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Hoot Gibson

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Everything posted by Hoot Gibson

  1. Sorry, Hatz, but I know too much about the current economic situation to see the humor in it. You know what they say - a recession is when your neighbor loses his job but a depression is when you lose yours. I am still working but fewer than 5 hours of my time has been billable since mid-October. I am anticipating major changes at work next month. The S & L failures were a sneeze. What we are looking at today is a persistent cough following exposure to plutonium - and the doctor has prescribed radiation therapy for treatment. At least that's what it looks like from here. :scared:
  2. I am just taking the man at his word. Bush is pursuing the economic policies that Obama has blessed and pledged to continue. Any student of history should understand the danger of a central government sinking its hooks into all sectors of the economy. The American people are beginning to lose confidence in our economy and our currency. If Obama implements his policies then we will see deflation followed by inflation and will be lucky if hyperinflation does not follow. BTW, I like how you criticized me for attacking Obama without acknowledging my criticism of the Bushes and Clintons. The last president who seemed to truly believe in a free market economy and a limited bureaucracy was Ronald Reagan. IMO, GWB's response to the recession is far more disappointing than anything Obama will do. I know that Obama is a socialist who sees our economic woes as a golden opportunity but Bush's actions have ensured that the Republican Party will be blamed for what is about to befall us the same way that Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression. You cannot save capitalism by abandoning it.
  3. In multiple threads in this forum, I have consistently ranked GWB and Bill Clinton as average presidents. The impending economic collapse will tarnish both men's legacies, along with Bush I's, IMO. The strong leadership that Bush showed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 has gone AWOL in the current economic crisis. Bush has shown no courage and no leadership in dealing with the problem. Instead, he has run the white flag up the pole and abandoned the free market entirely. The Bush-Clinton-Obama years will live in infamy, assuming that our nation ever recovers from the looting being done by our so-called national leaders.
  4. You can put lipstick on a pig but he is still a pig. No amount of time will ever pass that will make Jimmy Carter's presidency look good - and it has nothing to do with his political affiliation. I feel the same way about Nixon. I know that a lot of Republicans are fond of saying that Nixon did a good job except for getting caught up in the Watergate scandal. IMO, Nixon's failures far outweighed his successes.
  5. Pulled pork sandwiches slow cooked, hickory smoked, and smothered with barbecue sauce and creamy cole slaw. Good homemade chili is also tough to beat.
  6. Aside from the medical conscience rule, I really have not followed them. In general, I do not think much of late, late term acts by lame duck presidents. If something was worth doing, then it was worth spending political capital on earlier in the term. One of my biggest disappointments with Bush has been his failure to grant pardons to the two border agents who shot a big time drug smuggler. IMO, there is no excuse for those two guys to still be in prison and Bush will look like a political coward now if he grants them pardons.
  7. I agree and I see no reason that history is every likely to smile on Jimmy Carter. As for Nixon, the older I have grown and more thought I have given his administration, the worst president I have come to believe he was. IMO, Nixon was a disaster of a president even without the Watergate scandal staining his presidency. His handling of the abandonment of Vietnam and misguided efforts to bring inflation under control were among his biggest failings.
  8. Scientific "consensus" is not science at all. It is what politicians resort to when scientists lack the evidence to support government actions. I never said or implied any such thing. If natural cures exist in some small part of a jungle that is cleared for a hospital, home, or school, then it is not the end of the world. Thanks to technology developed through mostly capitalist enterprises, molecules are designed and built by our pharmaceutical companies on a regular basis. Indian tigers are an Indian problem. If their government wants our help to preserve Bengal tigers, then that is quite different than imposing our will upon a sovereign nation. I agree to a large extent. Cooperation in solving global environmental problems is a worthy endeavor. However, if a nation does not wish to preserve the rain forests, tigers, or spotted frogs within its borders, then we should respect that nation's sovereign rights.
  9. Me too. I guess other UK fans are as bored with Billy-ball and its cupcake diet as I am.
  10. The vultures of the Obama campaign and national media descended on Wasilla and Juneau well before the Palins made the boyfriend's name public. Blaming Sarah Palin for the media's continuous politically motivated mud-slinging assaults is ridiculous.
  11. Why pay full price for a ticket and drive to Louisville to watch one decent team beat up on a have-not?
  12. I recall UK paying to back out of at least one of its commitments (UNASS) since the arrival of the savior of UK basketball, Coach Billy Clyde Gillispie, in order to weaken a schedule that was put together by Tubby Smith. As for who is responsible for most of the cream puffs on the Wildcats' schedule this season, I am not sure. At 8-3, the current schedule apparently is challenging enough for Coach Gillispie and the current crop of 'Cats. I have never been this bored with Kentucky basketball. My prediction is that Kentucky will win easily, as expected when a team with top 25 talent plays a team with sub-200 talent. Big halftime margin followed by a dull second half marked by individual players padding their stats against a weak opponent.
