.
  24. :lol: I'm not bothered at all. I agree with you quite often, I just do not always trumpet that fact to the world. :lol: I work with a guy who follows the Paleo diet very strictly. I would give it a try myself if I could get my family to get on board. The premise of the diet is that the longer particular foods have been in the human diet, the better because our bodies evolve to digest foods. Grains, legumes, refined sugar, etc. are to be avoided, along with anything else that entered our diet after the agricultural revolution.
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