  13. Today's article in the Star-Tribune does a pretty good job of explaining the status of the recount and the dim prospects that a clear winner will emerge any time soon. Today's article in the Star-Tribune does a pretty good job of explaining the status of the recount and the dim prospects that a clear winner will emerge any time soon. The Recount: No hanging chads, but plenty of hang-ups An end to the recount seems so close, yet resolving the issue of rejected absentee ballots is far off. By PAT DOYLE and MIKE KASZUBA, Star Tribune I've had several college courses recently that either included information literacy in the course content or actually were an information literacy course taught by library faculty. Based on what I learned in those courses in terms of source evaluation, I have to say that the alamo-girl site is actually a very poor source. It appears to be a poorly formatted compilation of excerpts of media reports. If it was mainly from the actual Congressional Record, why not link directly (or at least include links) to the relevant pages of the record? There also happens to be the issue, in terms of evaluating the source, that it freely admits to having a bias; that may still be useful in a primary source, but this is a collection of quotations from secondary sources. In short, I'd be very cautious if I were to consider citing the alamo-girl site in any of my school work (don't think that's politically based; I would be just as cautious with a similar site having a similar bias against George W. Bush). With just two weeks left before a new Congress convenes, Minnesota's Senate recount has reached Florida-grade levels of confusion and controversy. Want proof? On Wednesday, State Supreme Court Justice Paul Anderson bristled at a lawyer's comparison of Minnesota's situation to the famous presidential recount meltdown in the Sunshine State. By Thursday, Anderson was dissenting from his own court's recount ruling and noting as a bright spot his belief that the court's order is only a "preliminary skirmish" in "an extended legal contest." Thursday was Dec. 18. Florida's agony in 2000 had ended on Dec. 12. While the campaigns of Sen. Norm Coleman and Al Franken talk of cooperation, they are engaging in court fights over votes that will almost certainly further delay any decision.
  14. With the possible exception of last season, this is the weakest pre-SEC schedule that I can recall UK playing. At least the 'Cats are winning most of the games that they are supposed to win.
  15. You are wrong. This country is much cleaner now than it was a few decades ago. Most of the pollution produced in this country is produced in urban, industrial areas. Our cities are far cleaner now than they were when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, as anybody who grew up in or near a large American city or traveled the country much over the past thirty to fifty years will tell you. The cleanup began in the 70s after the establishment of the EPA in 1970.
  16. So that was what what you were trying to do! No, I didn't. That is why the logic of your follow-up questions failed. Stating an opinion that a politician is trying to steal an election does not require proof that a state election law has been broken. If you are going to demand that others support their opinions beyond reasonable doubt, then rest assured, others will expect the same of you. :thumb: What more can one ask than to be understood by fellow BGP members? :lol:
  17. Me too. I am not advocating any intervention - just pointing out that if we expect other countries to act against their own economic interests then they should reasonably expect compensation. The best way to ensure a cleaner environment around the world is to nurture democracy and capitalism. Prosperous western democracies have a much more impressive environmental record than backward nations with oppressive governments.
  18. Tubby's fourth straight win over a Pitino-coached team. At some point, people will begin to realize that Tubby is a great coach who wins the games he is supposed to win and wins other games when his teams are badly out manned. Did Louisville ever lead in this game?
  19. Thank you for that explanation. For some reason, I thought that the $750 million dollars that Obama raised (the source of much of which remains unknown) and all of the free, positive media coverage might have been a factor in the outcome of the election. Silly me. Republicans really did not give voters much of a choice either. McCain would have made a solid Democratic candidate.
  20. What was unique about this election was the brazen partisanship displayed by the mainstream media. All pretense of objective reporting was discarded. Unfortunately, the media has also decided to start the 2012 Obama reelection campaign four years early. BTW, you did not answer my question. Do you recall similar politically-motivated media attacks on any previous losing VP candidate's family or friends after the election?
  21. You should spend more time on topic and less time critiquing other members' posts. If you have evidence of Franken's honesty, then present it. There is ample evidence that he is a liar at best, a crook at worst. If, because of his liberal political beliefs you want to believe Franken and the Minnesota Democrats are interested in having every vote counted only once, then that is certainly your right. I choose to take Franken's character flaws into account myself and there is no danger that I will "back down" from my opinion that Franken will take a Senate seat by hook or crook. Do you have anything substantive to add?
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